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Connection Events

Mark Paluch edited this page Jun 9, 2021 · 8 revisions

Before 3.4/4.1

lettuce can notify its users of certain events:

  • Connected

  • Disconnected

  • Exceptions in the connection handler pipeline

You can subscribe to these events using RedisClient#addListener() and unsubscribe with RedisClient.removeListener(). Both methods accept a RedisConnectionStateListener.

RedisConnectionStateListener receives as connection the async implementation of the connection. This means if you use a sync way (e. g. RedisConnection) you will receive the RedisAsyncConnectionImpl instance


RedisClient client = new RedisClient(host, port);
client.addListener(new RedisConnectionStateListener()
    public void onRedisConnected(RedisChannelHandler<?, ?> connection)

    public void onRedisDisconnected(RedisChannelHandler<?, ?> connection)

    public void onRedisExceptionCaught(RedisChannelHandler<?, ?> connection, Throwable cause)


Since 3.4/4.1

The client produces events during its operation and uses an event bus for the transport. The EventBus can be configured and obtained from the client resources and is used for client- and custom events.

Following events are sent by the client:

  • Connection events

  • Metrics events

  • Cluster topology events

Subscribing to events

The simple-most approach to subscribing to the client events is obtaining the event bus from the client’s client resources.

RedisClient client = RedisClient.create()
EventBus eventBus = client.getresources().eventBus();

eventBus.get().subscribe(e -> System.out.println(event));


Calls to the subscribe() method will return a Subscription. If you plan to unsubscribe from the event stream, you can do so by calling the Subscription.unsubscribe() method. The event bus utilizes RxJava and the Reactive API to transport events from the publisher to its subscribers.

A thread of the computation thread pool (can be configured using client resources) transports the events.

Connection events

When working with events, multiple events occur. These can be used to monitor connections or react to these. Connection events transport the local and the remote connection points. The regular order of connection events is:

  1. Connected: The transport-layer connection is established (TCP or Unix Domain Socket connection established). Event type: ConnectedEvent

  2. Connection activated: The logical connection is activated and can be used to dispatch Redis commands (SSL handshake complete, PING before activating response received). Event type: ConnectionActivatedEvent

  3. Disconnected: The transport-layer connection is closed/reset. That event occurs on regular connection shutdowns and connection interruptions (outage). Event type: DisconnectedEvent

  4. Connection deactivated: The logical connection is deactivated. The internal processing state is reset and the isOpen() flag is set to false That event occurs on regular connection shutdowns and connection interruptions (outage). Event type: ConnectionDeactivatedEvent

  5. Since 5.3: Reconnect failed: A reconnect attempt failed. Contains the reconnect failure and and the retry counter. Event type: ReconnectFailedEvent

Metrics events

Client command metrics is published using the event bus. The current event carries command latency metrics. Latency metrics is segregated by connection or server and command which means you can get detailed statistics on every command. Connection distinction allows seeing how particular connections perform. Server distinction how particular servers perform. You can configure metrics collection using client resources.

In detail, two command latencies are recorded:

  1. RTT from dispatching the command until the first command response is processed (first response)

  2. RTT from dispatching the command until the full command response is processed and at the moment the command is completed (completion)

The latency metrics provide following statistics:

  • Number of commands

  • min latency

  • max latency

  • latency percentiles

First Response Latency

The first response latency measuring begins at the moment the command sending begins (command flush on the netty event loop). That is not the time at when at which the command was issued from the client API. The latency time recording ends at the moment the client receives the first command bytes and starts to process the command response. Both conditions must be met to end the latency recording. The client could be busy with processing the previous command while the first bytes are already available to read. That scenario would be a good time to file an issue for improving the client performance. The first response latency value is good to determine the lag/network performance and can give a hint on the client and server performance.

Completion Latency

The completion latency begins at the same time as the first response latency but lasts until the time where the client is just about to call the complete() method to signal command completion. That means all command response bytes arrived and were decoded/processed, and the response data structures are ready for consumption for the user of the client. On completion callback duration (such as async or observable callbacks) are not part of the completion latency.

Cluster events

When using Redis Cluster, you might want to know when the cluster topology changes. As soon as the cluster client discovers the cluster topology change, a ClusterTopologyChangedEvent event is published to the event bus. The time at which the event is published is not necessarily the time the topology change occurred. That is because the client polls the topology from the cluster.

The cluster topology changed event carries the topology view before and after the change.

Make sure, you enabled cluster topology refresh in the Client options.

Java Flight Recorder Events (since 6.1)

Lettuce emits Connection and Cluster events as Java Flight Recorder events. EventBus emits all events to EventRecorder and the actual event bus.

EventRecorder verifies whether your runtime provides the required JFR classes (available as of JDK 8 update 262 or later) and if so, then it creates Flight Recorder variants of the event and commits these to JFR.

The following events are supported out of the box:

Redis Connection Events

  • Connection Attempt

  • Connect, Disconnect, Connection Activated, Connection Deactivated

  • Reconnect Attempt and Reconnect Failed

Redis Cluster Events

  • Topology Refresh initiated

  • Topology Changed

  • ASK and MOVED redirects

Redis Master/Replica Events

  • Sentinel Topology Refresh initiated

  • Master/Replica Topology Changed

Events come with a rich set of event attributes such as channelId, epId (endpoint Id), Redis URI and many more.

You can record data by starting your application with:

java -XX:StartFlightRecording:filename=recording.jfr,duration=10s …

You can disable JFR events use through system properties. Set io.lettuce.core.jfr to false.

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