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Getting started

M Sazzadul Hoque edited this page Sep 14, 2022 · 37 revisions

Getting Started

Installing Jedis

In order to have Jedis as a dependency in your application you can:

Use the jar files

Download the latest Jedis and Apache Commons Pool2 jars from or any other maven repository.

Build from source

This gives you the most recent version.

Clone the GitHub project.

That is very easy, on the command line you just need to: git clone git://

Build from GitHub

Before you package it using maven, you have to pass the tests. To run the tests and package, run make package.

Configure a Maven dependency

Jedis is also distributed as a Maven Dependency through Sonatype. To configure that just add the following XML snippet to your pom.xml file.


Basic usage example

using Jedis in a multithreaded environment

You shouldn't use the same instance from different threads because you'll have strange errors. And sometimes creating lots of Jedis instances is not good enough because it means lots of sockets and connections, which leads to strange errors as well. A single Jedis instance is not threadsafe! To avoid these problems, you should use JedisPool, which is a threadsafe pool of network connections. You can use the pool to reliably create several Jedis instances, given you return the Jedis instance to the pool when done. This way you can overcome those strange errors and achieve great performance.

To use it, init a pool:

JedisPool pool = new JedisPool(new JedisPoolConfig(), "localhost");

You can store the pool somewhere statically, it is thread-safe.

JedisPoolConfig includes a number of helpful Redis-specific connection pooling defaults. JedisPool is based on Commons Pool 2, so you may want to have a look at Commons Pool's configuration. Please see for more details.

You use it by:

/// Jedis implements Closeable. Hence, the jedis instance will be auto-closed after the last statement.
try (Jedis jedis = pool.getResource()) {
  /// ... do stuff here ... for example
  jedis.set("foo", "bar");
  String foobar = jedis.get("foo");
  jedis.zadd("sose", 0, "car"); jedis.zadd("sose", 0, "bike"); 
  Set<String> sose = jedis.zrange("sose", 0, -1);
/// ... when closing your application:

If you can't use try-with-resource, you can still enjoy with Jedis.close().

Jedis jedis = null;
try {
  jedis = pool.getResource();
  /// ... do stuff here ... for example
  jedis.set("foo", "bar");
  String foobar = jedis.get("foo");
  jedis.zadd("sose", 0, "car"); jedis.zadd("sose", 0, "bike"); 
  Set<String> sose = jedis.zrange("sose", 0, -1);
} finally {
  // You have to close jedis object. If you don't close then
  // it doesn't release back to pool and you can't get a new
  // resource from pool.
  if (jedis != null) {
/// ... when closing your application:

If Jedis was borrowed from pool, it will be returned to pool with proper method since it already determines there was JedisConnectionException occurred. If Jedis wasn't borrowed from pool, it will be disconnected and closed.

Setting up master/slave distribution

enable replication

Redis is primarily built for master/slave distribution. This means that write requests have to be explicitly addressed to the master (a redis server), which replicates changes to slaves (which are also redis servers). Read requests then can be (but must not necessarily) addressed to the slaves, which alleviates the master.

You use the master as shown above. In order to enable replication, there are two ways to tell a slave it will be "slaveOf" a given master:

  • Specify it in the respective section in the Redis Config file of the redis server

  • on a given jedis instance (see above), call the slaveOf method and pass IP (or "localhost") and port as argument:

jedis.slaveof("localhost", 6379);  //  if the master is on the same PC which runs your code
jedis.slaveof("", 6379); 

Note: since Redis 2.6 slaves are read only by default, so write requests to them will result in an error.

If you change that setting they will behave like normal redis servers and accept write requests without errors, but the changes won't be replicated, and hence those changes are at risk to be silently overwritten, if you mix up your jedis instances.

disable replication / upon failing master, promote a slave

In case your master goes down, you may want to promote a slave to be the new master. You should first (try to) disable replication of the offline master first, then, in case you have several slaves, enable replication of the remaining slaves to the new master:

slave2jedis.slaveof("", 6379);