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Advanced School Schedule and Attendance Tracking Application

Complete solution for managing an educational institution

Software versions:

  • Ruby 3.2.2

  • Rails 7.0.4

  • PostgreSQL 14.6

  • Redis

  • Node JS 16

  • Yarn 1.22

Start project

  1. Set up local environment (Ruby, etc.)
  2. Download or clone a repository
  3. Run bundler and yarn to install required gems and dependencies
$ bundle install
$ yarn
  1. Create .env file by example .env.example
$ cp .env.example .env

If necessary, you can run PostgreSQL and Redis locally using Docker

Make sure you are using Docker Compose V2

% docker compose version
Docker Compose version v2.3.3

(service.yml configured to run PostgreSQL)

$ docker compose -f services.yml up -d
  1. Create and set up a database for the project
$ rails db:prepare
  1. Start project
$ bin/dev

The project is available at the link http://localhost:3000/

This is an educational practice from the course Ruby on Rails 6: Startup MVP: School Attendance Tracking App by Yaroslav Shmarov