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Vault Test Setup

Goal of this Setup is to test configuration for an productive instance.



Vault Server

Relevant Notes from Docker Hub

  • to use the image in a productive way the server command shall be called followed by the arguments provided to the vault server executable
  • /vault/logs, to use for writing persistent audit logs. By default nothing is written here; the file audit backend must be enabled with a path under this directory.
  • /vault/file, to use for writing persistent storage data when using the file data storage plugin. By default nothing is written here (a dev server uses an in-memory data store); the file data storage backend must be enabled in Vault's configuration before the container is started.

Gitlab Setup

Enable JWT.

vault auth enable jwt

Configure JWT

vault write auth/jwt/config jwks_url="" bound_issuer="" jwks_ca_pem=@certs\gitlab-cert.pem

Vault Client

GitLab Server

Note: The external_url also reconfigures the nginx port if not overridden. You should be especially aware of this if you try to remap default ports with ports to your convenience and provide the external port in external_url.

Image Source

Download the image from Docker Hub.

docker pull hashicorp/vault


Docker Compose

  docker-compose -f <file> up

GitLab Runner via local Docker

This is my first and currently discarded attempt.

docker run --name gitlab-runner --rm -e "CA_CERTIFICATES_PATH=/certs/ca-cert.pem" -v .\certs\ca-cert.pem:/certs/ca-cert.pem:ro  -v .\gitlab-runner-home:/home/gitlab-runner -v .\gitlab-runner-config:/etc/gitlab-runner gitlab/gitlab-runner:latest

Latest attempt is to run an Ubuntu VM providing Docker.


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