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#XSockets.NET - WebRTC API

This repo contains JavaScript API's of the XSockets.NET WebRTC implementations.


In order to be able to use the XSockets.NET PeerBroker and the WebRTC JavaScript API's of ours you need to install XSockets.NET into your application. Since you are going to have a web-application we recomend you to use MVC, but it is up to you.

Install XSockets.NET Realtime framework into your Visual Studio solution by using the [Nuget][2] package.

Open the Package Manager console and type the following command.

PM> Install-Package XSockets.Sample.WebRTC

To learn more about the WebRTC API, read the API-Guide below

##Supported platforms

###Server system requirements Our WebRTC experiment requires a XSockets.NET generation 4.0 server setup. The connection broker code provided is written and designed to run on XSockets.NET version 4.x.

You can get XSockets.NET for free as a developer using Nuget. Read more about XSockets.NET 4.0 at

The code connection broker can be found in the XSockest.NET WebRTC repo

###Client support

Chrome, Opera & Firefox

All functionality (RTCPeerConnection, MediaStreams and RTCDataChannels) works cross-browsers (according to the list above)

##JavaScript API - Documentation

Here follows a brief description of the JavaScript API.

###Create a PeerConnection In order to create a PeerConnection (XSockets.WebRTC) you need a PeerBroker to broker connections.

var conn = new XSockets.WebSocket("ws://", ["connectionbroker"]);

var broker = conn.controller("connectionbroker");
    broker.onopen = function () {
    rtc = new XSockets.WebRTC(broker);

####Configuration (Customize)

By passing a custom configuration into the ctor of the XSockets.WebRTC(broker,configuration) you can easily modify the iceServers, sdpConstraints and streamConstraints and parameters. You can also provide a set of expressions (sdpExpressions) that will be abale to intercept the SDP messages. #####default configuration

"iceServers": [{
    "url": ""
"sdpConstraints": {
    "optional": [],
    "mandatory": {
        "OfferToReceiveAudio": true,
        "OfferToReceiveVideo": true
"streamConstraints": {
    "mandatory": {},
    "optional": []
"sdpExpressions": []


Example modified iceServers & streamConstraints
var rtc = new XSockets.WebRTC(broker, {
iceServers: [{
    url: ''
streamConstraints: {
    optional: [{
        'bandwidth': 500

// Will give you the following result;

"iceServers": [{
    "url": ""
"sdpConstraints": {
    "optional": [],
    "mandatory": {
        "OfferToReceiveAudio": true,
        "OfferToReceiveVideo": true
"streamConstraints": {
    "optional": [{
        "bandwidth": 500
"sdpExpressions": []



This expression parses and modifies the sdp and limits the video bandwidth 256 kilobits per second.


 function (sdp) { 
     return sdp.replace(/a=mid:video\r\n/g,


You can add additional iceServer configurations after that you created an instance of XSockets.WebRTC. Note you will need to add additional iceServers before you call connextConnect()

var myAdditionalIceServers =
            "url": ""
            "url": ""



This method is a helper that creates iceServer config elements. Depending on scheme (turn/stun) the proper config elements are created.

var iceServer = createIceServer("","myUser","myPwd");

// iceServer = "{"url":"","credential":"myPwd","username":"myUser"}"

###Context Events ####oncontextcreated This fires when you have a connection to the Broker controller

rtc.oncontextcreated = function(ctx) {
  // do op

####oncontextchange This fires when something happens on the context. Someone joins or leaves! You will get a list of peers on the current context.

rtc.oncontextchange = function(arr) {
 // do op

###Context Methods


Changes your context and connects to other Peers on the broker. Pass in the Id of the context to join/connect


####leaveContext Leave the current context. "Hang up" on all other peers


####connectToContext Connect to the CurrentContext. i.e if you want to connect to a predefined context.


###Peer Events ####onconnectionstarted

Fires when the client starts to negotiation.

rtc.onpeerconnectionstarted = function(peer){


####onconnectioncreated Fires when the client has established a peer connection

rtc.onpeerconnectioncreated = functction(peer){
    // do op

####onconnectionlost Fires when a peer connection is lost (destroyed)

rtc.onpeerconnectionlost = function(peer){


Other PeerConnection events

Other PeerConnection (peer) events of interest may be the following. Note that we are using the .bind(event,fn) method for those.

rtc.bind("signalingstatechange", function (evt)

rtc.bind("iceconnectionstatechange", function (evt)

rtc.bind("negotiationneeded", function (evt)

###Peer Methods ####removePeerConnection Lets you remove a connection from the current context.


####getRemotePeers Get a list of peerId's on the current context


// returns an Array of PeerID's  i.e ["d383b53bb29947b5b1f62903bbc64d82"]

###MediaStream Methods


Attach a local media stream ( camera / audio ) to the PeerConnection by calling .getUserMedia(constrints,success,failure)

rtc.getUserMedia(rtc.userMediaConstraints.hd(true), function(result){

console.log("MediaStream using HD constrints and audio is added to the PeerConnection"



If you want to a (external) media stream to the PeerConnection (local) call the addMediaStream(mediaStream,callback)

  window.getUserMedia(rtc.userMediaConstraints.qvga(false), function (stream) {
                     // Add the MediaStream capured
                     rtc.addLocalStream(stream, function () {
                     console.log("Added yet another media stream...");


To remove a local media stream from the PeerConnection and all connected remote peerconnection call the .removeStream(streamID) method

 rtc.removeStream(streamId, function(id) {
                         console.log("local stream removed", id);


When a media stream is added by using the .getUserMedia or .addMediaStream event you need to call refreshStreams method to initialize a renegotiation.

rtc.refreshStreams(peerId, function (id) {
    console.log("Streams refreshed and renegotiation is done..");

** to get a list of all remote peerconnections call the .getRemotePeers() method.


To get a list of the peerconnection (clients ) media-streams call the .getLocalStreams() method

var myLocalStreams = rtc.getLocalStreams();

####getRemoteStreams() To get a list of mediaStreams attach to remote peers call the getRemoteStreams() method.

var myRemoteStreams = rtc.getRemoteStreams();

###MediaStream Events


When a media stream is attached to the PeerConnection using getUserMedia och addMediaStream the API fires the onlocalstream(stream) event.

rtc.onlocalstream = function(event){
     // do op


When a remote PeerConnection is connected the API fires the onremotestream(event) .

rtc.onremotestream = function(event){
    // do op 


When a remote peer removes a stream (.removeStream(mediaStreamId)) the JavaScript API fires the onRemoteStreamLost(streamId) event on other peers connected to the same context

 rtc.onremotestreamlost =  function(function) {
    // do op


To get a list of media sources ( cameras, microphones ) attached to the users device you the API provides you with a few small helper functions located in the XSockets.WebRTC.MediaSource()


getSources(fn) gives you an array of devices (label, kind and id) for each deviced attached. Note that under a non secure (HTTPS) context you will get a list of anonymous names .

mediaSources = new XSockets.WebRTC.MediaSource();

mediaSources.getSources(function (sources) {

// Filter video devices
sources.filter(function (vs) {
    return vs.kind === "video";
}).forEach(function (source, index) {
    // do op
// filter audio devices
sources.filter(function (vs) {
    return vs.kind === "audio";
}).forEach(function (source, index) {
    // do op

####applySources(videoSourceId, audioSourceId)

To apply preferred media sources ( video, audio device) you need to call the applySources method on the userMediaConstrains of yours .

// apply the selected sources to the getUserMedia constraints
// get some QVGA constraints.

var gumConstraints = peer.userMediaConstraints.vga(true);
// Apply the selected / prefered sources

gumConstraints.applySources(videoSourceId, audioSourceId);

rtc.getUserMedia(gumConstraints, function (s) {
 // do op
}, function () {});


DataChannels can be attached to a PeerConnection by using the following XSockets.WebRTC.DataChannel object. upon each dataChannel you can publish and subscribe to any topic. Subscriptions can be added, deleted and modified without changing the underlying connection (no need for renegotiation).

###Create a new Datachannel (RTCDataChannel)

 var dc = new XSockets.WebRTC.DataChannel("chat");
 // Note you will need to add your DataChannel by calling addDataChannel(dc)
 // any event binding (open,close) or subscriptions needs to be tone prior to adding the channel

###DataChannel events

When you created your DataChannel object you can attach event listeners for the following events (not to be mixed with subscriptions)

####onopen(peerId,event) Fires when a DataChannel is open (ready)

dc.onopen = function(peerId,event){
    // peerId is the identity of the PeerConnection 
    // event is the RTCDataChannel (native) event

####onclose(peerId,event) Fires when a DataChannel is closed (by remote peer )

dc.onclose = function(peerId){
    // peerId is the identity of the PeerConnection 
    // event is the RTCDataChannel (native) event

###DataChannel methods

As described shortly above you can take advantake of a simple publish/subscribe pattern unpon you DataChannel.

####subscribe(topic,cb) Create a subscription to a topic topic and pass callback function that will be invoked when the datachannel receives a message on the actual topic

// Where dc is your XSockets.WebRTC.DataChannel object instance

dc.subscribe("foo", function(message)
    console.log("received a message on foo", message);

####subscribe(topic,cb) : BinaryMessages

Create a subscription to a topic and pass a callback function that will be invoked when a dataChannel receives a message on the actual topic. Working with binaryMessages is very similar to dealing with any arbitrary data. The example below uses jQuery to create a DOM element (link) . See publishBinaryto get the context of this example.

dc.subscribe("fileShare", function (file) {
var blob = new Blob([file.binary], {
var download = $("<a>").text({
    href: URL.createObjectURL(blob),
    target: "_blank"
// do op's with the download element

####unsubscribe(topic, cb)

To remove (unsubscribe) a 'topic' pass the topic and an optional callback function that will be called when completed.

dc.unsubscribe("foo", function() {
    console.log("i'm no longer subscribing to foo");

####publish(topic,data, cb) To send (publish) invoke the publish method using the specific topic, data is the payload. the optinal callback (cb) function woll be invoked after the payload is sent.

dc.publish("foo", { myMessage: 'Petter Northug did not get a medal?' }, function(data){
    // the payload passed will be available here as well...

// if you attach an event listener for onpublish the topic & data will be passed forward 

dc.onpublish = function(topic, data) {
        // do op

####publishTo(id,topic,data,cb) To send (publish) a message to a specific PeerConnection , invoke the publishTo method using the PeerID of the target peer, topic, data is the payload. the optinal callback (cb) function will be invoked after the payload is sent.

dc.publishTo(rtc.getPeerConnections[0],"foo", {who:'Alexander Bard' what:'has a beard'});

rtc.getPeerConnections[0] gets will give you the PeerID of the first peer connection.

####publishbinary(topic,bytes,data) To pass an binary message invoke the publishBinary method

 dc.publishBinary("fileshare", bytes, {
                    type: file.type,
                    size: file.size

Where bytes is an arrayBuffer. the dataChannel will pass a XSockets.BinaryMessage, thats a wrapper object that combines arbitrary data (objects) and arrayBuffers. See deal with binary messages described under the .subscription section

####publishbinaryTo(id,topic,bytes, data) To send (publish) a binary message to a specific PeerConnection , invoke the publishbinaryTo method using the PeerID of the target peer, topic, bytes, and data.

##XSockets.AudioAnalyser (experimental)

Not yet documented fully documented. The main purpose is to be able to detect of the current user is silent / speaking during a certain interval (ms)

// Simple example where you on the onlocalstream event attaches a analyser anf grabs the results
rtc.onlocalstream = function(stream) {

    // Attach the local stream captured
  attachMediaStream(document.querySelector("#localStream"), stream);
   // Create a an AudioAnalyzer, this detect if the current user is speaking (each second)    
   var analyze = new XSockets.AudioAnalyser(stream, 1000);
    analyze.onAnalysis = function (result) {
        if (result.IsSpeaking) {
                    }else {
        // Lets notify/share others,
        ws.publish("StreamInfo", { peerId: rtc.CurrentContext.PeerId,streamInfo: result });


Cross browser WebRTC and data channels







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  • JavaScript 89.4%
  • HTML 5.7%
  • C# 3.3%
  • CSS 1.6%