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JL- A few notes on the challenge

This in fairly good shape. All of the UI implented, working according to specs with three exceptions, two moderate, one very small: Ive been working to try and resolve two of these since last night. On balance, its already behind stated schedule and thought it best to get it to you

Three outstanding issues: State Updates for checked/unchecked todos: These worked perfectly when all were in one list, without completed/incompleted categories Fetch/Get/Put are working without error The problem presents with the filter method I used in to sort completed and not completed todos, received as an array from the useSWR hook in the TodosHome componnent Passing those into two child list display compnents triggers errors in updates, similar to a race condition with useState.
I believe these errors could originate in my mutate configuration, its my first time using SWR so its hard to know, my understanding is that mutate after fetch should update that data, regardless of which component I call it in.

Persistence for Mock-error message UI is completed, this was more complex than I had anticipated, and had less time than I needed for it. Logic and UI are implemented to toggle display of error message per the specs in the story, under one condition (x button) in the message itself, and two in the form component. but state was an issue here too. I expected this to be straightforward to implement, but persistence was strangely complicated. I started with prop drilling betweent the relevant components, but persistence/toggling was buggy between component updates

I move the state for just the error message to context, wrapping the tne TodosHome component and children, figuring that should persist the state for it correctly, and still had the same issues.

Overall, UI was implemented per specs, SWRfetch/typescript/tailwind were all fine. Some challenges with state that I would chalk up to unfamiliarity and time constraints.

Apologies for the slight delay getting this back to you.


A "To Do App" coding challenge for frontend developers at Sincere.

The starter app is a Next.js template using the built-in support for TypeScript, ESLint, and Tailwind CSS. The application is configured to use the legacy Pages Router and data fetching is expected to use React Hooks with SWR. A todos mock API is included and preconfigured using the MSW mocking library.

Below is an example screenshot and video of the Todos app we will be building.

Example todo app

Example Video

Watch the example video in examples/todos-example.mp4.

Project Structure

public/         NextJS static files
  components/   React components
  hooks/        React hooks
  lib/          Common functions and types
  mocks/        MSW mock API (no changes expected)
  pages/        Next.js pages (Page Router)
  styles/       Global CSS styling



  • nodejs >= 16.140 (18.16.0 recommended)
  • yarn >= 1.22.10


yarn install

Run the local dev server

yarn dev

The application should be running at http://localhost:3000.

In some cases, you may have a port conflict which will be reported in the console. The app will be running on a different port.


The challenge is to create a basic todo application using the starter application codebase. The application should utilize Next.js, TypeScript, functional React components, React Hooks, SWR, and Tailwind CSS. You are expected to complete the list of user stories below.

Your submission will be evaluated on multiple criteria:

  • Was it returned on time?
  • Did you complete all of the stories?
  • Does it work?
  • How well is TypeScript utilized?
  • Did you use functional components and hooks?
  • Did you use useSWR and mutate?
  • How accurate is the styling to the mocks? Does it look and feel good?
  • How well was Tailwind CSS utilized?
  • Code quality and organization.


  • UI mocks are included with each story (in the examples directory). While we do not believe in "pixel perfect", please do your best to capture the visual aesthetic. This includes typography, whitespace, color, etc. Everything needed is in the provided Tailwind config and should be replicatable. Do your best!
  • The API is mocked out in developement using the Mock Service Worker library. Example functions for interacting with the API can be found in src/lib/todos-lib.ts. You can choose to use these or use your own. It behaves like a regular REST API and you should not need to alter the mocks unless you extend the feature set.
  • DO NOT USE SSR. The mock API uses LocalStorage for persistence and only works with client-side data fetching.
  • A sample hook using useSWR is provided in src/hooks/useTodos.tsx. We expect interaction with the API to use SWR including useSWR and mutate. If you are unfamiliar with SWR, please take a minute to familiarize yourself with mutation in the docs.
  • NO CLASS COMPONENTS. We expect functional components using React Hooks.
  • The spec is a suggestion! Feel free to embelish or improve the product as you go. Additional hover states, transistions, etc. are welcome but not required unless explicitly stated in stories.
  • The react-icons package is installed for icons with a preference to Heroicons 2
  • For fonts, font-sans and font-serif should be enough.

If you are familiar with the tech stack, expect the challenge to take about 2 hours. You are free to spend as much time on the challenge as you would like – we only require that it is returned on time.

Returning your challenge

To return your code challenge:

  1. Remove the node_modules directory
  2. Archive your project as .zip or .tar.gz file.
  3. Email your archived project to your recruiting contact. You may need to upload your archive to a file sharing service like Dropbox or Google Drive.


1. As a developer, I want to use git

  • Initialize a git repository and commit your changes incrementally.


2. As a user, I can create a new Todo.

NOTE: The example mocks show a clear button inside the input. THIS IS OPTIONAL

  • The new todo should require a title


  • When the form it submitted, the new todo should appear in the Incomplete list


  • The new todo item should be persisted (i.e., it is present after page reload)


  • The add button should be disabled for empty input Todos Form Active Empty


  • The add button should be enabled when text is present Todos Form Active Present


  • OPTIONAL There should be a way to easily clear the input.


3. As a user, I can view a list of Todos.

  • There should be a list of Incomplete todo items including a counter


  • There should be a list of Complete todo items including a counter


  • Incomplete todo items have an empty checkmark


  • Complete todo items have a checkmark Todos list


4. As a user, I can mark a Todo as complete or incomplete.

  • I want to click either the circle or the todo text to toggle the status (incomplete/complete).


  • The todo item should move to the appropriate incomplete/complete list when its status changes.

    YES (but problematic)

  • There should be visual feedback that the todo is clickable (desktop users). See example video in examples/todos-example.mp4


5. As a user, I can delete a Todo


  • When I mouse over a todo item, I want a delete icon to appear.


  • Clicking the delete icon should remove the todo item from the list and persist the change.


  • Confirmation is not required.

Todo delete button

6. As a user, I see an error message when something fails

IMPORTANT! The mock API is configured to throw an error if the title contains mock-error

YES (but problematic)

  • I want to see an error message when there is a problem.

YES (but problematic)

  • I want to be able to dismiss the error message.

YES (but problematic)

  • I want the error message to dismiss automatically after successfully creating a new todo item. Todos error

YES (but problematic)


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