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Kubernetes interaction requirements

Matt Farina edited this page Jan 26, 2021 · 1 revision

This page outlines the desires we have for Kubernetes. This will likely apply to all of the environments it runs so no single ticket can encapsulate them.


  • The ability to easily reset Kubernetes to default. This will restore Kubernetes to a new install experience with any workloads being removed.
  • When Kubernetes is reset to default the container images stored in containerd should not be deleted. That store should be maintained. This will help with experience of using other tools like k3c.
  • Resizing the RAM and CPUs should not cause the workloads running in the cluster to be lost. For example, if I am using 2GB of memory and resize to 4GB of memory the running workloads should remain. The VM will likely need to restart (when a VM is backing the tooling).
  • Kubernetes Ingress should be able to be exposed to the localhost (preference to expose as localhost)


  • When Kubernetes is being reset to default the experience should be fast. For example, consider how quickly k3d is able to delete and create a cluster.
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