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ValueRaider committed Nov 8, 2022
1 parent 9b169e6 commit 1c2ed86
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Showing 2 changed files with 282 additions and 294 deletions.
318 changes: 125 additions & 193 deletions tests/
Expand Up @@ -251,244 +251,147 @@ def test_weekly_2rows_fix(self):
df = dat.history(start=start, interval="1wk")

def test_repair_weekly(self):
def test_repair_weekly_100x(self):
# Sometimes, Yahoo returns prices 100x the correct value.
# Suspect mixup between £/pence or $/cents etc.
# E.g. ticker PNL.L

# Setup:
tkr = "PNL.L"
error_threshold = 1000.0
start = "2020-01-06"
end = min(,, 1, 1))
dat = yf.Ticker(tkr, session=self.session)
tz_exchange =["exchangeTimezoneName"]

data_cols = ["Low", "High", "Open", "Close", "Adj Close"]
df = _pd.DataFrame(data={"Open": [470.5, 473.5, 474.5, 470],
"High": [476, 476.5, 477, 480],
"Low": [470.5, 470, 465.5, 468.26],
"Close": [475, 473.5, 472, 473.5],
"Adj Close": [475, 473.5, 472, 473.5],
"Volume": [2295613, 2245604, 3000287, 2635611]},
index=_pd.to_datetime([, 10, 23),, 10, 16),, 10, 9),, 10, 2)])) = "Date"
df_bad = df.copy()
df_bad.loc["2022-10-23", "Close"] *= 100
df_bad.loc["2022-10-16", "Low"] *= 100
df_bad.loc["2022-10-2", "Open"] *= 100
df.index = df.index.tz_localize(tz_exchange)
df_bad.index = df_bad.index.tz_localize(tz_exchange)

# Run test

dat = yf.Ticker(tkr, session=self.session)
df_bad = dat.history(start=start, end=end, interval="1wk", auto_adjust=False, repair=False)
df_repaired = dat._fix_unit_mixups(df_bad, "1wk", tz_exchange)

# Record the errors that will be repaired
data_cols = ["Low", "High", "Open", "Close", "Adj Close"]
f_outlier = _np.where(df_bad[data_cols] > error_threshold)
indices = None
if len(f_outlier[0]) == 0:
self.skipTest("Skipping test_repair_weekly() because no price 100x errors to repair")
indices = []
for i in range(len(f_outlier[0])):
indices.append((f_outlier[0][i], f_outlier[1][i]))

df = dat.history(start=start, end=end, interval="1wk", auto_adjust=False, repair=True)

# First test - no errors left after repair
df_data = df[data_cols].values
for i, j in indices:
self.assertTrue(df_data[i, j] < error_threshold)
print("Detected uncorrected error: idx={}, {}={}".format(df.index[i], data_cols[j], df_data[i, j]))
# First test - no errors left
for c in data_cols:
self.assertTrue(_np.isclose(df_repaired[c], df[c], rtol=1e-2).all())

# Second test - all differences between pre- and post-repair should be ~100x
ratio = (df_bad[data_cols].values / df[data_cols].values).round(2)
# - round near-100 ratios to 100:
f_near_100 = (ratio > 90) & (ratio < 110)
ratio[f_near_100] = (ratio[f_near_100] / 10).round().astype(int) * 10 # round ratio to nearest 10
# Second test - all differences should be either ~1x or ~100x
ratio = df_bad[data_cols].values / df[data_cols].values
ratio = ratio.round(2)
# - round near-100 ratio to 100:
f = ratio > 90
ratio[f] = (ratio[f] / 10).round().astype(int) * 10 # round ratio to nearest 10
# - now test
f_100 = ratio == 100
f_1 = ratio == 1
self.assertTrue((f_100 | f_1).all())

# Third test: compare directly against daily data, unadjusted
df = dat.history(start=start, end=end, interval="1wk", auto_adjust=False, repair=True)
for i in indices:
dt = df.index[i[0]]

df_daily = dat.history(start=dt, end=dt + _dt.timedelta(days=7), interval="1d", auto_adjust=False,

# Manually construct weekly price data from daily
df_yf_weekly = df_daily.copy()
df_yf_weekly["_weekStart"] = _pd.to_datetime(
df_yf_weekly.loc[df_yf_weekly["Stock Splits"] == 0, "Stock Splits"] = 1
df_yf_weekly = df_yf_weekly.groupby("_weekStart").agg(
Open=("Open", "first"),
Close=("Close", "last"),
AdjClose=("Adj Close", "last"),
Low=("Low", "min"),
High=("High", "max"),
Volume=("Volume", "sum"),
Dividends=("Dividends", "sum"),
StockSplits=("Stock Splits", "prod")).rename(
columns={"StockSplits": "Stock Splits", "AdjClose": "Adj Close"})
df_yf_weekly.loc[df_yf_weekly["Stock Splits"] == 1, "Stock Splits"] = 0
if df_yf_weekly.index[0] not in df_daily.index:
# Exchange closed Monday. In this case, Yahoo sets Open to last week close
df_daily_last_week = dat.history(start=dt - _dt.timedelta(days=7), end=dt, interval="1d",
auto_adjust=False, repair=True)
df_yf_weekly["Open"] = df_daily_last_week["Close"][-1]
df_yf_weekly["Low"] = _np.minimum(df_yf_weekly["Low"], df_yf_weekly["Open"])

# Compare fetched-weekly vs constructed-weekly:
df_yf_weekly = df_yf_weekly[df.columns]
# Note: Adj Close has tiny variance depending on date range requested
data_cols = ["Open", "Close", "Low", "High"]
self.assertTrue(_np.equal(df.loc[dt, data_cols].values, df_yf_weekly[data_cols].iloc[0].values).all())
self.assertLess(abs(df.loc[dt, "Adj Close"] / df_yf_weekly["Adj Close"].iloc[0] - 1.0), 0.000001)
for c in df.columns:
if c == "Adj Close":
fail = abs(df.loc[dt, c] / df_yf_weekly[c].iloc[0] - 1.0) < 0.000001
fail = df.loc[dt, c] != df_yf_weekly[c].iloc[0]
if fail:
print("dt = ", dt)
print("df.loc[dt]:", type(df.loc[dt]))
print("df_yf_weekly.iloc[0]:", type(df_yf_weekly.iloc[0]))
print("Result:", df.loc[dt, c])
print("Answer:", df_yf_weekly[c].iloc[0])
raise Exception("Mismatch in column '{}'".format(c))

def test_repair_weekly2_preSplit(self):
def test_repair_weekly_preSplit_100x(self):
# Sometimes, Yahoo returns prices 100x the correct value.
# Suspect mixup between £/pence or $/cents etc.
# E.g. ticker PNL.L

# PNL.L has a stock-split in 2022. Sometimes requesting data before 2022 is not split-adjusted.

# Setup:
tkr = "PNL.L"
error_threshold = 1000.0
start = "2020-01-06"
end = "2021-06-01"

# Run test

dat = yf.Ticker(tkr, session=self.session)
df_bad = dat.history(start=start, end=end, interval="1wk", auto_adjust=False, repair=False)
tz_exchange =["exchangeTimezoneName"]

# Record the errors that will be repaired
data_cols = ["Low", "High", "Open", "Close", "Adj Close"]
f_outlier = _np.where(df_bad[data_cols] > error_threshold)
indices = None
if len(f_outlier[0]) == 0:
self.skipTest("Skipping test_repair_weekly() because no price 100x errors to repair")
indices = []
for i in range(len(f_outlier[0])):
indices.append((f_outlier[0][i], f_outlier[1][i]))

df = dat.history(start=start, end=end, interval="1wk", auto_adjust=False, repair=True)

# First test - no errors left after repair
df_data = df[data_cols].values
for i, j in indices:
df = _pd.DataFrame(data={"Open": [400, 398, 392.5, 417],
"High": [421, 425, 419, 420.5],
"Low": [400, 380.5, 376.5, 396],
"Close": [410, 409.5, 402, 399],
"Adj Close": [398.02, 397.53, 390.25, 387.34],
"Volume": [3232600, 3773900, 10835000, 4257900]},
index=_pd.to_datetime([, 3, 30),, 3, 23),, 3, 16),, 3, 9)]))
# Simulate data missing split-adjustment:
df[data_cols] *= 100.0
df["Volume"] *= 0.01
# = "Date"
# Create 100x errors:
df_bad = df.copy()
df_bad.loc["2020-03-30", "Close"] *= 100
df_bad.loc["2020-03-23", "Low"] *= 100
df_bad.loc["2020-03-09", "Open"] *= 100
df.index = df.index.tz_localize(tz_exchange)
df_bad.index = df_bad.index.tz_localize(tz_exchange)

df_repaired = dat._fix_unit_mixups(df_bad, "1wk", tz_exchange)

# First test - no errors left
for c in data_cols:
self.assertTrue(df_data[i, j] < error_threshold)
self.assertTrue(_np.isclose(df_repaired[c], df[c], rtol=1e-2).all())
print("Detected uncorrected error: idx={}, {}={}".format(df.index[i], data_cols[j], df_data[i, j]))
print("Mismatch in column", c)
print("- df_repaired:")
print("- answer:")

# Second test - all differences between pre- and post-repair should be ~100x
ratio = (df_bad[data_cols].values / df[data_cols].values).round(2)
# - round near-100 ratios to 100:
f_near_100 = (ratio > 90) & (ratio < 110)
ratio[f_near_100] = (ratio[f_near_100] / 10).round().astype(int) * 10 # round ratio to nearest 10
# Second test - all differences should be either ~1x or ~100x
ratio = df_bad[data_cols].values / df[data_cols].values
ratio = ratio.round(2)
# - round near-100 ratio to 100:
f = ratio > 90
ratio[f] = (ratio[f] / 10).round().astype(int) * 10 # round ratio to nearest 10
# - now test
f_100 = ratio == 100
f_1 = ratio == 1
self.assertTrue((f_100 | f_1).all())

# Third test: compare directly against daily data, unadjusted
df = dat.history(start=start, end=end, interval="1wk", auto_adjust=False, repair=True)
for i in indices:
dt = df.index[i[0]]

df_daily = dat.history(start=dt, end=dt + _dt.timedelta(days=7), interval="1d", auto_adjust=False,

# Manually construct weekly price data from daily
df_yf_weekly = df_daily.copy()
df_yf_weekly["_weekStart"] = _pd.to_datetime(
df_yf_weekly.loc[df_yf_weekly["Stock Splits"] == 0, "Stock Splits"] = 1
df_yf_weekly = df_yf_weekly.groupby("_weekStart").agg(
Open=("Open", "first"),
Close=("Close", "last"),
AdjClose=("Adj Close", "last"),
Low=("Low", "min"),
High=("High", "max"),
Volume=("Volume", "sum"),
Dividends=("Dividends", "sum"),
StockSplits=("Stock Splits", "prod")).rename(
columns={"StockSplits": "Stock Splits", "AdjClose": "Adj Close"})
df_yf_weekly.loc[df_yf_weekly["Stock Splits"] == 1, "Stock Splits"] = 0
if df_yf_weekly.index[0] not in df_daily.index:
# Exchange closed Monday. In this case, Yahoo sets Open to last week close
df_daily_last_week = dat.history(start=dt - _dt.timedelta(days=7), end=dt, interval="1d",
auto_adjust=False, repair=True)
df_yf_weekly["Open"] = df_daily_last_week["Close"][-1]
df_yf_weekly["Low"] = _np.minimum(df_yf_weekly["Low"], df_yf_weekly["Open"])

# Compare fetched-weekly vs constructed-weekly:
df_yf_weekly = df_yf_weekly[df.columns]
# Note: Adj Close has tiny variance depending on date range requested
data_cols = ["Open", "Close", "Low", "High"]
self.assertTrue(_np.equal(df.loc[dt, data_cols].values, df_yf_weekly[data_cols].iloc[0].values).all())
self.assertLess(abs(df.loc[dt, "Adj Close"] / df_yf_weekly["Adj Close"].iloc[0] - 1.0), 0.000001)
for c in df.columns:
if c == "Adj Close":
fail = abs(df.loc[dt, c] / df_yf_weekly[c].iloc[0] - 1.0) < 0.000001
fail = df.loc[dt, c] != df_yf_weekly[c].iloc[0]
if fail:
print("dt = ", dt)
print("df.loc[dt]:", type(df.loc[dt]))
print("df_yf_weekly.iloc[0]:", type(df_yf_weekly.iloc[0]))
print("Result:", df.loc[dt, c])
print("Answer:", df_yf_weekly[c].iloc[0])
raise Exception("Mismatch in column '{}'".format(c))

def test_repair_daily(self):
def test_repair_daily_100x(self):
# Sometimes, Yahoo returns prices 100x the correct value.
# Suspect mixup between £/pence or $/cents etc.
# E.g. ticker PNL.L

tkr = "PNL.L"
start = "2020-01-01"
end = min(,, 1, 1))
dat = yf.Ticker(tkr, session=self.session)
tz_exchange =["exchangeTimezoneName"]

data_cols = ["Low", "High", "Open", "Close", "Adj Close"]
df_bad = dat.history(start=start, end=end, interval="1d", auto_adjust=False, repair=False)
f_outlier = _np.where(df_bad[data_cols] > 1000.0)
indices = None
if len(f_outlier[0]) == 0:
self.skipTest("Skipping test_repair_daily() because no price 100x errors to repair")

# Outliers detected
indices = []
for i in range(len(f_outlier[0])):
indices.append((f_outlier[0][i], f_outlier[1][i]))

df = dat.history(start=start, end=end, interval="1d", auto_adjust=False, repair=True)
df = _pd.DataFrame(data={"Open": [478, 476, 476, 472],
"High": [478, 477.5, 477, 475],
"Low": [474.02, 474, 473, 470.75],
"Close": [475.5, 475.5, 474.5, 475],
"Adj Close": [475.5, 475.5, 474.5, 475],
"Volume": [436414, 485947, 358067, 287620]},
index=_pd.to_datetime([, 11, 1),, 10, 31),, 10, 28),, 10, 27)])) = "Date"
df_bad = df.copy()
df_bad.loc["2022-11-01", "Close"] *= 100
df_bad.loc["2022-10-31", "Low"] *= 100
df_bad.loc["2022-10-27", "Open"] *= 100
df.index = df.index.tz_localize(tz_exchange)
df_bad.index = df_bad.index.tz_localize(tz_exchange)

df_repaired = dat._fix_unit_mixups(df_bad, "1d", tz_exchange)

# First test - no errors left
df_data = df[data_cols].values
for i, j in indices:
self.assertTrue(df_data[i, j] < 1000.0)
print("Detected uncorrected error: idx={}, {}={}".format(df.index[i], data_cols[j], df_data[i, j]))
# print(df.iloc[i-1:i+2])
for c in data_cols:
self.assertTrue(_np.isclose(df_repaired[c], df[c], rtol=1e-2).all())

# Second test - all differences should be either ~1x or ~100x
ratio = df_bad[data_cols].values / df[data_cols].values
Expand All @@ -501,6 +404,35 @@ def test_repair_daily(self):
f_1 = ratio == 1
self.assertTrue((f_100 | f_1).all())

def test_repair_daily_zeroes(self):
# Sometimes Yahoo returns price=0.0 when price obviously not zero
# E.g. ticker BBIL.L

tkr = "BBIL.L"
dat = yf.Ticker(tkr, session=self.session)
tz_exchange =["exchangeTimezoneName"]

df_bad = _pd.DataFrame(data={"Open": [0, 102.04, 102.04],
"High": [0, 102.1, 102.11],
"Low": [0, 102.04, 102.04],
"Close": [103.03, 102.05, 102.08],
"Adj Close": [102.03, 102.05, 102.08],
"Volume": [560, 137, 117]},
index=_pd.to_datetime([_dt.datetime(2022, 11, 1),
_dt.datetime(2022, 10, 31),
_dt.datetime(2022, 10, 30)])) = "Date"
df_bad.index = df_bad.index.tz_localize(tz_exchange)

repaired_df = dat._fix_zero_prices(df_bad, "1d", tz_exchange)

correct_df = df_bad.copy()
correct_df.loc[correct_df.index[0], "Open"] = 102.080002
correct_df.loc[correct_df.index[0], "Low"] = 102.032501
correct_df.loc[correct_df.index[0], "High"] = 102.080002
for c in ["Open", "Low", "High", "Close"]:
self.assertTrue(_np.isclose(repaired_df[c], correct_df[c], rtol=1e-8).all())

if __name__ == '__main__':
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