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Rainforest QA CircleCI Orb

Registry homepage: rainforest-qa/rainforest

This is the Rainforest QA Orb for CircleCI, it allows you to easily kick off a Rainforest run from your CircleCI workflows, to make sure that every release passes your Rainforest integration tests.



A Rainforest QA account

If you don't already have one, you can talk to us about setting up an account here.

A Rainforest QA API token

You can find yours on the Integrations setting page. Do not expose this token in your circleci/.config.yml file. Instead, use an environment variable in CircleCI. The default name for this variable is RAINFOREST_API_TOKEN. You may use a different name, and pass that in to the rainforest/run command (see below).

A run group with at least one test

Run groups are a way to group tests that should be run together (for example, a smoke suite you might want to run on every deploy). For more information on run groups, see this help article.

Once you have a run group which contains at least one enabled test, you can run it in CircleCI builds using this orb. You will need its ID (visible at the end of the run group URL:<ID>).

Base usage (rainforest/run job)

# .circleci/config.yml

# To use orbs, your CircleCI config file must use version 2.1
version: 2.1

# If you don't have a top-level `orbs` section, add one
# Add the Rainforest orb to that list
  - rainforest: rainforest-qa/rainforest@3

# In your workflows, add it as a job to be run
      - rainforest/run:
          # Replace the value with the ID of whichever run group you want to run
          run_group_id: "123"
          pipeline_id: << >>

Optional Parameters


An arbitrary string to associate with the run.



Default behavior

The default value defined in the orb is:


This means that if no description parameter is passed in and your repository is named my_repo, the Circle build is #42 on the my_feature_branch branch, and the current time (in UTC) is noon on January 20th, 2021; then the created run's description will be:

my_repo - my_feature_branch 42 2021-01-20T12:00:00Z


Use a specific environment for this run. This parameter will be ignored if the custom_url parameter is also passed in.



Default behavior

If no environment_id parameter is passed in, the created run will use the Run Group's default environment.


Use a specific URL (via a temporary environment) for this run.



Default behavior

If no custom_url parameter is passed in, the created run will use the Run Group's default environment.


How we should handle currently active runs.



Allowed values

Value Behavior
cancel Cancel all other runs in the same environment.
cancel-all Cancel all other runs, regardless of environment.

Default behavior

If no conflict parameter is passed in, then no active runs will be canceled.


The execution method to use for this run.



Allowed values

Value Behavior Requirements
automation Run against our automation agent. - All tests in the run group are written with the Visual Editor.
- No tests use a Tester Instruction/Confirmation action.
crowd Run against our global crowd of testers.
automation_and_crowd Run against our automation agent where possible, fall back to the crowd of testers.
on_premise Run against your internal testers. - On-premise is enabled for your account.

Default behavior

If no execution_method parameter is passed in, the created run will run against the run group's default execution method.


A string used to link a run to a release (for example, a git SHA or tag, a version number, a code name)



Default behavior

If no release parameter is passed in, the SHA1 hash of the latest commit of the current build (obtained via the CIRCLE_SHA1 environment variable) will be used.


If set to a value > 0 and a test run using automation fails, it will be retried within the same run, up to that number of times.



Default behavior

If no automation_max_retries parameter is passed in, the created run will use the Run Group's configured automation_max_retries setting.


Use a specific Rainforest branch for this run.



Default behavior

If no branch parameter is passed in, the main branch will be used.


This is not your Rainforest API token, but the name of the environment variable in which it is stored.



Default behavior

If no token parameter is passed in, the RAINFOREST_API_TOKEN environment variable is assumed to contain your Rainforest QA API token.


Set to true to run parameter validations without actually starting a run in Rainforest.



Default behavior

If no dry_run parameter is passed in, the run will be started in Rainforest.


The executor to run the rainforest/run CircleCI job in.



Allowed values

Any executor which has the Rainforest CLI installed will work.

Default behavior

A Docker image with the latest version of the Rainforest CLI installed will be used.

Rerunning failed tests

The Rainforest Orb uses CircleCI's cache and pipeline concept to know when a build is being rerun. In order for the orb to know within which pipeline it is being executed, you must pass in the pipeline ID (<< >>) to the pipeline_id parameter (available on both the run job and run_qa command).

Starting multiple Rainforest runs in a single workflow

If the same workflow calls the run job more than once, you will need to pass in the cache_key and junit_path parameters to the extra call sites. This will ensure that all runs are properly triggered and that results for each run are stored separately.

      - rainforest/run:
        # ...
      - rainforest/run:
        # ...
        cache_key: "rainforest-second-run-{{ .Revision }}"
        junit_path: "rainforest_second_run"

Using the run_qa command

When using the command, you will need to explicitly define some of the logic taken care of for you by the job:

  • restoring from CircleCI cache before the run_qa step
  • saving the created run's ID when it fails (you can use the save_run_id command for this)
  • saving the run ID to the CircleCI cache for it to be restored by the next workflow in the pipeline.
\ Rerun from failed Rerun from start
Rainforest run failed reruns failed tests reruns failed tests
Rainforest run passed N/A reruns failed tests

If you want to always run the full Rainforest run, pass in a unique value to pipeline_id, for example, "${CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM}".

If you want to run the full Rainforest run for a single failed build, then you will need to kick off a new pipeline.



Install the Rainforest CLI


This command requires you to have jq installed.


Parameter Type Allowed values Default
version string vX.Y.Z* "" (latest)
platform enum darwin (MacOS), linux linux
architecture enum 386 (32-bit), amd64 (64-bit) amd64
install_path string /usr/local/bin

* You can find a list of releases here. The version must be greater than or equal to v2.19.1. All prior versions to not have downloadable assets available to install.


Start a new Rainforest run


For more information regarding these parameters, see Optional Parameters.

Parameter Type Required Allowed values Default
description string any string "$CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME - $CIRCLE_BRANCH $CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM $(date -u +'%FT%TZ')"
run_group_id string string evaluating to a positive integer
environment_id string string evaluating to a positive integer ""
custom_url string string evaluating to a URL ""
conflict string cancel cancel-all ""
execution_method string automation crowd automation_and_crowd on_premise ""
release string any string "$CIRCLE_SHA1"
automation_max_retries string string evaluating to a positive integer ""
branch string any string ""
token env_var_name any environment variable name "RAINFOREST_API_TOKEN"
dry_run boolean true false false
pipeline_id string any string


Save the created run ID to the CircleCI cache


Parameter Type Required Allowed values Default
pipeline_id string any string
when enum always on_success on_fail on_fail



A Docker image with the latest version of the Rainforest CLI installed.


Parameter Type Allowed values Default Behavior
tag string See list of tags. The latest tag is used.


Using all parameters

      - rainforest/run:
          run_group_id: "123"
          description: Smoke suite
          environment_id: "456"
          conflict: cancel-all
          execution_method: automation
          release: $CIRCLE_TAG
          token: RAINFOREST_QA_API_TOKEN
          executor: my_custom_rainforest_executor
          pipeline_id: << >>

Running only on one branch

Like any other CircleCI job, you can use branch or tag filters:

      - rainforest/run:
                - master
          run_group_id: "123"
          pipeline_id: << >>

Orb Release Process

This section describes the release process for the orb itself:

  1. Create a feature branch and do your work.
  2. Update the version in the repo (i.e. rake update:<major|minor|patch>).
  3. Push the feature branch to Github to kick off the lint-pack_validate_publish-dev workflow in CircleCI.
  4. When the lint-pack_validate_publish-dev workflow completes successfully, it will trigger the integration-tests_prod-release workflow to test the orb.
  5. If the integration-tests_prod-release workflow passes, get review and merge to master.
  6. Create a GitHub Release with the proper v-prefixed version tag (i.e. v5.0.0). List Bugfixes, Breaking changes, and New features (if present), with links to the PRs. See previous releases for an idea of the format we've been using.

If you want to run an integration test against Rainforest, create a new branch in the Rainforest repo and update the .circleci/config.yml to use the dev version of the orb and add a job to kick-off a Rainforest run.

If the build fails in Circle with an error like:

Dev versions of orbs are only valid for 90 days after publishing.

Then run:

(circleci orb pack src | circleci orb validate -) && (circleci orb pack src | circleci orb publish - rainforest-qa/rainforest@dev:alpha)