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Custom prompt

Rui edited this page Dec 16, 2020 · 1 revision

Console methods

ros-apartment console configures two helper methods:

  1. tenant_list - list available tenants while using the console
  2. st(tenant_name:String) - Switches the context to the tenant name passed, if it exists.

Custom printed prompt

ros-apartment also has a custom prompt that gives a bit more information about the context in which you're running. It shows the environment as well as the tenant that is currently switched to. In order for you to enable this, you need to require the custom console in your application.

In application.rb add require 'apartment/custom_console'. Please note that we rely on pry-rails to edit the prompt, thus your project needs to install it as well. In order to do so, you need to add gem 'pry-rails' to your project's gemfile.