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Mypyc Development Workflows

Jukka Lehtosalo edited this page Oct 24, 2022 · 1 revision

This page explains some common workflows for developing mypyc.

Testing overview

Most mypyc test cases are defined in the same format (.test) as used for test cases for mypy. Look at mypy developer documentation for a general overview of how things work. Test cases live under mypyc/test-data/, and you can run all mypyc tests via pytest -q mypyc. If you don't make changes to code under mypy/, it's not important to regularly run mypy tests during development.

When you create a PR, we have Continuous Integration jobs set up that compile mypy using mypyc and run the mypy test suite using the compiled mypy. This will sometimes catch additional issues not caught by the mypyc test suite. It's okay to not do this in your local development environment.

We discuss writing tests in more detail later in this document.

Inspecting Generated IR

It's often useful to look at the generated IR when debugging issues or when trying to understand how mypyc compiles some code. When you compile some module by running mypyc, mypyc will write the pretty-printed IR into build/ops.txt. This is the final IR that includes the output from exception and reference count handling insertion passes.

We also have tests that verify the generate IR (mypyc/test-data/irbuild-*.text).

Type-checking Mypyc

./ self type checks mypy and mypyc. This is pretty slow, however, since it's using an uncompiled mypy.

Installing a released version of mypy using pip (which is compiled) and using dmypy (mypy daemon) is a much, much faster way to type check mypyc during development.

Inspecting Generated C

It's often useful to inspect the C code genenerate by mypyc to debug issues. Mypyc stores the generated C code as build/__native.c. Compiled native functions have the prefix CPyDef_, while wrapper functions used for calling functions from interpreted Python code have the CPyPy_ prefix.

Hints for Implementing Typical Mypyc Features

This section gives an overview of where to look for and what to do to implement specific kinds of mypyc features.


Our bread-and-butter testing strategy is compiling code with mypyc and running it. There are downsides to this (kind of slow, tests a huge number of components at once, insensitive to the particular details of the IR), but there really is no substitute for running code. You can also write tests that test the generated IR, however.

Tests that compile and run code

Test cases that compile and run code are located in mypyc/test-data/run*.test and the test runner is in mypyc.test.test_run. The code to compile comes after [case test<name>]. The code gets saved into the file, and it gets compiled into the module native.

Each test case uses a non-compiled Python driver that imports the native module and typically calls some compiled functions. Some tests also perform assertions and print messages in the driver.

If you don't provide a driver, a default driver is used. The default driver just calls each module-level function that is prefixed with test_ and reports any uncaught exceptions as failures. (Failure to build or a segfault also count as failures.) testStringOps in mypyc/test-data/run-strings.test is an example of a test that uses the default driver.

You should usually use the default driver (don't include It's the simplest way to write most tests.

Here's an example test case that uses the default driver:

[case testConcatenateLists]
def test_concat_lists() -> None:
    assert [1, 2] + [5, 6] == [1, 2, 5, 6]

def test_concat_empty_lists() -> None:
    assert [] + [] == []

There is one test case, testConcatenateLists. It has two sub-cases, test_concat_lists and test_concat_empty_lists. Note that you can use the pytest -k argument to only run testConcetanateLists, but you can't filter tests at the sub-case level.

It's recommended to have multiple sub-cases per test case, since each test case has significant fixed overhead. Each test case is run in a fresh Python subprocess.

Many of the existing test cases provide a custom driver by having [file], followed by the driver implementation. Here the driver is not compiled, which is useful if you want to test interactions between compiled and non-compiled code. However, many of the tests don't have a good reason to use a custom driver -- when they were written, the default driver wasn't available.

Test cases can also have a [out] section, which specifies the expected contents of stdout the test case should produce. New test cases should prefer assert statements to [out] sections.

IR tests

If the specifics of the generated IR of a change is important (because, for example, you want to make sure a particular optimization is triggering), you should add a mypyc.irbuild test as well. Test cases are located in mypyc/test-data/irbuild-*.test and the test driver is in mypyc.test.test_irbuild. IR build tests do a direct comparison of the IR output, so try to make the test as targeted as possible so as to capture only the important details. (Many of our existing IR build tests do not follow this advice, unfortunately!)

If you pass the --update-data flag to pytest, it will automatically update the expected output of any tests to match the actual output. This is very useful for changing or creating IR build tests, but make sure to carefully inspect the diff!

You may also need to add some definitions to the stubs used for builtins during tests (mypyc/test-data/fixtures/ We don't use full typeshed stubs to run tests since they would seriously slow down tests.


Many mypyc improvements attempt to make some operations faster. For any such change, you should run some measurements to verify that there actually is a measurable performance impact.

A typical benchmark would initialize some data to be operated on, and then measure time spent in some function. In particular, you should not measure time needed to run the entire benchmark program, as this would include Python startup overhead and other things that aren't relevant. In general, for microbenchmarks, you want to do as little as possible in the timed portion. So ideally you'll just have some loops and the code under test. Be ready to provide your benchmark in code review so that mypyc developers can check that the benchmark is fine (writing a good benchmark is non-trivial).

You should run a benchmark at least five times, in both original and changed versions, ignore outliers, and report the average runtime. Actual performance of a typical desktop or laptop computer is quite variable, due to dynamic CPU clock frequency changes, background processes, etc. If you observe a high variance in timings, you'll need to run the benchmark more times. Also try closing most applications, including web browsers.

Interleave original and changed runs. Don't run 10 runs with variant A followed by 10 runs with variant B, but run an A run, a B run, an A run, etc. Otherwise you risk that the CPU frequency will be different between variants. You can also try adding a delay of 5 to 20s between runs to avoid CPU frequency changes.

Instead of averaging over many measurements, you can try to adjust your environment to provide more stable measurements. However, this can be hard to do with some hardware, including many laptops. Victor Stinner has written a series of blog posts about making measurements stable:

Adding C Helpers

If you add an operation that compiles into a lot of C code, you may also want to add a C helper function for the operation to make the generated code smaller. Here is how to do this:

  • Declare the operation in mypyc/lib-rt/CPy.h. We avoid macros, and we generally avoid inline functions to make it easier to target additional backends in the future.

  • Consider adding a unit test for your C helper in mypyc/lib-rt/ We use Google Test for writing tests in C++. The framework is included in the repository under the directory googletest/. The C unit tests are run as part of the pytest test suite (test_c_unit_test).

Adding a Specialized Primitive Operation

Mypyc speeds up operations on primitive types such as list and int by having primitive operations specialized for specific types. These operations are declared in mypyc.primitives (and mypyc/lib-rt/CPy.h). For example, mypyc.primitives.list_ops contains primitives that target list objects.

The operation definitions are data driven: you specify the kind of operation (such as a call to builtins.len or a binary addition) and the operand types (such as list_primitive), and what code should be generated for the operation. Mypyc does AST matching to find the most suitable primitive operation automatically.

Look at the existing primitive definitions and the docstrings in mypyc.primitives.registry for examples and more information.

Adding a New Primitive Type

Some types (typically Python Python built-in types), such as int and list, are special cased in mypyc to generate optimized operations specific to these types. We'll occasionally want to add additional primitive types.

Here are some hints about how to add support for a new primitive type (this may be incomplete):

  • Decide whether the primitive type has an "unboxed" representation (a representation that is not just PyObject *). For most types we'll use a boxed representation, as it's easier to implement and more closely matches Python semantics.

  • Create a new instance of RPrimitive to support the primitive type and add it to Make sure all the attributes are set correctly and also define <foo>_rprimitive and is_<foo>_rprimitive.

  • Update mypyc.irbuild.mapper.Mapper.type_to_rtype().

  • If the type is not unboxed, update emit_cast in mypyc.codegen.emit.

If the type is unboxed, there are some additional steps:

  • Update emit_box in mypyc.codegen.emit.

  • Update emit_unbox in mypyc.codegen.emit.

  • Update emit_inc_ref and emit_dec_ref in mypypc.codegen.emit. If the unboxed representation does not need reference counting, these can be no-ops.

  • Update emit_error_check in mypyc.codegen.emit.

  • Update emit_gc_visit and emit_gc_clear in mypyc.codegen.emit if the type has an unboxed representation with pointers.

The above may be enough to allow you to declare variables with the type, pass values around, perform runtime type checks, and use generic fallback primitive operations to perform method calls, binary operations, and so on. You likely also want to add some faster, specialized primitive operations for the type (see Adding a Specialized Primitive Operation above for how to do this).

Add a test case to mypyc/test-data/run*.test to test compilation and running compiled code. Ideas for things to test:

  • Test using the type as an argument.

  • Test using the type as a return value.

  • Test passing a value of the type to a function both within compiled code and from regular Python code. Also test this for return values.

  • Test using the type as list item type. Test both getting a list item and setting a list item.

Supporting More Python Syntax

Mypyc supports most Python syntax, but there are still some gaps.

Support for syntactic sugar that doesn't need additional IR operations typically only requires changes to mypyc.irbuild.

Some new syntax also needs new IR primitives to be added to mypyc.primitives. See mypyc.primitives.registry for documentation about how to do this.

Other Hints

  • This developer documentation is not aimed to be very complete. Much of our documentation is in comments and docstring in the code. If something is unclear, study the code.

  • It can be useful to look through some recent PRs to get an idea of what typical code changes, test cases, etc. look like.

  • Feel free to open GitHub issues with questions if you need help when contributing, or ask questions in existing issues. Note that we only support contributors. Mypyc is not (yet) an end-user product. You can also ask questions in our Gitter chat (

Undocumented Workflows

These workflows would be useful for mypyc contributors. We should add them to mypyc developer documentation:

  • How to inspect the generated IR before some transform passes.