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preparing for v1.8 (#2414)
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* preparing for v1.8 🎉 🚀

* change description for #2415

* tweak change descriptions

* fix nested lists in docs

* remove items in 1.7.3 from 1.8
  • Loading branch information
samuelcolvin committed Feb 26, 2021
1 parent 2ee6811 commit aff4a41
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Showing 70 changed files with 101 additions and 80 deletions.
93 changes: 93 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -1,3 +1,96 @@
## v1.8.0 (2021-02-26)

Thank you to pydantic's sponsors:
@jorgecarleitao, @BCarley, @chdsbd, @tiangolo, @matin, @linusg, @kevinalh, @koxudaxi, @timdrijvers, @mkeen, @meadsteve,
@ginomempin, @primer-io, @and-semakin, @tomthorogood, @AjitZK, @westonsteimel, @Mazyod, @christippett, @CarlosDomingues,
@Kludex, @r-m-n
for their kind support.

### Highlights

* [Hypothesis plugin]( for testing, #2097 by @Zac-HD
* support for [`NamedTuple` and `TypedDict`](, #2216 by @PrettyWood
* Support [`Annotated` hints on model fields](, #2147 by @JacobHayes
* [`frozen` parameter on `Config`]( to allow models to be hashed, #1880 by @rhuille

### Changes

* **Breaking Change**, remove old deprecation aliases from v1, #2415 by @samuelcolvin:
* remove notes on migrating to v1 in docs
* remove `Schema` which was replaced by `Field`
* remove `Config.case_insensitive` which was replaced by `Config.case_sensitive` (default `False`)
* remove `Config.allow_population_by_alias` which was replaced by `Config.allow_population_by_field_name`
* remove `model.fields` which was replaced by `model.__fields__`
* remove `model.to_string()` which was replaced by `str(model)`
* remove `model.__values__` which was replaced by `model.__dict__`
* **Breaking Change:** always validate only first sublevel items with `each_item`.
There were indeed some edge cases with some compound types where the validated items were the last sublevel ones, #1933 by @PrettyWood
* Update docs extensions to fix local syntax highlighting, #2400 by @daviskirk
* fix: allow `utils.lenient_issubclass` to handle `typing.GenericAlias` objects like `list[str]` in python >= 3.9, #2399 by @daviskirk
* Improve field declaration for _pydantic_ `dataclass` by allowing the usage of _pydantic_ `Field` or `'metadata'` kwarg of `dataclasses.field`, #2384 by @PrettyWood
* Making `typing-extensions` a required dependency, #2368 by @samuelcolvin
* Make `resolve_annotations` more lenient, allowing for missing modules, #2363 by @samuelcolvin
* Allow configuring models through class kwargs, #2356 by @MrMrRobat
* Prevent `Mapping` subclasses from always being coerced to `dict`, #2325 by @ofek
* fix: allow `None` for type `Optional[conset / conlist]`, #2320 by @PrettyWood
* Support empty tuple type, #2318 by @PrettyWood
* fix: `python_requires` metadata to require >=3.6.1, #2306 by @hukkinj1
* Properly encode `Decimal` with, or without any decimal places, #2293 by @hultner
* fix: update `__fields_set__` in `BaseModel.copy(update=…)`, #2290 by @PrettyWood
* fix: keep order of fields with `BaseModel.construct()`, #2281 by @PrettyWood
* Support generating schema for Generic fields, #2262 by @maximberg
* Fix `validate_decorator` so `**kwargs` doesn't exclude values when the keyword
has the same name as the `*args` or `**kwargs` names, #2251 by @cybojenix
* Prevent overriding positional arguments with keyword arguments in
`validate_arguments`, as per behaviour with native functions, #2249 by @cybojenix
* add documentation for `con*` type functions, #2242 by @tayoogunbiyi
* Support custom root type (aka `__root__`) when using `parse_obj()` with nested models, #2238 by @PrettyWood
* Support custom root type (aka `__root__`) with `from_orm()`, #2237 by @PrettyWood
* ensure cythonized functions are left untouched when creating models, based on #1944 by @kollmats, #2228 by @samuelcolvin
* Resolve forward refs for stdlib dataclasses converted into _pydantic_ ones, #2220 by @PrettyWood
* Add support for `NamedTuple` and `TypedDict` types.
Those two types are now handled and validated when used inside `BaseModel` or _pydantic_ `dataclass`.
Two utils are also added `create_model_from_namedtuple` and `create_model_from_typeddict`, #2216 by @PrettyWood
* Do not ignore annotated fields when type is `Union[Type[...], ...]`, #2213 by @PrettyWood
* Raise a user-friendly `TypeError` when a `root_validator` does not return a `dict` (e.g. `None`), #2209 by @masalim2
* Add a `FrozenSet[str]` type annotation to the `allowed_schemes` argument on the `strict_url` field type, #2198 by @Midnighter
* add `allow_mutation` constraint to `Field`, #2195 by @sblack-usu
* Allow `Field` with a `default_factory` to be used as an argument to a function
decorated with `validate_arguments`, #2176 by @thomascobb
* Allow non-existent secrets directory by only issuing a warning, #2175 by @davidolrik
* fix URL regex to parse fragment without query string, #2168 by @andrewmwhite
* fix: ensure to always return one of the values in `Literal` field type, #2166 by @PrettyWood
* Support `typing.Annotated` hints on model fields. A `Field` may now be set in the type hint with `Annotated[..., Field(...)`; all other annotations are ignored but still visible with `get_type_hints(..., include_extras=True)`, #2147 by @JacobHayes
* Added `StrictBytes` type as well as `strict=False` option to `ConstrainedBytes`, #2136 by @rlizzo
* added `Config.anystr_lower` and `to_lower` kwarg to `constr` and `conbytes`, #2134 by @tayoogunbiyi
* Support plain `typing.Tuple` type, #2132 by @PrettyWood
* Add a bound method `validate` to functions decorated with `validate_arguments`
to validate parameters without actually calling the function, #2127 by @PrettyWood
* Add the ability to customize settings sources (add / disable / change priority order), #2107 by @kozlek
* Fix mypy complaints about most custom _pydantic_ types, #2098 by @PrettyWood
* Add a [Hypothesis]( plugin for easier [property-based testing]( with Pydantic's custom types - [usage details here](, #2097 by @Zac-HD
* add validator for `None`, `NoneType` or `Literal[None]`, #2095 by @PrettyWood
* Handle properly fields of type `Callable` with a default value, #2094 by @PrettyWood
* Updated `create_model` return type annotation to return type which inherits from `__base__` argument, #2071 by @uriyyo
* Add merged `json_encoders` inheritance, #2064 by @art049
* allow overwriting `ClassVar`s in sub-models without having to re-annotate them, #2061 by @layday
* add default encoder for `Pattern` type, #2045 by @PrettyWood
* Add `NonNegativeInt`, `NonPositiveInt`, `NonNegativeFloat`, `NonPositiveFloat`, #1975 by @mdavis-xyz
* Use % for percentage in string format of colors, #1960 by @EdwardBetts
* Fixed issue causing `KeyError` to be raised when building schema from multiple `BaseModel` with the same names declared in separate classes, #1912 by @JSextonn
* Add `rediss` (Redis over SSL) protocol to `RedisDsn`
Allow URLs without `user` part (e.g., `rediss://:pass@localhost`), #1911 by @TrDex
* Add a new `frozen` boolean parameter to `Config` (default: `False`).
Setting `frozen=True` does everything that `allow_mutation=False` does, and also generates a `__hash__()` method for the model. This makes instances of the model potentially hashable if all the attributes are hashable, #1880 by @rhuille
* fix schema generation with multiple Enums having the same name, #1857 by @PrettyWood
* Added support for 13/19 digits VISA credit cards in `PaymentCardNumber` type, #1416 by @AlexanderSov
* fix: prevent `RecursionError` while using recursive `GenericModel`s, #1370 by @xppt
* use `enum` for `typing.Literal` in JSON schema, #1350 by @PrettyWood
* Fix: some recursive models did not require `update_forward_refs` and silently behaved incorrectly, #1201 by @PrettyWood
* Fix bug where generic models with fields where the typevar is nested in another type `a: List[T]` are considered to be concrete. This allows these models to be subclassed and composed as expected, #947 by @daviskirk
* Add `Config.copy_on_model_validation` flag. When set to `False`, _pydantic_ will keep models used as fields
untouched on validation instead of reconstructing (copying) them, #265 by @PrettyWood

## v1.7.3 (2020-11-30)

Thank you to pydantic's sponsors:
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/usage/
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not be included in the model schemas. **Note**: this means that attributes on the model with *defaults of this type*, not *annotations of this type*, will be left alone.

: a `dict` used to extend/update the generated JSON Schema, or a callable to post-process it; see [Schema customization](
: a `dict` used to extend/update the generated JSON Schema, or a callable to post-process it; see [schema customization](

: a custom function for decoding JSON; see [custom JSON (de)serialisation](
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions docs/usage/
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: loads data into a model from an arbitrary class; cf. [ORM mode](#orm-mode-aka-arbitrary-class-instances)

: returns a dictionary representing the model as JSON Schema; cf. [Schema](
: returns a dictionary representing the model as JSON Schema; cf. [schema](

: returns a JSON string representation of `schema()`; cf. [Schema](
: returns a JSON string representation of `schema()`; cf. [schema](

: a class method for creating models without running validation;
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Similar validation could be achieved using [`constr(regex=...)`](#constrained-types) except the value won't be
formatted with a space, the schema would just include the full pattern and the returned value would be a vanilla string.

See [Schema]( for more details on how the model's schema is generated.
See [schema]( for more details on how the model's schema is generated.

### Arbitrary Types Allowed

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- admonition
- pymdownx.highlight
- pymdownx.extra
- mdx_truly_sane_lists

- search
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion pydantic/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
__all__ = 'VERSION', 'version_info'

VERSION = '1.7.3'
VERSION = '1.8'

def version_info() -> str:
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