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allow for shallow copies (#4093)
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* allow for shallow copies

* Add changes file

* tweak change

* update for comments

* rename attr

* use single quotes

* bump ci

* add warning if not a string, switch to string literals

* fix linting, prompt ci

* fix ci

* extend and fix tests

* change default to "shallow"

Co-authored-by: Samuel Colvin <>
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timkpaine and samuelcolvin committed Aug 11, 2022
1 parent 33b37a9 commit 0b82e62
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Showing 4 changed files with 81 additions and 10 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions changes/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Allow for shallow copies of attributes, adjusting the behavior of #3642
`Config.copy_on_model_validation` is now a str enum of `["none", "deep", "shallow"]` corresponding to
not copying, deep copy, shallow copy, default `"shallow"`.
12 changes: 7 additions & 5 deletions pydantic/
Expand Up @@ -2,21 +2,21 @@
from enum import Enum
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, ForwardRef, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union

from typing_extensions import Literal, Protocol

from .typing import AnyCallable
from .utils import GetterDict
from .version import compiled

from typing import overload

import typing_extensions

from .fields import ModelField
from .main import BaseModel

ConfigType = Type['BaseConfig']

class SchemaExtraCallable(typing_extensions.Protocol):
class SchemaExtraCallable(Protocol):
def __call__(self, schema: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -103,8 +103,10 @@ class BaseConfig:
json_encoders: Dict[Union[Type[Any], str, ForwardRef], AnyCallable] = {}
underscore_attrs_are_private: bool = False

# whether inherited models as fields should be reconstructed as base model
copy_on_model_validation: bool = True
# whether inherited models as fields should be reconstructed as base model,
# and whether such a copy should be shallow or deep
copy_on_model_validation: Literal['none', 'deep', 'shallow'] = 'shallow'

# whether `Union` should check all allowed types before even trying to coerce
smart_union: bool = False
# whether dataclass `__post_init__` should be run before or after validation
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24 changes: 21 additions & 3 deletions pydantic/
Expand Up @@ -679,10 +679,28 @@ def __get_validators__(cls) -> 'CallableGenerator':
def validate(cls: Type['Model'], value: Any) -> 'Model':
if isinstance(value, cls):
if cls.__config__.copy_on_model_validation:
return value._copy_and_set_values(value.__dict__, value.__fields_set__, deep=True)
copy_on_model_validation = cls.__config__.copy_on_model_validation
# whether to deep or shallow copy the model on validation, None means do not copy
deep_copy: Optional[bool] = None
if copy_on_model_validation not in {'deep', 'shallow', 'none'}:
# Warn about deprecated behavior
"`copy_on_model_validation` should be a string: 'deep', 'shallow' or 'none'", DeprecationWarning
if copy_on_model_validation:
deep_copy = False

if copy_on_model_validation == 'shallow':
# shallow copy
deep_copy = False
elif copy_on_model_validation == 'deep':
# deep copy
deep_copy = True

if deep_copy is None:
return value
return value._copy_and_set_values(value.__dict__, value.__fields_set__, deep=deep_copy)

value = cls._enforce_dict_if_root(value)

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52 changes: 50 additions & 2 deletions tests/
Expand Up @@ -1561,18 +1561,66 @@ class Config:

assert t.user is not my_user
assert t.user.hobbies == ['scuba diving']
assert t.user.hobbies is not my_user.hobbies # `Config.copy_on_model_validation` does a deep copy
assert t.user.hobbies is my_user.hobbies # `Config.copy_on_model_validation` does a shallow copy
assert t.user._priv == 13
assert t.user.password.get_secret_value() == 'hashedpassword'
assert t.dict() == {'id': '1234567890', 'user': {'id': 42, 'hobbies': ['scuba diving']}}

def test_model_exclude_copy_on_model_validation_shallow():
"""When `Config.copy_on_model_validation` is set and `Config.copy_on_model_validation_shallow` is set,
do the same as the previous test but perform a shallow copy"""

class User(BaseModel):
class Config:
copy_on_model_validation = 'shallow'

hobbies: List[str]

my_user = User(hobbies=['scuba diving'])

class Transaction(BaseModel):
user: User = Field(...)

t = Transaction(user=my_user)

assert t.user is not my_user
assert t.user.hobbies is my_user.hobbies # unlike above, this should be a shallow copy

@pytest.mark.parametrize('comv_value', [True, False])
def test_copy_on_model_validation_warning(comv_value):
class User(BaseModel):
class Config:
# True interpreted as 'shallow', False interpreted as 'none'
copy_on_model_validation = comv_value

hobbies: List[str]

my_user = User(hobbies=['scuba diving'])

class Transaction(BaseModel):
user: User

with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning, match="`copy_on_model_validation` should be a string: 'deep', 'shallow' or"):
t = Transaction(user=my_user)

if comv_value:
assert t.user is not my_user
assert t.user is my_user
assert t.user.hobbies is my_user.hobbies

def test_validation_deep_copy():
"""By default, Config.copy_on_model_validation should do a deep copy"""

class A(BaseModel):
name: str

class Config:
copy_on_model_validation = 'deep'

class B(BaseModel):
list_a: List[A]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1986,7 +2034,7 @@ def __hash__(self):
return id(self)

class Config:
copy_on_model_validation = False
copy_on_model_validation = 'none'

class Item(BaseModel):
images: List[Image]
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