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Merge #11607
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11607: Add json_dumps to python sdk r=Frassle a=Frassle

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# Description

<!--- Please include a summary of the change and which issue is fixed. Please also include relevant motivation and context. -->

Following on with adding to json functions to each SDK, this one is for Python.
It even handles nested Outputs via our _sync_await helper.

## Checklist

<!--- Please provide details if the checkbox below is to be left unchecked. -->
- [x] I have added tests that prove my fix is effective or that my feature works
User-facing changes require a CHANGELOG entry.
- [x] I have run `make changelog` and committed the `changelog/pending/<file>` documenting my change
If the change(s) in this PR is a modification of an existing call to the Pulumi Service,
then the service should honor older versions of the CLI where this change would not exist.
You must then bump the API version in /pkg/backend/httpstate/client/api.go, as well as add
it to the service.
- [ ] Yes, there are changes in this PR that warrants bumping the Pulumi Service API version
  <!-- `@Pulumi` employees: If yes, you must submit corresponding changes in the service repo. -->

Co-authored-by: Fraser Waters <>
  • Loading branch information
bors[bot] and Frassle committed Dec 14, 2022
2 parents 2d5c95b + 1610d30 commit fda02b7
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Showing 3 changed files with 206 additions and 1 deletion.
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
- type: feat
scope: sdk/python
description: Add json_dumps to python sdk.
127 changes: 127 additions & 0 deletions sdk/python/lib/pulumi/
Expand Up @@ -13,9 +13,11 @@
# limitations under the License.
import asyncio
import contextlib
import json
from functools import reduce
from inspect import isawaitable
from typing import (
Expand All @@ -35,6 +37,7 @@
from . import _types
from . import runtime
from .runtime import rpc
from .runtime.sync_await import _sync_await

from .resource import Resource
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -536,6 +539,130 @@ def format(
return Output.from_input(format_string).apply(lambda str: str.format())

def json_dumps(
obj: Input[Any],
skipkeys: bool = False,
ensure_ascii: bool = True,
check_circular: bool = True,
allow_nan: bool = True,
cls: type[json.JSONEncoder] = None,
indent: Optional[int | str] = None,
separators: tuple[str, str] = None,
default: Callable[[Any], Any] = None,
sort_keys: bool = False,
**kw: Any
) -> "Output[str]":
Uses json.dumps to serialize the given Input[object] value into a JSON string.
The arguments have the same meaning as in `json.dumps` except obj is an Input.

if cls is None:
cls = json.JSONEncoder

output = Output.from_input(obj)
result_resources: asyncio.Future[Set["Resource"]] = asyncio.Future()
result_is_known: asyncio.Future[bool] = asyncio.Future()
result_is_secret: asyncio.Future[bool] = asyncio.Future()

async def run() -> str:
resources: Set["Resource"] = set()
seen_unknown = False
seen_secret = False
seen_resources = set()

class OutputEncoder(cls): # type: ignore
def default(self, o):
if isinstance(o, Output):
nonlocal seen_unknown
nonlocal seen_secret
nonlocal seen_resources

# We need to synchronously wait for o to complete
async def wait_output() -> Tuple[object, bool, bool, set]:
return (
await o._future,
await o._is_known,
await o._is_secret,
await o._resources,

(result, known, secret, resources) = _sync_await(
# Update the secret flag and set of seen resources
seen_secret = seen_secret or secret
if known:
return result
# The value wasn't known set the local seenUnknown variable and just return None
# so the serialization doesn't raise an exception at this point
seen_unknown = True
return None

return super().default(o)

# Await the output's details.
resources = await output._resources
is_known = await output._is_known
is_secret = await output._is_secret
value = await output._future

if not is_known:
return cast(str, None)

# Try and dump using our special OutputEncoder to handle nested outputs
result = json.dumps(

# Update the final resources and secret flag based on what we saw while dumping
is_secret = is_secret or seen_secret
resources = set(resources)

# If we saw an unknown during dumping then throw away the result and return not known
if seen_unknown:
return cast(str, None)

return result

with contextlib.suppress(asyncio.InvalidStateError):

with contextlib.suppress(asyncio.InvalidStateError):

with contextlib.suppress(asyncio.InvalidStateError):

run_fut = asyncio.ensure_future(run())
return Output(result_resources, run_fut, result_is_known, result_is_secret)

def __str__(self) -> str:
return """Calling __str__ on an Output[T] is not supported.
Expand Down
76 changes: 75 additions & 1 deletion sdk/python/lib/test/
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import json
import asyncio
import unittest
from typing import Mapping, Optional, Sequence, cast
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -294,4 +295,77 @@ async def test_args_and_kwags(self):
s = Output.from_input("hi")
x = Output.format("{0}, {s}", i, s=s)
x_val = await x.future()
self.assertEqual(x_val, "1, hi")
self.assertEqual(x_val, "1, hi")

class OutputJsonTests(unittest.TestCase):
async def test_basic(self):
i = Output.from_input([0, 1])
x = Output.json_dumps(i)
self.assertEqual(await x.future(), "[0, 1]")
self.assertEqual(await x.is_secret(), False)
self.assertEqual(await x.is_known(), True)

# from_input handles _most_ nested outputs, so we need to use user defined types to "work around"
# that, which means we also need to use a custom encoder
class CustomClass(object):
def __init__(self, a, b):
self.a = a
self.b = b

class CustomEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, o):
if isinstance(o, OutputJsonTests.CustomClass):
return (o.a, o.b)
return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o)

async def test_nested(self):
i = Output.from_input(OutputJsonTests.CustomClass(Output.from_input(0), Output.from_input(1)))
x = Output.json_dumps(i, cls=OutputJsonTests.CustomEncoder)
self.assertEqual(await x.future(), "[0, 1]")
self.assertEqual(await x.is_secret(), False)
self.assertEqual(await x.is_known(), True)

async def test_nested_unknown(self):
future = asyncio.Future()
is_known = asyncio.Future()
unknown = Output(resources=set(), future=future, is_known=is_known)

i = Output.from_input(OutputJsonTests.CustomClass(unknown, Output.from_input(1)))
x = Output.json_dumps(i, cls=OutputJsonTests.CustomEncoder)
self.assertEqual(await x.is_secret(), False)
self.assertEqual(await x.is_known(), False)

async def test_nested_secret(self):
future = asyncio.Future()
future_true = asyncio.Future()
inner = Output(resources=set(), future=future, is_known=future_true, is_secret=future_true)

i = Output.from_input(OutputJsonTests.CustomClass(inner, Output.from_input(1)))
x = Output.json_dumps(i, cls=OutputJsonTests.CustomEncoder)
self.assertEqual(await x.future(), "[0, 1]")
self.assertEqual(await x.is_secret(), True)
self.assertEqual(await x.is_known(), True)

async def test_nested_dependencies(self):
future = asyncio.Future()
future_true = asyncio.Future()
resource = object()
inner = Output(resources=set([resource]), future=future, is_known=future_true)

i = Output.from_input(OutputJsonTests.CustomClass(inner, Output.from_input(1)))
x = Output.json_dumps(i, cls=OutputJsonTests.CustomEncoder)
self.assertEqual(await x.future(), "[0, 1]")
self.assertEqual(await x.is_secret(), False)
self.assertEqual(await x.is_known(), True)
self.assertIn(resource, await x.resources())

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