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Revert "Add option for eliding property metadata from messages"
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This reverts commit ca3674b.

While there are savings, it ends up being to easy/common to run into issues with
AppStore validation since the selector usage now appears to be a possible match
for private apis vs. for selectors/properties in the generated code.
  • Loading branch information
thomasvl committed Jul 12, 2021
1 parent 378238e commit 4b3da9f
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Showing 13 changed files with 90 additions and 1,430 deletions.
24 changes: 2 additions & 22 deletions objectivec/DevTools/
@@ -1,34 +1,15 @@
#!/bin/bash -eu
# Invoked by the Xcode projects to build the protos needed for the unittests.


# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Helper for bailing.
die() {
echo "Error: $1"
exit 2

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Parameters.
if (( $# > 1 )); then
die "Script takes only one parameter: $#"

if (( $# == 1 )); then
case "$1" in
readonly ELIDE_MESSAGE_METADATA_OPTION="--objc_opt=elide_message_metadata"
readonly OUTPUT_DIR="${PROJECT_DERIVED_FILE_DIR}/elided/protos"
die "Unknown option: $1"
readonly OUTPUT_DIR="${PROJECT_DERIVED_FILE_DIR}/normal/protos"

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# What to do.
case "${ACTION}" in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -176,7 +157,6 @@ compile_protos() {
--proto_path=src/google/protobuf/ \
--proto_path=src \
--experimental_allow_proto3_optional \

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130 changes: 0 additions & 130 deletions objectivec/GPBMessage_PackagePrivate.h
Expand Up @@ -34,8 +34,6 @@

#import "GPBMessage.h"

#import "GPBUtilities_PackagePrivate.h"

// TODO: Remove this import. Older generated code use the OSAtomic* apis,
// so anyone that hasn't regenerated says building by having this. After
// enough time has passed, this likely can be removed as folks should have
Expand All @@ -44,134 +42,6 @@

#import "GPBBootstrap.h"

#if defined(__LP64__) && __LP64__
#define GPB_ASM_PTR " .quad "
#define GPB_ASM_PTRSIZE " 8 "
#define GPB_ASM_ONLY_LP64(x) x
#define GPB_ALIGN_SIZE " 3 "
#else // __LP64__
#define GPB_ASM_PTR " .long "
#define GPB_ASM_PTRSIZE " 4 "
#define GPB_ASM_ONLY_LP64(x)
#define GPB_ALIGN_SIZE " 2 "
#endif // __LP64__


#if !__has_feature(objc_arc)
#define GPB_CLASS_FLAGS " 0x00 "
#define GPB_METACLASS_FLAGS " 0x01 "
// 0x80 denotes that the class supports ARC.
#define GPB_CLASS_FLAGS " 0x80 "
#define GPB_METACLASS_FLAGS " 0x81 "

// This generates code equivalent to:
// ```
// @implementation _name_
// + (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor {
// return _descriptorFunc_(self, _cmd);
// }
// @end
// ```
// We do this to avoid all of the @property metadata.
// If we use `@dynamic` the compiler generates a lot of property data including
// selectors and encoding strings. For large uses of protobufs, this can add
// up to several megabytes of unused Objective-C metadata.
// This inline class definition avoids the property data generation at the
// cost of being a little ugly. This has been tested with both 32 and 64 bits
// on intel and arm with Xcode 11.7 and Xcode 12.4.
// We make cstring_literals be local definitions by starting them with "L".
// This keeps our symbols tables smaller, and is what the linker expects.
// The linker in Xcode 12+ seems to be a bit more lenient about it, but the
// Xcode 11 linker requires it, and will give a cryptic "malformed method list"
// assertion if they are global.
#define GPB_MESSAGE_SUBCLASS_IMPL(name, descriptorFunc) \
__asm__( \
".section __TEXT, __objc_classname, cstring_literals \n" \
"L_OBJC_CLASS_NAME_" GPBStringifySymbol(name) ": " \
" .asciz \"" GPBStringifySymbol(name) "\" \n" \
".ifndef L_GBPDescriptorMethodName \n" \
".section __TEXT, __objc_methname, cstring_literals \n" \
"L_GBPDescriptorMethodName: .asciz \"descriptor\" \n" \
".endif \n" \
".ifndef L_GPBDescriptorMethodType \n" \
".section __TEXT, __objc_methtype, cstring_literals \n" \
"L_GPBDescriptorMethodType: .asciz \"" GPB_DESCRIPTOR_METHOD_TYPE "\" \n" \
".endif \n" \
".section __DATA,__objc_const, regular \n" \
".p2align" GPB_ALIGN_SIZE "\n" \
"__OBJC_$_CLASS_METHODS_" GPBStringifySymbol(name) ": \n" \
".long 3 *" GPB_ASM_PTRSIZE "\n" \
".long 0x1 \n" \
GPB_ASM_PTR "L_GBPDescriptorMethodName \n" \
GPB_ASM_PTR "L_GPBDescriptorMethodType \n" \
GPB_ASM_PTR "_" #descriptorFunc " \n" \
".section __DATA,__objc_const, regular \n" \
".p2align" GPB_ALIGN_SIZE "\n" \
"__OBJC_METACLASS_RO_$_" GPBStringifySymbol(name) ": \n" \
".long" GPB_METACLASS_FLAGS "\n" \
".long 5 *" GPB_ASM_PTRSIZE "\n" \
".long 5 *" GPB_ASM_PTRSIZE "\n" \
GPB_ASM_ONLY_LP64(".space 4 \n") \
GPB_ASM_PTR "0 \n" \
GPB_ASM_PTR "L_OBJC_CLASS_NAME_" GPBStringifySymbol(name) " \n" \
GPB_ASM_PTR "__OBJC_$_CLASS_METHODS_" GPBStringifySymbol(name) " \n" \
GPB_ASM_PTR "0 \n" \
GPB_ASM_PTR "0 \n" \
GPB_ASM_PTR "0 \n" \
GPB_ASM_PTR "0 \n" \
".section __DATA,__objc_const, regular \n" \
".p2align" GPB_ALIGN_SIZE "\n" \
"__OBJC_CLASS_RO_$_" GPBStringifySymbol(name) ": \n" \
".long" GPB_CLASS_FLAGS "\n" \
".long" GPB_ASM_PTRSIZE "\n" \
".long" GPB_ASM_PTRSIZE "\n" \
GPB_ASM_ONLY_LP64(".long 0 \n") \
GPB_ASM_PTR "0 \n" \
GPB_ASM_PTR "L_OBJC_CLASS_NAME_" GPBStringifySymbol(name) " \n" \
GPB_ASM_PTR "0 \n" \
GPB_ASM_PTR "0 \n" \
GPB_ASM_PTR "0 \n" \
GPB_ASM_PTR "0 \n" \
GPB_ASM_PTR "0 \n" \
".globl _OBJC_METACLASS_$_" GPBStringifySymbol(name) "\n" \
".section __DATA,__objc_data, regular \n" \
".p2align" GPB_ALIGN_SIZE "\n" \
"_OBJC_METACLASS_$_" GPBStringifySymbol(name) ": \n" \
GPB_ASM_PTR "__objc_empty_cache \n" \
GPB_ASM_PTR "0 \n" \
GPB_ASM_PTR "__OBJC_METACLASS_RO_$_" GPBStringifySymbol(name) " \n" \
".globl _OBJC_CLASS_$_" GPBStringifySymbol(name) "\n" \
".section __DATA,__objc_data, regular \n" \
".p2align" GPB_ALIGN_SIZE "\n" \
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_" GPBStringifySymbol(name) ": \n" \
GPB_ASM_PTR "_OBJC_METACLASS_$_" GPBStringifySymbol(name) " \n" \
GPB_ASM_PTR "__objc_empty_cache \n" \
GPB_ASM_PTR "0 \n" \
GPB_ASM_PTR "__OBJC_CLASS_RO_$_" GPBStringifySymbol(name) " \n" \
".section __DATA, __objc_classlist, regular, no_dead_strip \n" \
".p2align" GPB_ALIGN_SIZE "\n" \
"_OBJC_LABEL_CLASS_$" GPBStringifySymbol(name) ": \n" \
GPB_ASM_PTR "_OBJC_CLASS_$_" GPBStringifySymbol(name) " \n" \

typedef struct GPBMessage_Storage {
uint32_t _has_storage_[0];
} GPBMessage_Storage;
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