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The goal of Prosperence is to provide a reliable resource for individuals to build a comprehensive financial plan independently, confidently, and completely free.

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Table of Contents

  1. Summary
  2. Prosperence (beta)
  3. University of Prosperence
  4. Team
  5. Requirements
  6. Development
  7. Contributing
  8. Road Map


Too many Americans do not have an adequate financial plan. In my time as a financial planner, I've heard people say it's because they don't know how to build one, or they don't think they could afford a financial planner, or they don't trust financial planners, or any other number of reasons.

The goal of Prosperence is to deliver a program that allows a user to build a comprehensive financial plan that is customized for their situation and goals without having any education or knowledge about finance or financial planning. Prosperence will strive to educate the user throughout the process, removing the ambiguity, uncertainty, and stress that typically come from talking to a financial product salesman, planner, or other financial professional.

Prosperence beta

Throughout all of the initial building of the plan, and forever, no personal/identifying information (email, phone number, address, etc.) will need to be entered for a user to build a financial plan. Users will be able to create an account or download and save their financial plan (finished or in progress) without any fear of personal information being leaked or attacked. Once their account is created, their information will be saved. From there, they will be able to review and update their plan, and they will have the opportunity to complete more questionnaires to have a more accurate plan.

University of Prosperence

The goal for University of Prosperence is to provide a library of resources, that are freely available to everyone, to help bring clarity and understanding to the more complex elements of the financial world. While this will primarily serve as a place to host and organize a series of interactive and dynamic self-learning presentations, this will include a library of external resources of varying degrees of complexity.

Read more about University of Prosperence on our wiki.


  • Product Owner: Timothy Martin
  • Scrum Master: tba
  • Lead Architect: tba
  • Build Master: tba
  • UX Lead: tba
  • Development Team Members: tba


  • Node 0.10.x
  • Express
  • AngularJS


Installing Dependencies

From within the root directory:

npm install -g bower
npm install
bower install
gem install sass

To run a local instance, start mongo and then run grunt as follows:

grunt serve


See for contribution guidelines.

Road Map

See Road Map in our wiki for more information.