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ISSUES: Why we close issues without a lot of explanation.

Roel Spilker edited this page Oct 15, 2018 · 1 revision

We get more issues that we can handle. Even properly responding to all issues takes too much time. That's why we do a quick scan to see if we are going to address the issue within a reasonable time frame. If we misjudge an issue, do feel free to ask us to reconsider after reading the text below.

How can you help us?

Feature requests

Short answer: Don't. We already have more ideas than time.

Longer answer: If you have a brilliant idea, first post it on our discussion group. Get some feedback, allow others to reflect on your idea. Possibly it has already come up before, and there are compelling reasons not to implement it. Possibly it already exists.

Requests to add support for other compilers

Short answer: No. We support javac and ecj via Ant, Maven and Gradle.

Longer answer: See feature requests.

Bug reports

Short answer: if is not immediately clear, we skip it.

Make bug reports super clear.

  • What code did you use?
  • What compiler?
  • What versions of the compiler and lombok?
  • What did you expect?
  • What was the observed behavior?

Interaction with framework X

Short answer: We are not an X expert.

Do not assume we know your favorite framework. Contrary to popular belief, we are not Gradle experts, we do not know all features of Slf4j, we've never even heard of framework X.

So please be very specific about your issue. Assume we don't even know what problem X solves, nor the jargon in that domain.