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feat(pv-scripts): add option to use the styleguide's example markup w…
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introduce the `raw` option that can be set via params of the code block, front matter of the
markdown or config.stlyemark.yaml's `examples` section and won't wrap the markup with `htmlHead`,
`bodyHtml` etc from the config when set.
 Also introduce a new experimental pattern for how the
code blocks can be written to be picked up by the stylemark. i.e. `css example-1 hidden` or `html
example-1 ./demo/file.html?foo=bar#anchor raw=true hidden`

fix #227
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mbehzad committed Apr 15, 2024
1 parent 9afa746 commit c5a5e66
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Showing 2 changed files with 92 additions and 21 deletions.
27 changes: 20 additions & 7 deletions packages/pv-stylemark/tasks/lsg/buildLsgExamples.js
Expand Up @@ -23,19 +23,32 @@ const buildComponentExample = async (config, lsgData, exampleData, template) =>
try {
let componentMarkup = "";
if (exampleData.exampleMarkup.examplePath) {
const componentPath = resolveApp(join(destPath, "components", lsgData.componentPath, exampleData.exampleMarkup.examplePath + ".html"));
const componentPath = resolveApp(join(destPath, "components", lsgData.componentPath, exampleData.exampleMarkup.examplePath));
componentMarkup = await readFile(componentPath, { encoding: "utf-8" });
} else {
componentMarkup = exampleData.exampleMarkup.content;
const configBodyHtml = config.examples?.bodyHtml ?? "{html}";
componentMarkup = configBodyHtml.replace(/{html}/g, componentMarkup);
const markup = template({
exampleStyles: exampleData.exampleStyles,
lsgConfig: config,
// when the `raw` parameter is set in stylemark config, or the markdowns frontmatter or via the parameters of the code block in the markdown,
// the markup will be used as it is and not wrapped by stylemark generated markup
const useMarkupRaw = Object.assign({}, config.examples, lsgData.options, exampleData.exampleMarkup.params).raw;
let markup = "";
if (useMarkupRaw) {
const styles = => `<style>${style.content}</style>`).join("\n");
const scripts = => `<script>${script.content}</script>`).join("\n");
markup = componentMarkup
.replace("</head>", `${styles}\n</head>`)
.replace("</body>", `${scripts}\n</body>`);
} else {
markup = template({
exampleStyles: exampleData.exampleStyles,
exampleScripts: exampleData.exampleScripts,
lsgConfig: config,
await writeFile(destPath, "styleguide", `${lsgData.componentName}-${exampleData.exampleName}`, markup);
} catch (error) {
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86 changes: 72 additions & 14 deletions packages/pv-stylemark/tasks/lsg/getLsgData.js
Expand Up @@ -11,11 +11,19 @@ const { resolveApp, getAppConfig } = require("../../helper/paths");
* @typedef {Object} StyleMarkCodeBlock
* @property {string} exampleName - will be used to identify the html page rendered as an iframe
* @property {string} [examplePath] - optional, will be a relative path to the html file (relative from target/components/path/to/markdown)
* @property {string} [search] - optional, the query params coming after the path in the code block. example: `?foo=bar` (? is part of the value)
* @property {string} [hash] - optional, hash value coming after the path in the code block e.g. `#anchor` (# is part of the value)
* @property {"html"|"css"|"js"} language - `html` will create a new html page, `js` and `css` will be added in the html file
* @property {"" | " hidden"} hidden - Indicates whether the code block should also be shown in the styleguide description of the component
* @property {string} content - the content of the code block
* @property {Object} params
* @property {boolean} [params.hidden] - Indicates whether the code block should also be shown in the styleguide description of the component
* @property {boolean} [params.raw] - Indicates whether the html needs to be wrapped by stylemark or rendered as it comes, raw.
* @example
* ```exampleName:examplePath.lang hidden
* ```exampleName:examplePath.language hidden
* content
* ```
* // new pattern
* ```language exampleName examplePath[search][hash] hidden raw=false
* content
* ```
Expand All @@ -39,7 +47,7 @@ const { resolveApp, getAppConfig } = require("../../helper/paths");
* }} StyleMarkLSGData

// example code blocks
// example code blocks:
// ```example:/path/to/page.html
// ```
Expand All @@ -52,7 +60,22 @@ const { resolveApp, getAppConfig } = require("../../helper/paths");
// display: none;
// }
// ```
const regexExecutableCodeBlocks = /``` *(?<exampleName>[\w\-]+)(:(?<examplePath>(\.?\.\/)*[\w\-/]+))?\.(?<language>html|css|js)(?<hidden>( hidden)?) *\n+(?<content>[^```]*)```/g;
const legacyRegexExecutableCodeBlocks = /``` *(?<exampleName>[\w\-]+)(:(?<examplePath>(\.?\.\/)*[\w\-/]+))?\.(?<language>html|css|js)(?<params>( .*)?) *\n+(?<content>[^```]*)```/g;

// example code blocks:
// ```html example ./path/to/page.html
// ```
// ```js example
// console.log('Example 1: ' + data);
// ```
// ```css example hidden
// button {
// display: none;
// }
// ```
const regexExecutableCodeBlocks = /``` *(?<language>html|css|js) (?<exampleName>[\w\-]+)( +(?<examplePath>(\.?\.\/)*[\w\-/]+\.[\w\-/]+))?(?<search>\?.+?)?(?<hash>#.+?)?(?<params>( .*))? *\n+(?<content>[^```]*)```/g

const exampleParser = {
name: "exampleParser",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -161,11 +184,42 @@ const getLsgData = async (curGlob, config) => {
* extracts the fenced code blocks from the markdown that are meant to be used in the example pages according to the stylemark spec (@link
* @param {string} markdownContent
* @returns {Array<StyleMarkCodeBlock>}
* @returns {StyleMarkCodeBlock[]}
function getExecutableCodeBlocks(markdownContent) {
return [
].map(match => normalizeRegexGroups(match.groups));

* the `groups` object of the regex for the executable code blocks, will be modified to have the object exactly how it is needed and not what is possible using only regex.
* this includes nested objects and boolean casting
* @param {object} groups
* @param {string} [groups.examplePath]
* @param {string} [groups.params]
* @param {string} groups.exampleName
* @param {string} groups.language
* @param {string} [groups.content]
* @returns {StyleMarkCodeBlock}
async function getExecutableCodeBlocks(markdownContent) {
return Array.from(markdownContent.matchAll(regexExecutableCodeBlocks))
.map(match => match.groups);
function normalizeRegexGroups(groups) {
// "type=module hidden" --> `{ type: "module", hidden: true }`
groups.params = Object.fromEntries((groups.params ?? "").trim().split(" ").map(part => part.trim()).filter(part => part !== "").map(part => {
let [key, value] = part.split("=");
// for boolean, cast
if (value === "true") value = true;
if (value === "false") value = false;
return [key, value ?? true];

if (groups.examplePath) {
// in the new pattern, the extension is part of examplePath. in the old one the extension is used for the `language` instead.
groups.examplePath = groups.examplePath.match(/\.[\w\-]+$/) ? groups.examplePath : `${groups.examplePath}.${groups.language}`;

return groups;

Expand All @@ -176,18 +230,18 @@ async function getExecutableCodeBlocks(markdownContent) {
* @returns {string}
function cleanMarkdownFromExecutableCodeBlocks(markdownContent, name, componentPath) {
return markdownContent.replace(regexExecutableCodeBlocks, (...args) => {
function replacer(...args) {
let replacement = "";
/** @type {StyleMarkCodeBlock} */
const groups =;
const groups = normalizeRegexGroups(;

if (groups.language === "html") {
// html file will be generated for html code blocks without a referenced file
const examplePath = groups.examplePath ? `${groups.examplePath}.html` : `${groups.exampleName}.html`;
const examplePath = groups.examplePath ? groups.examplePath : `${groups.exampleName}.html`;
const markupUrl = join("../components", componentPath, examplePath);
replacement += `<dds-example name="${groups.exampleName}" path="${name}-${groups.exampleName}.html" ${groups.examplePath && !groups.hidden ? `markup-url="${markupUrl}"`: ""}></dds-example>`
replacement += `<dds-example name="${groups.exampleName}" path="${name}-${groups.exampleName}.html${ ?? ""}${groups.hash ?? ""}" ${groups.examplePath && !groups.params.hidden ? `markup-url="${markupUrl}"`: ""}></dds-example>`
if (groups.content && !groups.hidden) {
if (groups.content && !groups.params.hidden) {
// add the css/js code blocks for the example. make sure it is indented the way `marked` can handle it
replacement += `
Expand All @@ -197,7 +251,11 @@ function cleanMarkdownFromExecutableCodeBlocks(markdownContent, name, componentP

return replacement;

return markdownContent
.replace(legacyRegexExecutableCodeBlocks, replacer)
.replace(regexExecutableCodeBlocks, replacer);

module.exports = {
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