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Releases: prettier-solidity/prettier-plugin-solidity


19 Jan 21:18
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Needed to put a specific experimentalTernaries behaviour behind a feature flag. (thanks @pcaversaccio)


22 Dec 11:23
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This version ships with 2 substantial changes.

  1. The parser had a great improvement in size package making our bundled size go from 773.5 KB to 417 KB and 90 KB gzipped, making our support for browser more impactful. (#967)
  2. We embraced prettier's ternaries formatting improvements and support the new option externalTernaries, so we invite people to start experimenting with it and give us some feedback. (#953)


09 Nov 06:41
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A few improvements on this release:

  • Dropped support for node 14 (#887)
  • Migrated the whole codebase to ESM (#894)
    • The bundled version now has the .cjs extension
  • Improved the bundled file to better support projects targeting browsers (#943 thanks to @folego and electric_gary on Telegram)
    • Projects can easily import from prettier-plugin-solidity/standalone
  • Added support for negative e notation 1000e-2 (solidity-parser/parser#95)
  • Full support of file level event definitions, introduced with solidity 0.8.22 (solidity-parser/parser#97)

A few tweaks in the code and refactor for simplicity and efficiency.


01 Mar 11:52
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This version adds support for user-defined operators, a feature introduced in Solidity 0.8.19.


06 Feb 13:54
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This version adds support for named parameters in mappings, introduced in Solidity 0.8.18. This means you can add names to your mappings parameters:

mapping(address account => uint balance) balanceOf; 

and Prettier Solidity will format it correctly.

Thanks to @zemse for working on this!


29 Dec 22:47
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With this version we started supporting prettier V3 which at the moment it's in their 3.0.0-alpha.4 version. (#757)

Some internal tweaks and removed some dependencies that were no longer used. (thanks to @frangio for noticing #780)


15 Dec 05:05
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With this version, we are releasing a standalone build (#727).
It follows the same patterns Prettier uses for their internal plugins such as UMD.
Hopefully this will make integration for projects based on the browser easy and will be automatically shipped on each release to

We also took care of a small bug that would print an extra line when formatting solidity code within a markdown code block (#765).


17 Nov 12:40
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We are happy to release the first stable version of Prettier Solidity! 🎉 🎉

What does this mean for you as a user? Semantic versioning doesn't make a lot of sense for a formatter, so it's hard to give hard rules about what will be the meaning of future versions. But we'll try to follow these guidelines:

  • We won't make big formatting changes within the same major version. For example, you shouldn't get all your function signatures changed just because you upgraded to, say, v1.1.0.
  • We won't remove any option within the same major version.
  • We'll use patch versions (e.g., moving from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4) for bug fixes and very minor formatting changes.
  • We'll use minor versions (e.g., moving from 1.2.3 to 1.3.0) for new language constructs, new options (if any) and somewhat bigger formatting changes.

What separates a "very minor formatting change" from a "bigger one" is hard to define precisely, of course, so some of these decisions will be very subjective, but we'll try to do our best.

Thanks for using our plugin and remember to star the repo! ⭐


02 Nov 09:21
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This is our first release candidate for a stable v1.0.0!

This version includes some significant changes:

  • We removed the explicitTypes option, since we believe that this belongs to a linter. The behavior now is the same one that you would get if using explicitTypes: "preserve", meaning that we'll never convert an uint to an uint256 or vice versa.
  • In previous versions, the parameters of a function definition would always be split if there were more than two of them. Starting now, we only split them if the line doesn't fit in line-width. Plus, the way this works is that first the parameters are split, then the modifiers (if they also don't fit in a single line), and finally the return parameters (also only if they don't fit).
  • The exponentiation operator (**) now has spaces around it. This is more consistent with other operators, and it looks better for long variable names (that is, base ** decimals is better than base**decimals). We do know that this is not as nice for some cases (2 ** 10), but we are erring on the side of consistency and a better worst-case scenario.

As an example, a function like this:

contract Foo {
  function f(uint x, uint y, uint z) mod1 mod2 { x**y**z; }

would be formatted in the previous version like this:

contract Foo {
    function f(
        uint256 x,
        uint256 y,
        uint256 z
    ) mod1 mod2 {

and now it will be formatted like this:

contract Foo {
    function f(uint x, uint y, uint z) mod1 mod2 {
        x ** y ** z;

Please upgrade to the latest version and let us if you find any issues!


11 Jul 03:41
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This new release provides some bug fixes and new formatting added by solidity.
