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Michał's Octopress Blog

Using Dockerized version of Octopress:

docker build -t karzyn_octopress .
docker run -v /.../karzyn_octopress:/srv/karzyn_octopress -it karzyn_octopress
root@container:/srv/karzyn_octopress# rake generate


Octopress is Jekyll blogging at its finest. Check out for guides and documentation.

Installing Octopress dependencies

sudo gem install bundler
brew update
brew install rbenv ruby-build
rbenv init
rbenv rehash
bundle install
bundle exec rake generate ...

Common tasks

Creating a new post or page

bundle exec rake new_page\["page title"\]
bundle exec rake new_post\["post title"\]

Remember this if you run into encoding problems

export LANG=en_US.utf-8

Preview your site

bundle exec rake preview
bundle exec rake generate
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080

Generate site files and deploy

bundle exec rake generate && bundle exec rake watch
bundle exec rake isolate\["about-me"\]
bundle exec rake integrate
bundle exec rake generate
bundle exec rake watch
bundle exec rake deploy

Commit changes to Repo

git commit -m 'Customization'
git push

Update Octopress engine

git pull octopress master     # Get the latest Octopress
bundle install                # Keep gems updated
rake update_source            # update the template's source
rake update_style             # update the template's style

More info: