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On linux make sure you have your distribution's equivalent of debian's libssl-dev and libffi-dev installed. Mac users should be fine. Windows I have no idea.

Simple steps, assuming you're in a folder with a checkout of both pircel and possel as subfolders (called pircel and possel, of course):

# Make a virtualenv to prevent us dirtying system python packages
virtualenv -p $(which python3) possel.env
. possel.env/bin/activate

# Must install in this order
pip install -e pircel
pip install -e possel

# Add a user for auth
python -m possel.auth some_user some_password

# Run that server
possel --port 8080 --debug

That last one is the only one you'll need to repeat.

API Examples with curl

# A couple of handy shortcuts
alias post='curl -c possel.cookies -b possel.cookies -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d'
alias get='curl -b possel.cookies'

# You must authenticate before doing *anything* else
post '{"username": "some_user", "password": "some_password"}' localhost:8080/session

# Connecting, joining, posting
post '{"host": "", "port": 6697, "secure": true, "nick": "possel", "realname": "Possel IRC", "username": "possel"}' localhost:8080/server
post '{"server": 1, "name": "#possel-test"}' localhost:8080/buffer
post '{"buffer": 2, "content": "butts"}' localhost:8080/line

# Getting lines
curl localhost:8080/line?id=1
curl localhost:8080/line?after=10
curl localhost:8080/line?before=20
curl localhost:8080/line?last=10
curl localhost:8080/line?buffer=3

# Combining filters in getting lines
curl localhost:8080/line?buffer=3&last=20
curl localhost:8080/line?after=10&before=20

# Getting buffers
curl localhost:8080/buffer/1
curl localhost:8080/buffer/all

# Getting servers
curl localhost:8080/server/1
curl localhost:8080/server/all

The Websocket

Real time notifications are achieved with a websocket which you can connect to with the following javascript (you'll need to find a websocket client for the language you're working in):

var ws = new ReconnectingWebSocket(ws_url);
ws.onopen = function() {
ws.onclose = function() {
ws.onmessage = function(event){

And following are examples of the kinds of messages you can expect from the websocket (you shouldn't send anything to it).

{"line": 1036, "type": "last_line"}  # Sent on connect, indicates the highest line id at that point
{"server": 2, "type": "server"}  # We're connected to a new server
{"server": 1, "buffer": 4, "type": "buffer"}  # We've joined a buffer

{"user": 11, "server": 1, "type": "user"}  # A new user has been discovered (cache them please)
{"user": 1, "buffer": 4, "membership": 14, "type": "membership"}  # User with id 1 has joined buffer 4
{"membership": {"buffer": 3, "id": 17, "user": 11}, "type": "delete_membership"}  # A user has left a channel (should probably standardise this with the join one)

{"line": 1037, "buffer": 3, "type": "line"}  # a wild line has appeared


We're on IRC! Server:, channel: #possel.