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(Italics represents currently unsupported)

Disk structure

All partitions are expected to be on the same disk (including the EFI system partition). This may change in future.

EFI system partition

GUID: C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B

All popcorn related files shall go in the /EFI/POPCORN directory. This may contain the μwave EFI application, named UWAVEX.efi where X is the UEFI short name for the machine, for example UWAVEx64.efi on amd64, or UWAVEAA64.efi on AArch64. This file may alternatively be stored in the /EFI/BOOT directory, named BOOTX.efi where X is treated as before.

The /EFI/POPCORN directory shall also contain a file named either config.toml or configX.toml (where X is treated as before). Where both are present, the machine specific values override the values in config.toml. See bootloader configuation for information on the format.

The /EFI/POPCORN directory may also contain other files as referenced by the configuration file.

System partition

Format: PopcornFS FAT32


  • amd64: 8A6CC16C-D110-46F1-813F-0382046342C8


This shall contain a folder in root directory named kernel.

Currently versioning is not supported, so all files listed below ending in a version string shall have no suffix, for example kernel-X.exec is instead just kernel.exec.

Is this the best way to do versioning of different kernels? Or should it take into account potentially different non-kernel package versions somehow?

This shall contain one or more files named kernel-X.exec, where X is a version string. This is the kernel executable. The kernel folder may also contain a file named where X is the version string of the corresponding kernel, for example kernel-0.3.2.exec/ This contains a list of kernel symbols as output by the nm utility in BSD format. This file shall be sorted in ascending order of address, and the symbols may be demangled. There shall also be a file named config-X.toml, with the X matching the version string for the corresponding kernel. See kernel configuration for information on the format.




Boot procedure

Preboot stage

The bootloader for the specific machine is loaded by the UEFI firmware. It then attempts to initialise a UART connection for debugging, as well as the GPU, mouse and keyboard. It also attempts to read EDID information from the connected display to find the native resolution and DPI.

Once hardware has been initialised, the bootloader may display a UI to allow the user to choose a configuration (eg. specific kernel version), or instead may immediately start loading the kernel. The user may hold the alt key to force display of boot options, and the V key to display verbose log output.

What log levels should be displayed in the output? Currently levels below info are removed at build time from release builds, and levels below debug from debug builds.

Should error and warn levels be displayed regardless of verbose mode?

The bootloader then locates the first partition on the disk that the EFI system partition is on, and uses the first partition with a GUID matching the System partition as the System partition. The kernel image and modules are loaded from this partition. The bootloader creates a stack for the kernel and requests a memory map from the firmware, before handing control of the system to the kernel.

Kernel initialisation


Create a new module inside kernel_hal::arch, and gate it to the correct target with a #[cfg] attribute. Create a ZST to contain the root HAL functions, and add a #[derive(kernel_hal::Hal)] to it. Then manually implement all required items in kernel_hal::Hal for the ZST.

For example

// kernel_hal/src/arch/

#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
mod amd64;

// kernel_hal/src/arch/

use kernel_hal::Hal;

struct Amd64Hal;

unsafe impl Hal for Amd64Hal {
    fn breakpoint() {
        unsafe { core::arch::asm!("int3"); }
    // ...

Design notes that should go somewhere else

  • TODO: On amd64, just before handoff, the fs register is initialised to the value of 0xdead10ca1 ("dead local"). If a page fault occurs in the <TODO> bytes of memory below this address, a debug note is printed that this may be due to use of core locals before initialisation. Once the TLS section for the bootstrap processor is initialised, the fs register is updated to point at the end of the actual TLS section.

    Can we pass off the actual TLS size from the handover process to the page fault handler rather than guessing the size of the checked region?

Popcorn partition GUIDs

  • 8A6CC16C-D110-46F1-813F-0382046342C8
  • B1D8F0F9-05CB-42E1-A591-A6980E7B5909
  • 110DF7AB-1916-4544-B1B2-D2E9C2B911B7
  • 3C4B5291-68BE-48F4-8E70-92EA6F57A7B1
  • D6D0DCF4-0E35-461F-B14E-C5C6110F6D45
  • 685DC97E-289A-459E-889A-2DCB2F1EB3E2
  • 316DE66A-20E8-4051-AAC0-847C733789C6
  • 61B8C9A1-6230-410E-941A-0EFF6D849D92
  • B64A1767-9CE7-4C8D-BBBC-4B77B72C2956
  • E7441BC3-9451-438A-9294-293508058F5C
  • CD57C1F6-CD72-43FC-99C3-A00245C9F61E
  • F05FEA17-568C-43B9-A2BB-A7B72075F302
  • 2CABC03F-4369-44F4-A5D0-585DA66BB7D4
  • B5B907E8-B0E4-4619-9A4D-3635E05FBEA7
  • 057F1D0A-E8A3-4C3C-A11D-7F14BC2AF14D
  • F4032BCB-8268-481B-895E-E34F5974EC62
  • 2FE337A1-1F87-4D70-97C1-1C3B59D86D22
  • 9670D514-9A9B-420C-98D7-5F096C46B629
  • 9B0D37BB-FDAF-4363-915D-6406E8C44AA6
  • 2CB8AE15-DF19-491B-8007-A63CE32593C3
  • E3F1111E-CC98-401C-8482-6869FB1B3CAC
  • F9B14E9F-53B5-4A7C-B533-C1D67F645D8C
  • 5D903611-8BDE-498C-A83C-370D3850D51B
  • 3FBE0F7F-BC3F-4B27-820E-08B61854738B
  • 580FCF85-16E2-4FCE-B0B9-BEA08F619524