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Nifty Wallet Installation

Andrew Gross edited this page Jul 30, 2018 · 7 revisions

Nifty Wallet provides an easy way to access the POA Network and other Ethereum based networks, and interact with compatible Ethereum Chain Distributed Applications (DApps) through the browser.

In addition, it blocks malicious sites and keeps wallet keys secure within the application.

Installation & Configuration

  1. Install the plugin for Google Chrome
    Compatible with Google Chrome v59.0.3071.115 or later.

  2. Click on the purple app icon in your browser to open the application.

  3. Setup your Nifty Wallet account.
    Note: if you already have Nifty Wallet setup, skip to step #4.

    1. The first time you open the program you will see a link to the Terms of Service. Read and click the Accept button to continue.
    2. Create a new account with a secure password.
      Note: If you have already a Nifty Wallet account you can import it by clicking on Import Existing Den, enter your secret twelve word phrase, and create a new password.
    3. Save the 12 word backup phrase somewhere safe.
      You now have a brand new Ethereum wallet created for you called Account 1!
  • To change the account name: Hover over Account 1 and you will see an edit link. Click this link, change the name, and click the save button.
  • To interact with your wallet: Click on the 3 dots to the right of the account name to copy the full address, check transactions on POA Explorer, and more.
  1. Connect to the POA Network.
    1. Click on the App Icon in your browser to open the interface.
    2. In the upper left corner you will see a dropdown menu. By default, Nifty Wallet will be connected to the POA Network.
    3. To Switch Networks:
      1. Click on POA Network at top.
      2. Select a Network from the dropdown.
        Note: To interact with POA20 tokens, you will connect to the main Ethereum Network.

Checking Balances

POA Tokens

To check a balance, be sure the correct network is selected in the Network dropdown (POA Network or POA Sokol Test Network)

POA20 Tokens

POA20 tokens (see the POA bridge DApp) can be stored in the Nifty Wallet using the same wallet address you use for POA tokens. However, POA20 tokens live on the Main Ethereum Network rather than the POA network.

To view, you must create the token type in the Nifty Wallet application.

  1. Click on the app icon in your browser to open Nifty Wallet and login.
  2. Click on the Network dropdown and select Main Ethereum Network.
  3. Click the Add Token button in the Tokens Tab.
  4. Input the following in the Custom Token Address and Click Add.
    • Token Contract Address: 0x6758b7d441a9739b98552b373703d8d3d14f9e62
    • Token Symbol: POA20
    • Decimals of Precision: 18
  5. Verify the balance of POA20 Tokens in your account.

Please see the POA Bridge FAQs for more information on POA20 tokens.

Currently, Nifty Wallet does NOT have a UI for sending or receiving ERC20 tokens like POA20. To send and receive, use in tandem with a browser wallet such as MyEtherWallet / MyCrypto or use a mobile wallet like Trust Wallet.


Nifty Wallet works with a variety of applications and plays well with MyEtherWallet (MEW) and MyCrypto. To use with MEW and MyCrypto, follow the MetaMask connection process.
Note: If both MetaMask and Nifty are installed as browser extensions you may experience difficulties accessing both. Be sure you are only logged into Nifty wallet before proceeding.