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Releases: play-co/devkit


02 Mar 05:38
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Latest devkit as of 3/1/16

If you are seeing scaling issues in your devkit simulator, please update your devkit-core dependency in your project's manifest.json to point to tag v4.4.0 or greater.


08 Sep 01:42
@mgh mgh
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Minor release

The main thing that changed was the devkit logging system, which sometimes dropped parts of subprocess logs. It also prefixed all stdout/stderr logs, which made most of the devkit cli output difficult to parse from other programs. The cli prefix only happens for devkit build and devkit serve now.

Also of note:

  • the devkit debugger api is stabilizing, making it easier to write plugins for the devkit in-browser simulator. See the modules in devkit/modules for examples of how the view inspector and simulator client are built.
  • improve serving speed by compiling all static files in a pre-publish step, and moved the dependencies for static files into npm's dev-dependencies, so installation size from npm is smaller
  • fixes a uri.relativeTo issue found in v3.1.0


24 Aug 15:24
@mgh mgh
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New jsio fixes a minor bug in paths on Windows, tested on Windows 10.


24 Aug 15:21
@mgh mgh
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No major changes since v3.0.0-rc2. Update for Windows compatibility.


30 Jun 23:32
@mgh mgh
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Changes since v3.0.0-rc1:

  • warn instead of fail when devkit modules have untracked files during a devkit install
  • add a mobile UI (visit http://[your-ip]:9200/ on your device, swipe up with two fingers in a game to activate)

Bug fixes:

  • devkit console logging cleanup
  • fix devkit install [url]
  • fix devkit modules --list-versions
  • fix simulator screenshots


27 May 01:54
@mgh mgh
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Version 3.0.0-rc1 cleans up a lot of internal devkit architecture, specifically around building and simulating games. Note that most new functionality requires the use of corresponding devkit-core version >= v3.0.0-rc1.

  • --single-port-only is now the default (and only option) for devkit serve. Games were previously hosted on different ports, complicating the internal architecture. Now all games are served on the same port, default 9200.
  • --separate-build-process is now the default (and only option) for simulated builds. Builds for the simulator previously ran in the same process as the main devkit serve, causing the main server to die on errors. This adds robustness to the simulator and helps prevent build data from leaking between builds. This also allows the simulator to easily interrupt currently running builds by terminating the subprocess.
  • various speed and memory improvements - the devkit cli starts up faster
  • Introduces devkit-view-inspector and devkit-simulator-client modules for the simulator. Previously, the code for this functionality was tightly coupled with devkit-core and versioned with devkit-core. The corresponding UI lives in devkit, so by versioning this code with devkit, we can help ensure it doesn't break. These modules also consume the new devkit extensions api for extending the simulator functionality.
  • various bug fixes and improvements to the devkit install command