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⚠️ Some sarcastic enthusiasm ahead (for historical reasons)

⚠️ I refer to myself as "the author" below (also for historical reasons)

Convex Polygon Calculator

Table of contents: [TOC]


This project brings to you a Convex Polygon calculator; a small command-line program that is able to compute the convex hull of a set of points, the intersection and convex union of convex polygons, the area, perimeter, and centroid of a polygon... and more! It can even draw these polygons!

The author knows this will be a dream come true for many people...

Start by reading the features and usage section, and then move on to the setup and execution section when you're ready! And if you're still documentation-hungry, pay a visit to the reference manual.

Features and usage

The calculator works in a command-line environment. Each line from stdin is interpreted as a single command. Commands follow a classical <keyword> [arguments] structure.

The whole calculator revolves around 2D convex polygons. You can create, delete, draw, intersect, unite... convex polygons. Each polygon is stored as an object with a unique identifier (ID). Identifiers can be composed of almost any combination of letters, numbers and symbols.

Jump to the list of available commands to view what you can do with the calculator, or go to the examples section to take a look at some prepackaged examples.


Below you'll find a list of all available commands. <angle> brackets indicate a positional argument, while [square] brackets denote an optional argument. Ellipses ([like so...]) indicate an arbitrary number of arguments.

Polygon / ID management

  • polygon <ID>

The polygon command associates an identifier with a convex polygon made by a set of zero or more points. If the polygon identifier is new, it will create it. If it already existed, it will overwrite the previous polygon. New polygons are black.

  • delete <ID>

Deletes the polygon with the given identifier (i,e., frees the identifier).

  • list

Prints a list of currently defined identifiers, in lexicographical order.

Polygon-printing commands

  • print <polygon ID>

The print command prints the name and the vertices of a given polygon. The output contains the vertices in the convex hull of the polygon, in clockwise order, starting from the vertex will lowest x coordinate (and the lowest y in case of ties). The output is printed in a single line, with space separated coordinartes.

  • pretty-print <polygon ID>

Like print, but with slightly nicer format.

Polygon info commands

  • area <ID>

The area command prints the area of the given polygon.

  • perimeter <ID>

The perimeter command prints the perimeter of the given polygon.

  • vertices <ID>

The vertices command prints the number of vertices of the convex hull of the given polygon.

  • centroid <ID>

The centroid command prints the centroid of the given polygon.

IO commands

Here <file> denotes a valid file path.

  • save <file> [polygon IDs...]

The save command saves the given polygons in a file, overwriting it if it already existed. The format is the same as for print.

  • load <file>

The load command loads the polygons stored in a file, in the same way as polygon, but retrieving the vertexes and identifiers from the specified file.

  • include <file>

This command parses the contents of file as if each line in the file were written directly to stdin. Standard output from the parsing of the commands will be suppressed, although any errors will still be displayed. Useful for scripting and testing.

Drawing commands

  • setcol <ID> <R> <G> <B>

The setcol command associates a color to the given polygon. R, G and B are the red, green, and blue color values respectively; they should all be real numbers in the range $[0, 1]$.

  • draw <file> [polygon IDs...]

The draw command draws a list of polygons in a PNG file, each one with its associated color. The polygons are scaled to fit nicely in the image, mantaining their aspect ratio.

  • paint <file> [polygon IDs...]

Like draw, but fills the interior of polygons instead of just sketching the edges.

Polygon operations

  • intersection <ID1> <ID2> [ID3]

This command may receive two or three parameters:

When receiving two parameters, say, p1 and p2, p1 gets updated to the intersection of the original p1 and p2.

When receiving three parameters p1, p2 and p3, p1 gets be updated to the intersection of p2 and p3.

  • union <ID1> <ID2> [ID3]

Just as the intersection command, but for the convex union of polygons.

  • inside <ID1> <ID2>

Given two polygons, the inside command prints yes or no depending on whether the first polygon is inside the second polygon.

  • bbox <ID1> [polygon IDs...]

The bbox command associates a new polygon to ID1, with the four vertices corresponding to the bounding box of the given polygons. Keep in mind that the bounding box of an empty set is undefined.

Comments and empty lines

Lines starting with a # will be ignored. Likewise, empty lines will be ignored.

Errors and warnings

Some commands, such as asking for the bounding box of the empty set, will produce an error. In these cases an error message (in bright red, if your console supports ANSI escape codes ​) will be printed to stderr. The author has tried to make the error messages as straightforward as possible.

Other commands will produce warnings. This means that the command finished its execution correctly, but that some suspicious situation was found that the user may want to be aware of (to avoid misunderstandings about how the program is functioning).


You can find usage examples under the folder examples. Each example has its own sub-folder. Each sub-folder contains an input text file, a shell script to run the example, and any output files the example may have.

For example (get it?), to run the squares example, run the following command.

sh examples/example1/

This very simple example creates two squares and calculates their union and their intersection:

# examples/square/in.txt
# a small example

# setup two overlapping squares:
polygon s1  0 0 2 0 2 2 0 2
polygon s2  1 1 1 3 3 1 3 3

# computations:
intersection s3 s1 s2
union u s1 s2

# output:
setcol s1 0.6 0.1 0
setcol s2 0 0.1 0.6
setcol s3 1 0 1

paint before.png s1 s2
paint intersection.png s1 s2 s3
paint union.png u s1 s2

Once it finishes its execution, you should find three pictures in the examples/squares directory.

To run all examples, run

make examples


Setup, testing and execution instructions


This project needs GNU Coreutils (i.e. the UNIX-style commands such as find, rm, etc.) , GNU make, and cmake (if building the libraries from scratch). So if you're running Linux or Mac, you probably won't need to install anything. If you're running Windows, installing Cygwin with the aforementioned packages should be enough.

No external dependencies need to be installed separately; they come bundled with the project. That said, if you don't have pngwriter installed, you can build it from source straight from the project by running

make libs


If for some reason (such as not having cmake installed) the installation of pngwriter fails, you can proceed to installing pngwriter manually. Don't forget to set the USER_LIB_DIR variable in the Makefile to whatever your installation path is. (It should be the path where the libPNGwriter.a file is located.)

To build everything (main program and test), run the following command.

make all  # (or just `make`)

This should do three things: build the pngwriter library from source and install it locally into ./libs/ (where ./ is the project root), build the main executable, and build the tests.

Other useful make targets:

  • To build the main program separately, run
make build
  • To build the test program separately, run
make build-test
  • To build the libraries separately, run
make libs

Execution of main program

This is the moment you have been waiting for your whole life...

To run the main program, just execute the command

make run

Or, if you're a do-it-yourself type (and you have already run make build or make all), you can execute the program directly like so (from the project root):



Testing the program

This project comes with a few bundled unit tests, made with doctest. To check that the author hasn't been lying, and that this thing actually works as advertised, run

make test

(this is equivalent to

make build-test


If the tests succeed and you want to inspect what's actually going on behind the scenes, run

make test ARGS=--success

so you'll see in detail every single test assertion. (In fact, you can pass any arguments you like to the test program by giving the ARGS variable a value — e.g. ARGS="--foo --bar"; refer to doctest's docs for all the supported command-line arguments).

If you're still suspicious... well, just dive into the source.

One of the highlights of the test suite is a Python-generated file containing the description of two polygons with 100 000 points each, of which the intersection is calculated! They're two overlapping slightly rotated circles, so the total number of vertices should be 200 000. In fact, thats one of the test cases — check out test/src/

Project structure

The most important directories in the project root are:

  • include: contains all of the project's header files
    • class: contains header files dedicated to a single class
    • details: contains header files that are intended for internal use only.
  • src: contains all of the main source files
  • libs: contains all library files (external dependencies)
  • test: contains test files (test sources, generators, generated tests, etc. )
  • examples: some short usage examples

Other directories that are made on-the-run:

  • build: directory that stores all build output files, generated automatically when building the project (e.g., by running make all)
    • bin: contains binary files, e.g. main.x. It is the output directory of the linking stage.
    • obj: compiled object files
    • depend: auto-generated dependency information files
  • out: the (optional) output directory. The program will prefix all output files it produces with this path. Also, when loading files, the program will look for them here. Have a look here for customizing this directory.

Finally, the docs directory contains additional files needed for the documentation and automatically generated documentation files.

Naming conventions


Constants are named in SCREAMING_CASE. Non-constant variables, functions and methods are named in camelCase. Classes, enums and structs are named in PascalCase (including their corresponding header files). Other header/source files are named in lisp-case. Namespaces are named in lowercase.

Internal symbols are prefixed with an underscore.


Header files are given the extension .h. Source files are given the extension .cc.

Design choices

Two main design principles were kept in mind when developing this project: modularity and scalability. Here are some of the consequences:

  • Command handlers are grouped into so-called "command handlers": in very broad terms, instead of writing something like this,
void parseCommand(const std::string &kwd, [...]) {
    if (kwd == "polygon") {
        std::string id;
        std::cin >> id;
        newPolygon(id, ...);
    } else if (kwd == "delete") {
        std::string id;
        std::cin >> id;
        delPolygon(id, ...);
    } [...]

​ one does things like

void handleIDManagement(const std::string &kwd, [...]) {
    std::string id;
    std::cin >> id;
    if (kwd == "polygon") newPolygon(id, [...]);
    else if (kwd == "delete") delPolygon(id, [...]);
    } [...]

​ by grouping commands together with the same "argument signature".

  • No using namespace::std; declarations, to avoid name conflicts. The author has learned it the hard way...
  • Custom namespaces for certain things: all geometric utilities are grouped together under the geom namespace, for instance
  • Usage of Boost.Range to allow for lazy-evaluated ranges and range adaptors, and to enhance the flexibility of the algorithms (by taking a boost::any_range instead of just a std::vector, for instance).

Additional details

Changing the output directory

You can customize the output directory for the main program by editing the constant OUT_DIR in the file include/consts.h, located at line 41. You should enter the path relative to the project root.

Keep in mind that if you change the name of the output directory, you will either have to create that directory before writing/reading files, or configure the Makefile's OUT_DIR variable accordingly.

You can leave it blank if you want to control the path of each file directly (starting at the project's root directory).

In that last case, be sure not to leave the Makefile's OUT_DIR variable blank, since then, upon running make clean, all of the files in the project root will be deleted (since rm -rf ./ will be called) 😉.

Reference manual

This project uses doxygen to automatically generate a reference manual with all of the details of functions, classes, namespaces and more.

To view the manual, you can run make view-docs, which by default is equivalent to firefox docs/html/index.html. (You can configure the browser used to open the docs by editing the BROWSER variable in the Makefile). You can also open the docs/html/index.html document manually.

If you have doxygen installed, you can also run make docs to re-build the manual, if you so wish.


Simple calculator for convex polygons.






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