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Smartcrypt SDK Docs


The documentation uses MKDocs, and is built using Python. Run mkdocs serve -f <mkdocs-language.yml> to preview the site.

It is highly recommended to use a Python virtual environment when running the script.

# Create the virtual environment
python3 -m venv path/to/new/virtual/environment

# Activate the virtual environment
source path/to/virtual/environment/bin/activate

# Install requirements if they have changed.
pip install -r requirements.txt

mkdocs serve -f mkdocs-java.yml

# If you changed dependencies, save them to requirements.
pip freeze > requirements.txt

# Exit the virtual environment

We recommend naming the virtual environment venv as this has been added to the .gitignore.


Javadocs go into java/api. Remove the old ones with git rm -rf <folder> to make sure that changes get tracked accurately between updates.


Docs are deployed by a CI job. They can be viewed at