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pkoppstein edited this page Jan 13, 2023 · 1 revision

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The following table shows execution times (u+s) and memory requirements (maximum resident set size) when extracting the first item from a 120GB file containing a flat top-level array of integers. The statistics were obtained on a 3GHz machine.

Note that jstream does not always preserve integer precision. The same is true of jq up to and including jq 1.6.

u+s mrss command
0.01s 2MB jstream -d 1 < $FILE | head -n 1
0.07s 13MB jm --limit 1 $FILE
0.31s 18MB --limit 1 $FILE
0.04s 1.8MB jq --stream -cn 'limit(1;inputs | select(length==2) | .[1])' < $FILE
0.00s 3.4MB gojq --stream -cn 'limit(1;inputs | select(length==2) | .[1])' < $FILE

For a 10G file consisting of a single JSON array:

u+s mrss command
30m 13MB gojq --stream
79m 7MB jstream -d 1
90m 13MB jm
2.4h 123MB
2.5h * jq --stream
24h * jq .[]

jaq ran out of memory.

For the 10GB file:

  • jm took 27 minutes and and 13MB mrss to report the length of the array.
  • took 2.1 hours to report the length of the array.
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