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CSV Reader

A full-stack technical challenge I took too seriously, written in two different stacks. In this repo, you've got Elm on the front end and Elixir Phoenix on the back.

(Here's original app with Vue and Sinatra)

Requirement summary:

  • Write a web app that will accept CSV files in three slightly different formats and display them as a sortable table.

Try it here with one of the test files below.

Test files (right click then select, "Save link as"):

Design decisions


Since the project was so simple and didn't call for any persistence, I originally built it in Ruby with Sinatra. I thought it would be fun to submit the files asynchronously and return data via JSON for a single-page app, using Vue.js on the front end.


Converting the original app seemed like a great first project for Elixir and Elm.

Getting into the functional mindset was a challenge for me. Since I'm a Rubyist, I had a much easier time with Elixir/Phoenix. I struggled a little more with the static typing and different syntax of Elm.

I used ExUnit for testing the backend. Since Elm compiles into Javascript, I was able to use Wallaby with PhantomJS to test integration.

Project info

You will need Elixir, Elm, and Yarn installed. To run the tests, you will need PhantomJS.

To setup:

mix deps.get
yarn install
cd web/elm
elm package install

To run:

mix phoenix.server

The app will be served at localhost:4000.

To test:

mix test


Stateless CSV reader with Elixir, Phoenix, and Elm






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