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Philharmonic is a geo-distributed cloud simulator written in Python. It compares the energy and cost efficiency of different dynamic VM scheduling algorithms in a realistic environment with real-time electricity prices and temperature-dependent cooling. It offers a simple OpenStack controller that actually pauses and/or suspends instances based on the electricity prices, although this experimental part is not the focus of development any more.


If you have a recent Python 2 (not all of the code would work on Python 3), pip and virtualenv set up, install the necessary dependencies within a cloned repository.

pip install -e .

Or if you don't have the repository cloned and just want to try it out you can directly install from the git repository.

pip install -e git+ssh://

Both of these commands will automatically pull in all the dependencies, but if you want to use your system's package manager to speed up the installation a bit, read below.


Ubuntu dependencies

sudo apt-get install python-numpy python-pandas python-matplotlib \
    python-scipy python-pysnmp4 python-soappy python-twisted \


pip install -r requirements.txt

Note: creating a virtualenv with --system-site-packages and still installing the scientific packages via apt-get is much faster as no compiling is necessary.

Compiling Cython sources

Before using the package, it is necessary to build the Cython sources.

python build_ext --inplace


Philharmonic is used in the terminal through a command line interface (CLI). First it is necessary to generate the input datasets (optionally setting the --conf flag - see below).

python inputgen []

Then the simulation can be started. To use the default settings:

python run


The main settings to all the subcommands are defined through a config file passed to the CLI. The config file is specified in Python and can inherit and override properties from other config files. To pass different settings use the --conf flag, e.g.:

python run

This configuration sets various simulator and scheduler settings, as well as the locations of various input comma separated value (CSV) files and output directories.


Read file for some information on how the code is organised.


Philharmonic is distributed under the GNU General Public License - see the accompanying LICENSE file for more details.