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Repository files navigation

Icon Repository – with Go backend (in progress)

A web application for UI/UX designers and frontend developers to manage and expolore a library of icons. A distinctive feature of the application is to provide the ability to attach rich, structured, queryable metainformation to the assets in the library while these assets are also published to a git repository designed to be accessed by (automated) build systems.

Enabling consumer-developers (users of the applicatioin) to give effective feed-back on the content is also on the roadmap.

Setting up the DEV environment

  1. Setup and start the database

    1. Install docker (

    2. Optional (for hardened security):

      • create an OS user dedicated to running the database
      • replace id -u and id -g in the docker run command below with the dedicated user's id and group id respectively
    3. Start the database by executing:

      sudo docker run \
          --name pg-iconrepo \
          -d \
          -p \
          nightmanager/postgres_10 \
          --pg-cluster-owner-userid `id -u` \
          --pg-cluster-owner-groupid `id -g` \
          --pg-db-owner-name iconrepo \
          --pg-db-owner-password iconrepo \
          --pg-db-name iconrepo \
  2. Install the backend npm dependencies. In the backend subdirectory of the local code repository:

    npm ci

  3. Import the demo data (optional, but recommended for frontend development)

    npm run dev:import

  4. Start the backend

    npm run dev

  5. Start the frontend in the client subdirectory by executing:

    npm ci && npm run dev

  6. For testing with GitLab as a git provider have a file with an appropriate GitLab authentication token:

    $ cat ~/.iconrepo.secrets 



In case you end up having remnants of a largish number of test iconrepositories, you can use a command similar to the following to remove them:

$ . ~/.iconrepo.secrets 
$ curl --silent \
    --request GET \
    --url \
    --header "private-token: $GITLAB_ACCESS_TOKEN" | \
    jq '.[] | select(.path_with_namespace | startswith("testing-with-repositories/iconrepo-gitrepo-test")) | .id' | \
    while read id;
        echo $id;
        curl --request DELETE --url$id
            --header "private-token: $GITLAB_ACCESS_TOKEN";

Generate mocks

$ brew install mockery
$ mockery