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Paver - Easy Scripting for Software Projects

Keywords:build, scripting, make alternative, svn, git,, documentation, automation, tasks, virtualenv, integration


Paver is a Python-based software project scripting tool along the lines of Make or Rake. It is not designed to handle the dependency tracking requirements of, for example, a C program. It is designed to help out with all of your other repetitive tasks (run documentation generators, moving files about, downloading things), all with the convenience of Python’s syntax and massive library of code.


Current build status:

Documentation is hosted on PyPI (docs for development version are on GitHub).


You can install Paver either via the Python Package Index (PyPI) or from source.

To install a PyPI release using pip:

$ pip install -U Paver

… or alternatively from source (github master):

$ pip install -e git+

To install using easy_install:

$ easy_install -U Paver


Reference test suite can be run using Docker:

sudo docker run -it paver/paver

When developing locally, build it first:

sudo docker build -t  paver/paver . && sudo docker run -it paver/paver

When trying to debug inside the dev environment, run:

sudo docker run -it paver/paver /bin/bash

Alternatively, on your unix computer without any virtualization to catch environment-specific bugs:

$ virtualenv paver-venv
$ source paver-venv/bin/activate
(paver-venv) $ pip install -r test-requirements.txt
(paver-venv) $ python test

The equivalent on your windows computer over the command promt:

> virtualenv paver-venv
> paver-venv\Scripts\activate
(paver-venv) > pip install -r test-requirements.txt
(paver-venv) > python test

Getting Help

Mailing list

For any discussion about usage or development of Paver, you are welcomed to join the paver mailing list .


Come chat with us on IRC. The #paver channel is located at the Freenode network.

Bug tracker

If you have any suggestions, bug reports or annoyances please report them to GitHub issue tracker.