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SciCat CLI tools


For testing, just build main.go for each command:

go build -o cmd/datasetIngestor/datasetIngestor cmd/datasetIngestor/main.go

All applications are built automatically and can be downloaded from the Releases section of this repo.

To build the applications and target architectures locally, use GoReleaser. Check .goreleaser.yaml to see the configurations. To use GoReleaser, you can run the command goreleaser release --snapshot --clean in your terminal. This will build the binaries, create the archives and generate the changelog. The --snapshot flag ensures that no publishing will happen. Before running this command, you should ensure that you have installed GoReleaser.

Tools are compiled for the following architectures:

  • linux / amd64
  • windows / amd64
  • macos / universal

These can be cross-compiled from any system.


PSI deploys tools to the following locations.


This provides the tools to the PSI clusters (ra and merlin) and linux workstations.

Detailed instructions are provided with the datacatalog buildblock.

The module downloads the latest release. It can be run from any linux system with AFS access. Spencer typically uses as his -adm user for building modules.

cd buildblocks/Tools/datacatalog
# optionally update files/variants.Linux to new version
# the following may be needed first:
#export PMODULES_TMPDIR=/var/tmp/$USER
module load Pmodules/1.0.0
./build 1.1.10 -f

As described in the buildblock README, the GUI needs to be compiled separately and manually copied to AFS.

Manual deployment and upgrade

This can be followed to deploy or upgrade the tool manually:

  1. Go to the GitHub releases page

  2. Choose the release of interest (latest is recommended)

  3. Download the file from the Assets of the chosen release, making sure to select the one compatible with your OS

  4. Decompress the asset

  5. Open the folder and run the required APP (grant execute permissions if required)

One liner for Linux systems

curl -s '' \
    | jq -r '.assets[].browser_download_url | select(test("Linux"))' \
    | wget -qi - -O - \
    | tar -xz

The latest binaries will be downloaded to scicat-cli_*/.

Beamline consoles


Deploy linux versions to online beamline consoles (you need to have write access rights):

cd linux
scp datasetArchiver datasetIngestor datasetRetriever  datasetGetProposal datasetCleaner SciCat

PBAIngest Server

Deploy linux versions to the ingest server pbaingest01. This is usually done by Michael Kallmeier-Glanz.

cd bin/
curl -s \
| grep "browser_download_url.*Linux.*tar.gz" \
| cut -d : -f 2,3 \
| tr -d \" \
| wget -qi -
tar -xzf scicat-cli_*_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz
chmod +x datasetIngestor datasetArchiver datasetGetProposal