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added SAS language (see issue rubychan#199)
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paulkaefer committed Aug 24, 2016
1 parent 4c7bedc commit 48568af
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Showing 2 changed files with 271 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions lib/coderay/helpers/file_type.rb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -119,6 +119,7 @@ def type_from_shebang filename
'rpdf' => :ruby,
'ru' => :ruby, #
'rxml' => :ruby,
'sas' => :sas,
'sass' => :sass,
'sql' => :sql,
'taskpaper' => :taskpaper,
Expand Down
270 changes: 270 additions & 0 deletions lib/coderay/scanners/sas.rb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
module CodeRay
module Scanners

class SAS < Scanner

register_for :sas

file_extension 'sas'

# List all token kinds that are not considered to be running code
] # :nodoc:

# See the WordList documentation.
#CONSTANTS = %w( true false null )
#IDENT_KIND =, :value)

#ESCAPE = / [bfnrt\\"\/] /x
#UNICODE_ESCAPE = / u[a-fA-F0-9]{4} /x

module Words # :nodoc:

CONSTANT = %w[_n_ _null_]

MACROBOUND = %w[%macro %mend]

MACROSTATEMENT = %w[%abort %display %do %else %end %for %global %global %if %include %macro %mend
%nrstr %put %quote %str %sysfunc %then %to %unquote %until %while %window]

# for a complete list, see
# for extras included here (run, quit, etc.), see
PROCNAME = %w[access aceclus allele anom anova append appsrv arima autoreg bmdp bom
boxplot btl build calendar calis callrfc cancorr candisc capability
casecontrol catalog catmod cdisc chart cimport clp cluster compare
compile computab contents convert copula copy corr corresp countreg cpm
cport cusum cv2view data datasets datasource db2ext db2util dbcstab dbf
dbload define_event define_tagset dif discrim display distance docparse
document download dqmatch dqscheme dqsrvadm dqsrvsvc dtree entropy esm
expand explode export factex factor family fastclus fcmp fmm fontreg
forecast format forms freq fsbrowse fsedit fsletter fslist fsview g3d
g3grid ga gam ganno gantt gareabar gbarline gchart gcontour gdevice
geneselect genmod geocode gfont gimport ginside gis gkeymap gkpi
glimmix glm glmmod glmpower glmselect gmap goptions gplot gproject gradar
greduce gremove greplay groovy gslide gtestit gtile haplotype hpcountreg
hpdmdb hpds2 hpf hpfarimaspec hpfdiagnose hpfengine hpfesmspec hpfevents
hpfexmspec hpfidmspec hpforest hpfreconcile hpfselect hpfucmspec hplmixed
hplogistic hpmixed hpneural hpnlin hpreduce hpreg hpsample hpseverity
hpsummary htsnp http iml import inbreed infomaps intpoint ishikawa items
javainfo kde krige2d lattice lifereg lifetest loan loess logistic lp
macontrol macro mapimport mcmc mdc mddb mds means mend metadata metalib
metaoperate mi mianalyze migrate mixed modeclus model multtest nested
netdraw netflow nlin nlmixed nlp npar1way olap olapoperate operate
optex options optload optlp optmilp optmodel optqp optsave orthoreg
panel pareto pdlreg pds pdscopy phreg plan plm plot pls pm pmenu power
princomp prinqual print printto probit proc proto prtdef prtexp psmooth
pwencode qdevice qlim quantreg quest quit rank rdc rdpool rdsec reg
registry release reliability report risk robustreg rsreg run scaproc
score seqdesign seqtest server severity sgdesign sgpanel sgplot sgrender
sgscatter shewhart sim2d similarity simlin simnormal soap sort source
spectra sql standard statespace statgraph stdize stepdisc stp summary
surveyfreq surveylogistic surveymeans surveyphreg surveyreg surveyselect
syslin tabulate tapecopy tapelabel tcalis template timeid timeplot
timeseries tpspline trans transpose transreg trantab tree tscsreg
tspl ttest ucm univariate upload userproc varclus varcomp variogram
varmax vaxtointeg webmddb x11 x12 xsl]

STATEMENT = %w[abort array attrib axis by class endrsubmit file filename footnote format freq goptions
infile informat killtask legend libname listtask model note ods options pattern rdisplay
rget rsubmit select signoff signon symbol sysecho systask table title waitfor where
weight xaxis yaxis xaxis2 yaxis2]

KEYWORD = %w[_all_ add alter array attrib axis bandplot barchart barchartparm
bihistogram3dparm blockplot boxplot boxplotparm break by cards cards4
class clear close column columns compute continuouslegend contourplotparm
data data declare define densityplot describe disconnect discretelegend
distinct dm drop drop dropline dynamic edit edit ellipse ellipseparm
else endcomp entry entryfootnote entrytitle excel execute filename
footnote format format freq fringeplot from goptions graphics group
histogram histogramparm html html html5 id if informat input insert
into keep killtask lineparm listing listing listtask loessplot merge
model modelband needleplot nloptions ods options options parmcards
parmcards4 pbsplineplot powerpoint proc proc put rand ranks rbreak
rdisplay referenceline regressionplot replace reset retain rget rtf run
scatterplot scatterplotmatrix seriesplot set signoff signon stepplot
style surfaceplotparm symbol sysecho table tables tagsets then title
title unique update validate value var var vectorplot waitfor weight where]

FUNCTION = %w[abs addr addrlong airy allcomb allcombi allperm anyalnum anyalpha
anycntrl anydigit anyfirst anygraph anylower anyname anyprint anypunct
anyspace anyupper anyxdigit arcos arcosh armend armgtid arminit armjoin
armproc armstop armstrt armupdt arsin arsinh artanh ascebc atan atan2
attrc attrn band beta betainv blackclprc blackptprc blkshclprc blshift
bnot bor bquote brshift bxor byte cat catq cats catt catx cdf ceil
ceilz cexist char choosec choosen cinv close cmiss cmpres cnonct
coalesce coalescec collate comb compare compbl compcost compged complev
compound compress compstor constant convx convxp cos cosh count countc
countw css curobs cv daccdb daccdbsl daccsl daccsyd dacctab dairy datatyp
datdif date datejul datepart datetime day dclose dcreate delete depdb
depdbsl depsl depsyd deptab dequote deviance dhms dif digamma dim dinfo
divide dnum dopen doptname doptnum dqcase dqgender dqgenderinfoget
dqgenderparsed dqidentify dqlocaleguess dqlocaleinfoget dqlocaleinfolist
dqmatch dqmatchinfoget dqmatchparsed dqparse dqparseinfoget dqparsetokenget
dqparsetokenput dqpattern dqschemeapply dqsrvarchjob dqsrvcopylog
dqsrvdeletelog dqsrvjobstatus dqsrvkilljob dqsrvprofjobfile dqsrvprofjobrep
dqsrvuser dqstandardize dqtoken dread dropnote dsname dur durp ebcasc
effrate envlen erf erfc euclid eval exist exp fact fappend fclose fcol
fdelete fetch fetchobs fexist fget fileattr fileexist filename fileref
finance find findc findfile findw finfo finv fipname fipnamel fipstate
first floor floorz fnonct fnote fopen foptname foptnum fpoint fpos fput
fread frewind frlen fsep fuzz fwrite gaminv gamma garkhclprc garkhptprc
gcd geodist geomean geomeanz getdvi getjpi getlog getmsg getoption getquota
getsym getterm getvarc getvarn graycode grdsvc_enable grdsvc_getaddr
grdsvc_getinfo grdsvc_getname grdsvc_nnodes harmean harmeanz hbound hms
holiday hour htmldecode htmlencode ibessel ifc ifn index indexc indexw
input inputc inputn int intcindex intck intcycle intfit intfmt intget
intindex intnx intrr intseas intshift inttest intz invcdf iorcmsg iqr irr
isnull jbessel juldate juldate7 kurtosis label lag largest lbound lcm lcomb
left length lengthc lengthm lengthn lexcomb lexcombi lexperk lexperm lfact
lgamma libname libref limmoment log log10 log1px log2 logbeta logcdf logistic
logpdf logsdf lowcase lperm lpnorm mad margrclprc margrptprc max md5 mdy mean
median min minute missing missing mod module modulec modulen modz month mopen
mort msplint mvalid n netpv nliteral nmiss nodename nomrate notalnum notalpha
notcntrl notdigit note notfirst notgraph notlower notname notprint notpunct
notspace notupper notxdigit npv nrbquote nrquote nrstr nvalid nwkdom open
ordinal pathname pctl pdf peek peekc peekclong peeklong perm point poisson
poke pokelong probbeta probbnml probbnrm probchi probf probgam probhypr
probit probmc probnegb probnorm probt propcase prxchange prxdebug prxfree
prxmatch prxnext prxparen prxparse prxposn prxsubstr ptrlongadd put putc
putlog putn putsym pvp qcmpres qleft qlowcase qscan qsubstr qsysfunc qtr
qtrim quantile quote qupcase ranbin rancau rand ranexp rangam range rank
rannor ranperk ranperm ranpoi rantbl rantri ranuni read_array rename repeat
resolve reverse rewind right rms round rounde roundz run_macro run_sasfile
saving savings scan scanq sdf second set setterm sign sin sinh skewness sleep
smallest soapweb soapwebmeta soapwipservice soapwipsrs soapws soapwsmeta
softmax solve sortc sortn soundex spedis sqrt squantile std stderr stdize
stfips stname stnamel str streaminit strip subpad substr substrn sum sumabs
superq symexist symget symglobl symlocal symput symputx sysevalf sysexist
sysfunc sysget sysmsg sysparm sysprocessid sysprocessname sysprod sysrc
system tan tanh termin termout time timepart timevalue tinv tnonct today
translate transtrn tranwrd trigamma trim trimn trunc ttclose ttcontrl
ttopen ttread ttwrite uniform unquote upcase urldecode urlencode uss
uuidgen var varfmt varinfmt varlabel varlen varname varnum varray varrayx
vartype verify vformat vformatd vformatdx vformatn vformatnx vformatw
vformatwx vformatx vinarray vinarrayx vinformat vinformatd vinformatdx
vinformatn vinformatnx vinformatw vinformatwx vinformatx vlabel vlabelx
vlength vlengthx vms vname vnamex vnext vtype vtypex vvalue vvaluex week
weekday whichc whichn write_array year yieldp yrdif yyq zipcity zipcitydistance
zipfips zipname zipnamel zipstate]


def scan_tokens encoder, options

# The scanner is always in a certain state, which is :initial by default.
# We use local variables and symbols to maximize speed.
state = :initial

# stack, as a Ruby array
stack = []

# Define more flags and variables as you need them.
key_expected = false

# The main loop; eos? is true when the end of the code is reached.
until eos?

# Depending on the state, we want to do different things.
case state

# Normally, we use this case.
when :initial

# match white space
if match = scan(/ \s+ /x)
encoder.text_token match, :space

if match = scan(/ (^|[\r\n])\s*(?:(?:data)?lines|cards|datalines4);[\s\S]+?[\r\n](\s)*; /i)
encoder.text_token match, :dataline

# comments: see
elseif match = scan(/ (^\s*|;\s*)\*.*; /m) or match = scan(/\/\*[\s\S]+?\*\//)
or match = scan(/ %(^\s*|;\s*)\*.*; /m)
encoder.text_token match, :comment

# dates/datetimes are LIKE strings, but not quite
# "1Jan2016"d, '3:14:15pm't, '31jul2001:9:27:05am'dt
elseif match = scan(/ ['"][^'"]+['"](?:d|d?t)\b /i)
encoder.text_token match, :datetime

# operators:
elsif match = scan(/ \*\*|\|\||!!|¦¦|<>|><|[~¬^<>]?=|[*\/+\-<>&\|!¦~¬^]|\b(?:eq|ne|gt|lt|ge|le|in|not)\b /ix)
encoder.text_token match, :operator

# match number; SAS isn't picky about types,
# but we need to care about that in format/informat specifications
# can look like Decimal (1.2e23) or hexadecimal (0c1x)
elsif match = scan(/ (?:\B-|\b)(?:[\da-f]+x|\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?:e[+-]?\d+)?) /ix)
encoder.text_token match, :number

elsif match = scan(/["']/)
# A "quoted" token was found, and we know whether it is a key or a string.
state = :string
# This opens a token group and encodes the delimiter token.
encoder.begin_group state
encoder.text_token match, :delimiter

elseif match = scan( /[$%@.(){}\[\];,\\]/ )
encoder.text_token match, :punctuation

# If we reach invalid code, we try to discard
# chars one by one and mark them as :error.
encoder.text_token getch, :error

# String scanning is a bit more complicated, so we use another state for it.
# The scanner stays in :string state until the string ends or an error occurs.
when :string

# Another if-elsif-else-switch, for strings this time.
if match = scan(/[^\\"']+/)
# Everything that is not \ or " is just string content.
# includes new lines in SAS
encoder.text_token match, :content

elsif match = scan(/["']/)
# A " or ' is found, which means this string is ending here.
# A special token class, :delimiter, is used for tokens like this one.
encoder.text_token match, :delimiter
# Always close your token groups using the right token kind!
encoder.end_group state
# We're going back to normal scanning here.
state = :initial

elsif match = scan(/ \\ (?: #{ESCAPE} | #{UNICODE_ESCAPE} ) /mox)
# A valid special character should be classified as :char.

encoder.text_token match, :char
elsif match = scan(/\\./m)
# Anything else that is escaped (including \n, we use the m modifier) is
# just content.
encoder.text_token match, :content

# Nice for debugging. Should never happen.
raise_inspect "else case \" reached; %p not handled." % [peek(1)], encoder

# Nice for debugging. Should never happen.
raise_inspect 'Unknown state: %p' % [state], encoder


# If we still have a string or key token group open, close it.
if [:string, :key].include? state
encoder.end_group state

# Return the encoder.



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