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CI Script

Automate your CI needs with the powers of the CI Scripting Language.

CI script is a scripting language that aims to make it extremely easy, quick & safe to implement various bot-like DevOps automations simply by placing a script file in your repository.

There are currently two ways of running CI scripts:

The idea being that it is very easy to trigger a particular CI script on a particular event, such as a new PR, an update to a PR or a comment in an issue.

We're still in very heavy development, see #1 to get an idea of the current status. Until version 1.0 there will probably still be significant changes in the API, but we can help you keep up-to-date.

More documentation will be coming soon.

Language Examples

Hello, world

//! Clone a repo, say hello, and issue a PR for it

let message = `
# Hello

As you can see, backticks allow multiline strings.
let repo = github::clone("koenw/ci-script", "master");
repo.write("", message);
repo.push("bla", "say-hello")
repo.create_pr("Say Hello", "Please just let me say hello, but in more words", "say-hello",

Custom Repository Sync

//! Sync a subdirectory of our repository to (the root of) another repository

let target_repo = github::clone("koenw/substrate-node-template", "main");

// `REPO` is a global variable that contains the repository that triggered our script
// (if applicable)
for f in"bin/node-template-update")
  .map(|entry| entry.path) {
    let new_path = f.strip_prefix("bin/node-template");

Automatic cargo fmt PR's


cargo "fmt"

let changed_files = REPO.status().changed() + REPO.status().added();
if changed_files.len() > 0 {
  for f in changed_files {
  REPO.commit('Automatic `cargo fmt`');
  REPO.push("auto-fmt", "auto-fmt");
  REPO.create_pr('Apply `Cargo fmt`', "This is the PR body", "auto-fmt", "master");

Executing scripts

By the nature of it's purpose, most useful parts of the CI script standard library talk to external API's, which often require some kind of credentials.

You will need GitHub Credentials if your script uses GitHub. The GitLab Runners expose environmental variables that make it easy to call CI-scripts directly from .gitlab-ci.yaml without worrying about authentication 🚀.

From the Command Line

So I was looking for something shorter than ci-script as the actual tool name, let me know if cis is too much please (I'm still asking around).

❯ cis --help
ci-scripts 0.1.0
Run CI scripts, like from a CI/CD job

    cis [OPTIONS] <script> --github-app-id <github-app-id> --github-app-key <github-app-key> --github-name <github-name> --github-owner <github-owner> [script-args]...

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

        --clone-dir <clone-dir>              Path to the directory where the script can clone repositories to [env:
                                             CLONE_DIR=]  [default: /tmp]
        --github-app-id <github-app-id>      Github App ID [env: GITHUB_APP_ID=]
        --github-app-key <github-app-key>    Github App key [env: GITHUB_APP_KEY]
        --github-name <github-name>          Name of the upstream Github repository [env: GITHUB_NAME=]
        --github-owner <github-owner>        Owner of the upstream Github repository [env: GITHUB_OWNER=]
    -l, --log-level <log-level>              Log level [env: LOG_LEVEL=]  [default: info]
        --repo <repo>                        Path to the repository [env: REPO=]  [default: ./]

    <script>            Path to the script to execute relative to the root of the script's repository [env: SCRIPT=]
    <script-args>...    Arguments to pass to the script [env: SCRIPT_ARGS=

Using GitHub Webhooks

The GitHub Webhook Reactor allows you to run CI scripts in response to a GitHub Webhook Event.

If an issue or PR comment is made that begins with the magic keyword (e.g. /magic-bot) a job will be created and put on the queue.

Multiple nodes can each pull from the queue over HTTP and execute the job. Although in principle multiple nodes are supported, the peer discovery (whether through configuration, DNS, etc) has not been decided on and hence not implemented yet, but simple solutions (like passing peers as command line arguments or DNS entries) should be very simple to implement.

The job itself clones the repository and executes the script in .github/<magic-keyword>/first_argument.rhai if the bot is invoked with /magic-keyword first_argument.


❯ cis-gh-reactor --help
ci-script 0.1.0
Simply automate your CI needs with the powers of the CI Scripting Language

    cis-gh-reactor [OPTIONS] --app-id <app-id> --app-key <app-key> --webhook-secret <webhook-secret>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -a, --address <address>                  Address to listen on [env: ADDRESS=]  [default:]
        --app-id <app-id>                    Github App ID [env: APP_ID=]
        --app-key <app-key>                  Github App key [env: APP_KEY]
    -c, --command-prefix <command-prefix>    Bot command prefix [env: COMMAND_PREFIX=]  [default: /benchbot]
    -l, --log-level <log-level>              Log level [env: LOG_LEVEL=]  [default: info]
    -p, --port <port>                        Port to listen on [env: PORT=]  [default: 3000]
    -r, --repos-root <repos-root>            Repositories root working directory [env: REPOS_ROOT=]  [default: ./repos]
    -w, --webhook-secret <webhook-secret>    Github Webhook secret [env: WEBHOOK_SECRET]


nix is used to provide the development & build environment, but it's also possible to manually provide the dependencies.

Run nix develop to start a development shell.


# To build the (command line) interpreter
cargo build --release ci-script
# To build the GitHub Webhook Reactor
cargo build --release cis-gh-reactor


Check the buildInputs in flake.nix if you want to be sure of an up-to-date list of dependencies.

  • Rust >= 1.56
  • gcc
  • pkg-config
  • openssl