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OSUMB Challenges

Manage the challenge process for the Ohio State University Marching Band

Installation and setup

This app has a few dependencies you need to install yourself. The use of each will be explained below

Docker/Docker Compose

We're using Docker to run our datastores (PostgreSQL and Redis). The benefit of using Docker is that it eliminates the need to install the data stores and have them running/cluttering up your computer.


Rails is a popular web server framework. It's used to handle web requests

Heroku CLI

The app is running on Heroku! Their cli comes in handy if/when you need to use the service. It's also leveraged for local development (see bin/server). See for more details.

Get the Code

Inside your terminal, run the following commands to get the code.

git clone
cd challenges

Install Rails Dependencies

bundle install


Every web app needs a database! You can run one locally with docker-compose up -d

Environment variables

Rails will yell at you if you don't have a .env file available, so add one! The required keys are listed in config/envvars.yml. The format of your .env file should be:


Start the app

You should be good to go with dependencies and everything. To start app locally, just run


This command will start a rails web server and a Resque worker for asynchronous jobs

The rails server will run at localhost:3000

Application Stack


The API layer is a Ruby on Rails App


Tests are cool and you should run them a lot!

bundle exec rspec .

Code Formatting


Checkout .rubocop.yml to see the ruby specific code formatting rules


The app lives on Heroku. @atareshawty has the logins. Ask him if you want the ability to deploy or have access to the Heroku git remotes.


To deploy to either environment, simply run bin/deploy <remote>, where <remote> is either production or staging.

You can optionally deploy a branch to staging or production (staging for testing, production for emergencies). Example: If I wanted to deploy my branch alex-cool-new-feature to staging for testing, I'd run:

bin/deploy <staging|production> cool-new-feature

Staging vs Production


The staging instance is used to test new features, specifically ones that have made it into PRs. There is no staging branch. To test, just do a manual deploy to the staging instance.


The master branch is protected from force pushes and PR's must pass