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Who stellargraph is sponsoring

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stellargraph is sponsoring 8 organizations and maintainers

  • I maintain Magit, which is the most advanced Git client and by many considered to be one of Emacs' killer applications.

    Sponsoring since Jan 4, 2022
  • I'm the creator of FastAPI, Typer, SQLModel, Asyncer, several Docker images, and other tools. FastAPI is a modern, high-performance, web framework for building APIs. Typer is a library for creating CLI apps with shell completion. Based on type hints.

    Sponsoring since Jan 4, 2022
  • The mission of NumFOCUS is to promote open practices in research, data, and scientific computing by serving as a fiscal sponsor for open source projects and organizing community-driven educational programs. NumFOCUS is a 501(c)(3) public charity.

    Sponsoring since Jan 4, 2022
  • Python developer, creator of Pydantic and much more

    Sponsoring since Jan 4, 2022
  • The SQLAlchemy project was started in 2005 to provide database software for the Python programming language. SQLAlchemy is used by thousands of organizations around the world.

    Sponsoring since Jan 4, 2022
  • Simple Python Version Management: pyenv. Install, manage and use any number of CPython, Anaconda and other Python flavor installations on a single system.

    Sponsoring since Jan 4, 2022
  • Hi! I'm @iamkun. I work full time on open-source software Element-UI and Day.js.

    Sponsoring since Jan 4, 2023
  • Strawberry is a Python GraphQL library that features python type hints to easily create GraphQL APIs using a code first approach.

    Sponsoring since May 19, 2022