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[GR-19691] Update the How-To guide
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PullRequest: truffleruby/4247
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andrykonchin committed Apr 26, 2024
2 parents a2c68de + 7daf94d commit 902a537
Showing 1 changed file with 68 additions and 0 deletions.
68 changes: 68 additions & 0 deletions doc/contributor/
Expand Up @@ -31,6 +31,9 @@
* [How to tag slow ruby/spec tests](#how-to-tag-slow-rubyspec-tests)
* [How to introduce a constant in specs](#how-to-introduce-a-constant-in-specs)
* [How to add a new spec](#how-to-add-a-new-spec)
* [How to work on a new CRuby feature](#how-to-work-on-a-new-cruby-feature)
* [How to prepare PR for changes in the next CRuby version](#how-to-prepare-pr-for-changes-in-the-next-cruby-version)
* [How to use jt CLI tool](#how-to-use-jt-cli-tool)

## How to find a Core Method implementation

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1564,3 +1567,68 @@ There are the following main directories:
- `spec/ruby/core` - specs for the Core Library
- `spec/ruby/library` - specs for the Standard Library
- `spec/ruby/language` - specs for the Ruby syntax itself
## How to work on a new CRuby feature
When you work on a new feature/method usually you make the following steps:
- check a feature/method description in the Ruby documentation
- check a corresponding issue (on the Ruby bug tracker <>):
- a feature description
- discussion
- "Associated revisions" tab with commits and diffs (pay attention to added MRI and ruby/spec tests)
- check existing ruby/spec tests in the TruffleRuby repository
- add missing test cases
- untag ruby/spec tests
- implement the feature
- untag MRI tests and ensure they pass too
- mention in a PR description an original issue in a way it's described in the Ruby
release notes or provide a link to an original ticket (on <>)
## How to prepare PR for changes in the next CRuby version
When you work on a new feature that is introduced in Ruby version which TruffleRuby doesn't support yet
(e.g. TruffleRuby is compatible with Ruby 3.1 now but the feature is introduced in Ruby 3.2) there is a
problem with running proper specs locally and on CI (both internal and GitHub Actions).
So you should ensure that the specs for the new feature are run and passed successfully on CI and the
whole suit pass successfully as well:
- add specs for the new feature if they are missing (with a `ruby_version_is` guard)
- use `PRETEND_RUBY_VERSION` environment variable to run specs for the new feature
- add a file with specs for the new feature to the next list in `spec/` (to run them on CI)
- use `jt test :next` to run locally all the specs for the next CRuby version
If the new feature breaks existing behavior and some specs fail - disable them temporary (until TruffleRuby
is switched to the next CRuby version completely) with tagging as failed (use `jt tag <path-to-spec-file>`)
Look for additional details in [The "Running specs for Ruby 3.3 features" section of the Contributor Workflow document](
## How to use jt CLI tool
The `jt` CLI tool has a lot of commands but there are very few basic ones that you may need to use often:
- `jt ruby` - run TruffleRuby REPL (`irb`)
- `jt ruby <filename>` - execute a file with Ruby source code with TruffleRuby
- `jt ruby -e '<Ruby source code>'` - execute a string of Ruby source code with TruffleRuby REPL
- `jt -q ruby --jdebug -e '<Ruby source code>'` - to launch debugger
- `jt test <path to test file>` - run ruby/spec test file
- `jt --use ruby test <path to test file>` - to use tests against current CRuby, not TruffleRuby
- `jt -u ruby test <path to test file>` - there is a short form `-u`
- `jt test <path to test file> -- --jdebug` - to launch debugger
- `jt test fast <path to test file>` - run subset of specs and tag slow test cases with tag `slow`
- `jt test :next` - run specs for features introduced in the next CRuby version, not supported by TruffleRuby currently
- `jt test mri <path to test file>` - run MRI test file
- `jt test mri <path to test file> --jdebug` - to launch debugger for MRI tests (without `--`)
- `jt test mri <path to MRI test file> -- -n <test case name>` - to run only specified UnitTest case
- `jt build`
- `jt clean`
- `jt rebuild`
- `jt sync` - to synchronize changes in Standard Library Ruby source code and apply them without rebuilding TruffleRuby
- `jt tag` - ruby/spec only
- `jt untag <path-to-file>` - (ruby/spec only) regenerate an exclude file for particular ruby/spec file (and list all the failed test cases)
- `jt retag <path-to-file>` - (MRI test only) regenerate an exclude file for particular MRI test file (and list all the failed test cases)
- `jt lint fast` - to run some linter checks (that are run on CI) locally
- `jt rubocop` - to run Ruby source code linter separately from other linter checks.
- `jt rubocop -a` - to correct safely Rubocop warnings automatically
- `jt rubocop -A` - to correct unsafely Rubocop warnings automatically

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