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[Under Construction] Review Guideline

Kento Nozawa edited this page Jul 7, 2021 · 6 revisions

Hi there, hope this page finds you well.

We think much of having Optuna being open as possible.

By "being open", we mean that this project absorbes various kind of opinions as possible. Therefore, of course, your contribution is what we cherish the most.

As in, contribution to Optuna includes not only sending pull requests, but also

  • just using Optuna
  • filing feature request issues
  • reporting bugs
  • sunchining your usecases by writing blogs or tweeting, which conveys the strong/weak points of Optuna to both the community and us
  • reviewing others' pull requests .

Checklist for Docs Review

  • links are working?
  • directives like :ref: and :mod: are correctly handled by Sphinx?

So, from our experience, some specific pages we want you to check are


Since the merge of optuna/optuna#1400, references of :mod: has not worked as we expect but the CI has not detected this problem. The cause was that we did not have the appropriate workflow for docs review and CI was not critical enough.
