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DOI skope-api build

Backend services for dataset metadata and timeseries data extracted from SKOPE datasets - see for API details and examples

Project Setup

Dataset Metadata

Dataset metadata currently needs to be specified twice and should :

  • timeseries/metadata.yml contains the full dataset metadata exposed by the metadata endpoint and consumed by the skopeui app
  • timeseries/deploy/metadata/prod.yml contains a subset of the dataset metadata used by the backend services to handle timeseries extraction (time ranges, time resolution, and available variables) from the datacubes available in the store (runtime settings for the store dynamically generated at build time at timeseries/deploy/settings/config.yml)


Set up dev configuration

./configure dev

Build the project & run the backend server and geoserver

make deploy

Try out the analysis endpoint

http --json POST localhost:8002/datasets/yearly < yearly.json 
http --json POST localhost:8002/datasets/monthly < monthly.json 

Run the tests

make test


Set up for prod deployment

./configure prod

build & deploy

make deploy