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Releases: openhpc/ohpc

3.1 (07 May 2024)

07 May 13:05
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General Updates

  • Switched to gnu13 compiler variant (introduced as tech preview wtih OpenHPC 3.0)
  • Switched to openmpi5 mpi variant (from openmpi4)
  • Enabled JWT support in slurmrestd (#1815)
  • Updated Lmod and adapted OpenHPC module files to correctly handle modules distributed by Intel. (#1912)
  • Switched from the OS provided Python 3.6 stack to the OS provided Python 3.11 stack on RHEL and LEAP
  • Introduced non-MPI builds of netcdf, netcdf-cxx, netcdf-fortran.
  • Variety of component version updates and other additions highlighted further below.
  • Updated target distribution support to openEuler 22.03 LTS SP3.

Component Additions

      * adios2-gnu13-impi-ohpc                   (v2.8.3)
      * adios2-gnu13-mpich-ohpc                  (v2.8.3)
      * adios2-gnu13-mvapich2-ohpc               (v2.8.3)
      * adios2-gnu13-openmpi5-ohpc               (v2.8.3)
      * adios2-intel-openmpi5-ohpc               (v2.8.3)
      * boost-gnu13-impi-ohpc                    (v1.81.0)
      * boost-gnu13-mpich-ohpc                   (v1.81.0)
      * boost-gnu13-mvapich2-ohpc                (v1.81.0)
      * boost-gnu13-openmpi5-ohpc                (v1.81.0)
      * boost-intel-openmpi5-ohpc                (v1.81.0)
      * dimemas-gnu13-impi-ohpc                  (v5.4.2)
      * dimemas-gnu13-mpich-ohpc                 (v5.4.2)
      * dimemas-gnu13-mvapich2-ohpc              (v5.4.2)
      * dimemas-gnu13-openmpi5-ohpc              (v5.4.2)
      * dimemas-intel-openmpi5-ohpc              (v5.4.2)
      * extrae-gnu13-impi-ohpc                   (v3.8.3)
      * extrae-gnu13-mpich-ohpc                  (v3.8.3)
      * extrae-gnu13-mvapich2-ohpc               (v3.8.3)
      * extrae-gnu13-openmpi5-ohpc               (v3.8.3)
      * extrae-intel-openmpi5-ohpc               (v3.8.3)
      * fftw-gnu13-impi-ohpc                     (v3.3.10)
      * fftw-gnu13-mpich-ohpc                    (v3.3.10)
      * fftw-gnu13-mvapich2-ohpc                 (v3.3.10)
      * fftw-gnu13-openmpi5-ohpc                 (v3.3.10)
      * fftw-intel-openmpi5-ohpc                 (v3.3.10)
      * geopm-gnu13-impi-ohpc                    (v1.1.0)
      * geopm-gnu13-mpich-ohpc                   (v1.1.0)
      * geopm-gnu13-mvapich2-ohpc                (v1.1.0)
      * geopm-gnu13-openmpi5-ohpc                (v1.1.0)
      * geopm-intel-openmpi5-ohpc                (v1.1.0)
      * gsl-gnu13-ohpc                           (v2.7.1)
      * hdf5-gnu13-ohpc                          (v1.14.0)
      * hypre-gnu13-impi-ohpc                    (v2.18.1)
      * hypre-gnu13-mpich-ohpc                   (v2.18.1)
      * hypre-gnu13-mvapich2-ohpc                (v2.18.1)
      * hypre-gnu13-openmpi5-ohpc                (v2.18.1)
      * hypre-intel-openmpi5-ohpc                (v2.18.1)
      * imb-gnu13-impi-ohpc                      (v2021.3)
      * imb-gnu13-mpich-ohpc                     (v2021.3)
      * imb-gnu13-mvapich2-ohpc                  (v2021.3)
      * imb-gnu13-openmpi5-ohpc                  (v2021.3)
      * imb-intel-openmpi5-ohpc                  (v2021.3)
      * likwid-gnu13-ohpc                        (v5.3.0)
      * lmod-defaults-gnu13-impi-ohpc            (v2.0)
      * lmod-defaults-gnu13-mvapich2-ohpc        (v2.0)
      * lmod-defaults-gnu13-openmpi5-ohpc        (v2.0)
      * lmod-defaults-intel-openmpi5-ohpc        (v2.0)
      * metis-gnu13-ohpc                         (v5.1.0)
      * mfem-gnu13-impi-ohpc                     (v4.4)
      * mfem-gnu13-mpich-ohpc                    (v4.4)
      * mfem-gnu13-mvapich2-ohpc                 (v4.4)
      * mfem-gnu13-openmpi5-ohpc                 (v4.4)
      * mfem-intel-openmpi5-ohpc                 (v4.4)
      * mumps-gnu13-impi-ohpc                    (v5.2.1)
      * mumps-gnu13-mpich-ohpc                   (v5.2.1)
      * mumps-gnu13-mvapich2-ohpc                (v5.2.1)
      * mumps-gnu13-openmpi5-ohpc                (v5.2.1)
      * mumps-intel-openmpi5-ohpc                (v5.2.1)
      * netcdf-cxx-gnu13-impi-ohpc               (v4.3.1)
      * netcdf-cxx-gnu13-mpich-ohpc              (v4.3.1)
      * netcdf-cxx-gnu13-mvapich2-ohpc           (v4.3.1)
      * netcdf-cxx-gnu13-ohpc                    (v4.3.1)
      * netcdf-cxx-gnu13-openmpi5-ohpc           (v4.3.1)
      * netcdf-cxx-intel-ohpc                    (v4.3.1)
      * netcdf-cxx-intel-openmpi5-ohpc           (v4.3.1)
      * netcdf-fortran-gnu13-impi-ohpc           (v4.6.1)
      * netcdf-fortran-gnu13-mpich-ohpc          (v4.6.1)
      * netcdf-fortran-gnu13-mvapich2-ohpc       (v4.6.1)
      * netcdf-fortran-gnu13-ohpc                (v4.6.1)
      * netcdf-fortran-gnu13-openmpi5-ohpc       (v4.6.1)
      * netcdf-fortran-intel-ohpc                (v4.6.1)
      * netcdf-fortran-intel-openmpi5-ohpc       (v4.6.1)
      * netcdf-gnu13-impi-ohpc                   (v4.9.2)
      * netcdf-gnu13-mpich-ohpc                  (v4.9.2)
      * netcdf-gnu13-mvapich2-ohpc               (v4.9.2)
      * netcdf-gnu13-ohpc                        (v4.9.2)
      * netcdf-gnu13-openmpi5-ohpc               (v4.9.2)
      * netcdf-intel-ohpc                        (v4.9.2)
      * netcdf-intel-openmpi5-ohpc               (v4.9.2)
      * omb-gnu13-impi-ohpc                      (v7.3)
      * omb-gnu13-mpich-ohpc                     (v7.3)
      * omb-gnu13-mvapich2-ohpc                  (v7.3)
      * omb-gnu13-openmpi5-ohpc                  (v7.3)
      * omb-intel-openmpi5-ohpc                  (v7.3)
      * openblas-gnu13-ohpc                      (v0.3.21)
      * opencoarrays-gnu13-impi-ohpc             (v2.10.0)
      * opencoarrays-gnu13-mpich-ohpc            (v2.10.0)
      * opencoarrays-gnu13-mvapich2-ohpc         (v2.10.0)
      * opencoarrays-gnu13-openmpi5-ohpc         (v2.10.0)
      * openmpi4-pmix-intel-ohpc                 (v4.1.5)
      * openmpi5-gnu13-ohpc                      (v5.0.3)
      * openmpi5-intel-ohpc                      (v5.0.3)
      * openmpi5-pmix-gnu13-ohpc                 (v5.0.3)
      * openmpi5-pmix-intel-ohpc                 (v5.0.3)
      * pdtoolkit-gnu13-ohpc                     (v3.25.1)
      * petsc-gnu13-impi-ohpc                    (v3.18.1)
      * petsc-gnu13-mpich-ohpc                   (v3.18.1)
      * petsc-gnu13-mvapich2-ohpc                (v3.18.1)
      * petsc-gnu13-openmpi5-ohpc                (v3.18.1)
      * petsc-intel-openmpi5-ohpc                (v3.18.1)
      * phdf5-gnu13-impi-ohpc                    (v1.14.0)
      * phdf5-gnu13-mpich-ohpc                   (v1.14.0)
      * phdf5-gnu13-mvapich2-ohpc                (v1.14.0)
      * phdf5-gnu13-openmpi5-ohpc                (v1.14.0)
      * phdf5-intel-openmpi5-ohpc                (v1.14.0)
      * plasma-gnu13-ohpc                        (v21.8.29)
      * pnetcdf-gnu13-impi-ohpc                  (v1.12.3)
      * pnetcdf-gnu13-mpich-ohpc                 (v1.12.3)
      * pnetcdf-gnu13-mvapich2-ohpc              (v1.12.3)
      * pnetcdf-gnu13-openmpi5-ohpc              (v1.12.3)
      * pnetcdf-intel-openmpi5-ohpc              (v1.12.3)
      * ptscotch-gnu13-impi-ohpc                 (v7.0.1)
      * ptscotch-gnu13-mpich-ohpc                (v7.0.1)
      * ptscotch-gnu13-mvapich2-ohpc             (v7.0.1)
      * ptscotch-gnu13-openmpi5-ohpc             (v7.0.1)
      * ptscotch-intel-openmpi5-ohpc             (v7.0.1)
      * python3.11-Cython-ohpc                   (v0.29.37)
      * python3.11-mpi4py-gnu13-impi-ohpc        (v3.1.5)
      * python3.11-mpi4py-gnu13-mpich-ohpc       (v3.1.5)
      * python3.11-mpi4py-gnu13-mvapich2-ohpc    (v3.1.5)
      * python3.11-mpi4py-gnu13-openmpi5-ohpc    (v3.1.5)
      * python3.11-mpi4py-intel-impi-ohpc        (v3.1.5)
      * python3.11-mpi4py-intel-mpich-ohpc       (v3.1.5)
      * python3.11-mpi4py-intel-mvapich2-ohpc    (v3.1.5)
      * python3.11-mpi4py-intel-openmpi5-ohpc    (v3.1.5)
      * python3.11-numpy-gnu13-ohpc              (v1.26.4)
      * python3.11-numpy-intel-ohpc              (v1.26.4)
      * python3.11-scipy-gnu13-impi-ohpc         (v1.5.4)
      * python3.11-scipy-gnu13-mpich-ohpc        (v1.5.4)
      * python3.11-scipy-gnu13-mvapich2-ohpc     (v1.5.4)
      * python3.11-scipy-gnu13-openmpi5-ohpc     (v1.5.4)
      * R-gnu13-ohpc                             (v4.2.1)
      * scalapack-gnu13-impi-ohpc                (v2.2.0)
      * scalapack-gnu13-mpich-ohpc               (v2.2.0)
      * scalapack-gnu13-mvapich2-ohpc            (v2.2.0)
      * scalapack-gnu13-openmpi5-ohpc            (v2.2.0)
      * scalapack-intel-openmpi5-ohpc            (v2.2.0)
      * scalasca-gnu13-impi-ohpc                 (v2.5)
      * scalasca-gnu13-mpich-ohpc                (v2.5)
      * scalasca-gnu13-mvapich2-ohpc             (v2.5)
      * scalasca-gnu13-openmpi5-ohpc             (v2.5)
      * scalasca-intel-openmpi5-ohpc             (v2.5)
      * scorep-gnu13-impi-ohpc                   (v7.1)
      * scorep-gnu13-mpich-ohpc                  (v7.1)
      * scorep-gnu13-mvapich2-ohpc               (v7.1)
      * scorep-gnu13-openmpi5-ohpc               (v7.1)
      * scorep-intel-openmpi5-ohpc               (v7.1)
      * scotch-gnu13-ohpc                        (v6.0.6)
      * sionlib-gnu13-impi-ohpc                  (v1.7.7)
      * sionlib-gnu13-mpich-ohpc                 (v1.7.7)
      * sionlib-gnu13-mvapich2-ohpc              (v1.7.7)
      * sionlib-gnu13-openmpi5-ohpc              (v1.7.7)
      * sionlib-intel-openmpi5-ohpc              (v1.7.7)
      * slepc-gnu13-impi-ohpc                    (v3.18.0)
      * slepc-gnu13-mpich-ohpc                   (v3.18.0)
      * slepc-gnu13-mvapich2-ohpc                (v3.18.0)
      * slepc-gnu13-openmpi5-ohpc                (v3.18.0)
      * slepc-intel-openmpi5-ohpc                (v3....
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2.8 (25 April 2024)

25 Apr 13:16
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General Updates

  • Slurm based installations are now using Open MPI in combination with PMIX. OpenPBS based installation are not. (#1320)
  • Updated Lmod and adapted OpenHPC module files to correctly handle modules distributed by Intel. (#1912)

Component Additions

      * openmpi4-pmix-gnu12-ohpc                 (v4.1.6)
      * openmpi4-pmix-intel-ohpc                 (v4.1.6)
      * slurm-sackd-ohpc                         (v23.11.4)

Component Version Changes

   [Component Version Changes]
      * docs-ohpc                                (v2.6.0 -> v2.8.0)
      * EasyBuild-ohpc                           (v4.8.2 -> v4.9.1)
      * lmod-ohpc                                (v8.7.32 -> v8.7.37)
      * pdsh-mod-genders-ohpc                    (v2.34 -> v2.35)
      * pdsh-mod-slurm-ohpc                      (v2.34 -> v2.35)
      * pdsh-ohpc                                (v2.34 -> v2.35)
      * pmix-ohpc                                (v4.2.1 -> v4.2.9)
      * slurm-contribs-ohpc                      (v22.05.10 -> v23.11.4)
      * slurm-devel-ohpc                         (v22.05.10 -> v23.11.4)
      * slurm-example-configs-ohpc               (v22.05.10 -> v23.11.4)
      * slurm-libpmi-ohpc                        (v22.05.10 -> v23.11.4)
      * slurm-ohpc                               (v22.05.10 -> v23.11.4)
      * slurm-ohpc-slurmrestd                    (v22.05.10 -> v23.11.4)
      * slurm-openlava-ohpc                      (v22.05.10 -> v23.11.4)
      * slurm-pam_slurm-ohpc                     (v22.05.10 -> v23.11.4)
      * slurm-perlapi-ohpc                       (v22.05.10 -> v23.11.4)
      * slurm-slurmctld-ohpc                     (v22.05.10 -> v23.11.4)
      * slurm-slurmdbd-ohpc                      (v22.05.10 -> v23.11.4)
      * slurm-slurmd-ohpc                        (v22.05.10 -> v23.11.4)
      * slurm-sview-ohpc                         (v22.05.10 -> v23.11.4)
      * slurm-torque-ohpc                        (v22.05.10 -> v23.11.4)
      * spack-ohpc                               (v0.20.2 -> v0.21.2)

2.7 (09 November 2023)

09 Nov 15:27
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General Updates

  • Updated target distribution support to EL 8.8 and Leap 15.3.
  • Introduced non-MPI builds of netcdf, netcdf-cxx, netcdf-fortran.
  • Upgraded Lmod to handle getenv (#1905, #1906).
  • Excluded Intel libraries from RPM requires (#1853). Intel seems to have dropped all shared object (SO) names from their RPMs.
    This means that OpenHPC cannot require those SO names any more or old packages will be pulled in during dependency resolution.
  • Rebuilt all packages with the latest Intel compiler 2023.2.x.
  • Added a papi57 package after bug reports from users regarding the previous update of PAPI to 6.x (#1714).
  • Variety of component version updates and other additions highlighted further below.
  • Changed the OpenHPC identifier in the RPMs from postfixed ohpc.2.6 to prefixed 270.ohpc for easier sorting.

Known Issues

  • Several package builds with the latest Intel classic compiler exhibited problems with the OpenHPC test
    suite. Affected packages are: plasma, TAU, and superlu_dist. Users are advised to stick with the gcc (gnu12)
    compiler variant if using these packages.

Component Additions

  * netcdf-cxx-gnu12-ohpc                    (4.3.1)
  * netcdf-cxx-intel-ohpc                    (4.3.1)
  * netcdf-fortran-gnu12-ohpc                (4.6.0)
  * netcdf-fortran-intel-ohpc                (4.6.0)
  * netcdf-gnu12-ohpc                        (4.9.0)
  * netcdf-intel-ohpc                        (4.9.0)
  * papi57-ohpc                              (5.7.0)

Component Version Changes

  * EasyBuild-ohpc                           (4.6.2 -> 4.8.2)
  * boost-gnu12-impi-ohpc                    (1.80.0 -> 1.81.0)
  * boost-gnu12-mpich-ohpc                   (1.80.0 -> 1.81.0)
  * boost-gnu12-mvapich2-ohpc                (1.80.0 -> 1.81.0)
  * boost-gnu12-openmpi4-ohpc                (1.80.0 -> 1.81.0)
  * boost-intel-impi-ohpc                    (1.80.0 -> 1.81.0)
  * boost-intel-mpich-ohpc                   (1.80.0 -> 1.81.0)
  * boost-intel-mvapich2-ohpc                (1.80.0 -> 1.81.0)
  * boost-intel-openmpi4-ohpc                (1.80.0 -> 1.81.0)
  * gnu12-compilers-ohpc                     (12.2.0 -> 12.3.0)
  * hwloc-ohpc                               (2.7.0 -> 2.7.2)
  * intel-compilers-devel-ohpc               (2021.1 -> 2023.2)
  * intel-mpi-devel-ohpc                     (2021.1 -> 2023.2)
  * intel-oneapi-toolkit-release-ohpc        (2021.1 -> 2023.2)
  * intel-psxe-compilers-devel-ohpc          (2021.1 -> 2023.2)
  * intel-psxe-mpi-devel-ohpc                (2021.1 -> 2023.2)
  * libfabric-ohpc                           (1.13.0 -> 1.19.0)
  * lmod-ohpc                                (8.7.6 -> 8.7.32)
  * magpie-ohpc                              (2.5 -> 3.0)
  * opencoarrays-gnu12-impi-ohpc             (2.10.0 -> 2.10.1)
  * opencoarrays-gnu12-mpich-ohpc            (2.10.0 -> 2.10.1)
  * opencoarrays-gnu12-mvapich2-ohpc         (2.10.0 -> 2.10.1)
  * opencoarrays-gnu12-openmpi4-ohpc         (2.10.0 -> 2.10.1)
  * openmpi4-gnu12-ohpc                      (4.1.4 -> 4.1.6)
  * openmpi4-intel-ohpc                      (4.1.4 -> 4.1.6)
  * openpbs-client-ohpc                      (22.05.11 -> 23.06.06)
  * openpbs-devel-ohpc                       (22.05.11 -> 23.06.06)
  * openpbs-execution-ohpc                   (22.05.11 -> 23.06.06)
  * openpbs-server-ohpc                      (22.05.11 -> 23.06.06)
  * spack-ohpc                               (0.18.1 -> 0.20.2)
  * ucx-cma-ohpc                             (1.11.2 -> 1.15.0)
  * ucx-ib-ohpc                              (1.11.2 -> 1.15.0)
  * ucx-ohpc                                 (1.11.2 -> 1.15.0)
  * ucx-rdmacm-ohpc                          (1.11.2 -> 1.15.0)

3.0.1 (18 October 2023)

26 Oct 17:35
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General Updates

Component Version Changes

  * slurm-contribs-ohpc                      (22.05.8 -> 22.05.10)
  * slurm-devel-ohpc                         (22.05.8 -> 22.05.10)
  * slurm-example-configs-ohpc               (22.05.8 -> 22.05.10)
  * slurm-libpmi-ohpc                        (22.05.8 -> 22.05.10)
  * slurm-ohpc                               (22.05.8 -> 22.05.10)
  * slurm-ohpc-slurmrestd                    (22.05.8 -> 22.05.10)
  * slurm-openlava-ohpc                      (22.05.8 -> 22.05.10)
  * slurm-pam_slurm-ohpc                     (22.05.8 -> 22.05.10)
  * slurm-perlapi-ohpc                       (22.05.8 -> 22.05.10)
  * slurm-slurmctld-ohpc                     (22.05.8 -> 22.05.10)
  * slurm-slurmd-ohpc                        (22.05.8 -> 22.05.10)
  * slurm-slurmdbd-ohpc                      (22.05.8 -> 22.05.10)
  * slurm-sview-ohpc                         (22.05.8 -> 22.05.10)
  * slurm-torque-ohpc                        (22.05.8 -> 22.05.10)

2.6.2 (25 October 2023)

26 Oct 17:58
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General Updates

Component Version Changes

  * slurm-contribs-ohpc                      (22.05.2 -> 22.05.10)
  * slurm-devel-ohpc                         (22.05.2 -> 22.05.10)
  * slurm-example-configs-ohpc               (22.05.2 -> 22.05.10)
  * slurm-libpmi-ohpc                        (22.05.2 -> 22.05.10)
  * slurm-ohpc                               (22.05.2 -> 22.05.10)
  * slurm-ohpc-slurmrestd                    (22.05.2 -> 22.05.10)
  * slurm-openlava-ohpc                      (22.05.2 -> 22.05.10)
  * slurm-pam_slurm-ohpc                     (22.05.2 -> 22.05.10)
  * slurm-perlapi-ohpc                       (22.05.2 -> 22.05.10)
  * slurm-slurmctld-ohpc                     (22.05.2 -> 22.05.10)
  * slurm-slurmd-ohpc                        (22.05.2 -> 22.05.10)
  * slurm-slurmdbd-ohpc                      (22.05.2 -> 22.05.10)
  * slurm-sview-ohpc                         (22.05.2 -> 22.05.10)
  * slurm-torque-ohpc                        (22.05.2 -> 22.05.10)

3.0 (02 October 2023)

02 Oct 20:16
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Important Highlights/Notices for 3.x series

  • the 3.x series targets support for three new major OS distro versions: EL 9, openSUSE Leap 15.5 and openEuler 22.03.
    • As the OpenHPC 3.x series targets major new distro versions, please note that the 3.x series
      is not backwards compatible with the OpenHPC 2.x series.
    • OpenHPC 3.x is intended for fresh installs with the newer distro versions (or containers based
      on these distro versions).
    • Note that 3.x builds for SUSE based systems are now performed against Leap instead of SLES. Leap 15 is
      intended to be compatible with SLES 15.
    • EL 9 based builds are performed against RHEL 9.2 and tested against Rocky Linux 9.2 and AlmaLinux 9.2
    • OpenHPC 3.x is the first release that supports openEuler OS! It is tested against openEuler 22.03 LTS (SP0)
  • Slurm based installations are now using Open MPI in combination with PMIX. OpenPBS based installation are not.

General Updates

  • Updates to support openSUSE Leap 15.5, openEuler 22.03 and RHEL/AlmaLinux/Rocky Linux 9.2.
  • Tech preview build of Warewulf 4.x.
  • Switched to clang based Intel oneAPI compiler backend.
  • Removed deprecated ADIOS package and introduced ADIOS2.
  • Introduced two Open MPI variants. One with PMIX support and one without PMIX support.
    The Open MPI variant with PMIX support is used in the slurm based recipes.
  • Introduced new compiler variant gnu13 as tech preview.

Known Issues

  • AlmaLinux recipes only tested on aarch64
  • mvapich2 on openEuler not supported
  • openmpi4 not supported with Intel oneAPI compiler

[Component Additions]

  * adios2-gnu12-impi-ohpc                   (2.8.3)
  * adios2-gnu12-mpich-ohpc                  (2.8.3)
  * adios2-gnu12-mvapich2-ohpc               (2.8.3)
  * adios2-gnu12-openmpi4-ohpc               (2.8.3)
  * adios2-intel-impi-ohpc                   (2.8.3)
  * adios2-intel-mpich-ohpc                  (2.8.3)
  * adios2-intel-mvapich2-ohpc               (2.8.3)
  * adios2-intel-openmpi4-ohpc               (2.8.3)
  * flex-ohpc                                (2.6.4)
  * gnu13-compilers-ohpc                     (13.1.0)
  * hpc-workspace-ohpc                       (1.4.0)
  * mpich-ofi-gnu13-ohpc                     (3.4.3)
  * mpich-ucx-gnu13-ohpc                     (3.4.3)
  * mvapich2-gnu13-ohpc                      (2.3.7)
  * openmpi4-gnu13-ohpc                      (4.1.5)
  * openmpi4-pmix-gnu12-ohpc                 (4.1.5)
  * python3-scipy-gnu12-impi-ohpc            (1.5.4)

[Component Version Changes]

  * EasyBuild-ohpc                           (4.6.2 -> 4.7.2)
  * autoconf-ohpc                            (2.69 -> 2.71)
  * automake-ohpc                            (1.16.1 -> 1.16.5)
  * boost-gnu12-impi-ohpc                    (1.80.0 -> 1.81.0)
  * boost-gnu12-mpich-ohpc                   (1.80.0 -> 1.81.0)
  * boost-gnu12-mvapich2-ohpc                (1.80.0 -> 1.81.0)
  * boost-gnu12-openmpi4-ohpc                (1.80.0 -> 1.81.0)
  * boost-intel-impi-ohpc                    (1.80.0 -> 1.81.0)
  * boost-intel-mpich-ohpc                   (1.80.0 -> 1.81.0)
  * boost-intel-mvapich2-ohpc                (1.80.0 -> 1.81.0)
  * boost-intel-openmpi4-ohpc                (1.80.0 -> 1.81.0)
  * conman-ohpc                              (0.3.0 -> 0.3.1)
  * docs-ohpc                                (2.6.0 -> 3.0.0)
  * hdf5-gnu12-ohpc                          (1.10.8 -> 1.14.0)
  * hdf5-intel-ohpc                          (1.10.8 -> 1.14.0)
  * hwloc-ohpc                               (2.7.0 -> 2.9.0)
  * intel-compilers-devel-ohpc               (2021.1 -> 2023.1)
  * intel-mpi-devel-ohpc                     (2021.1 -> 2023.1)
  * intel-oneapi-toolkit-release-ohpc        (2021.1 -> 2023.1)
  * intel-psxe-compilers-devel-ohpc          (2021.1 -> 2023.1)
  * intel-psxe-mpi-devel-ohpc                (2021.1 -> 2023.1)
  * libfabric-ohpc                           (1.13.0 -> 1.18.0)
  * lmod-ohpc                                (8.7.6 -> 8.7.14)
  * magpie-ohpc                              (2.5 -> 3.0)
  * nhc-ohpc                                 (1.4.2 -> 1.4.3)
  * ohpc-release                             (2 -> 3)
  * openmpi4-gnu12-ohpc                      (4.1.4 -> 4.1.5)
  * openmpi4-intel-ohpc                      (4.1.4 -> 4.1.5)
  * phdf5-gnu12-impi-ohpc                    (1.10.8 -> 1.14.0)
  * phdf5-gnu12-mpich-ohpc                   (1.10.8 -> 1.14.0)
  * phdf5-gnu12-mvapich2-ohpc                (1.10.8 -> 1.14.0)
  * phdf5-gnu12-openmpi4-ohpc                (1.10.8 -> 1.14.0)
  * phdf5-intel-impi-ohpc                    (1.10.8 -> 1.14.0)
  * phdf5-intel-mpich-ohpc                   (1.10.8 -> 1.14.0)
  * phdf5-intel-mvapich2-ohpc                (1.10.8 -> 1.14.0)
  * phdf5-intel-openmpi4-ohpc                (1.10.8 -> 1.14.0)
  * pmix-ohpc                                (4.2.1 -> 4.2.4)
  * python3-Cython-ohpc                      (0.29.32 -> 0.29.33)
  * python3-mpi4py-gnu12-impi-ohpc           (3.1.3 -> 3.1.4)
  * python3-mpi4py-gnu12-mpich-ohpc          (3.1.3 -> 3.1.4)
  * python3-mpi4py-gnu12-mvapich2-ohpc       (3.1.3 -> 3.1.4)
  * python3-mpi4py-gnu12-openmpi4-ohpc       (3.1.3 -> 3.1.4)
  * python3-mpi4py-intel-impi-ohpc           (3.1.3 -> 3.1.4)
  * python3-mpi4py-intel-mpich-ohpc          (3.1.3 -> 3.1.4)
  * python3-mpi4py-intel-mvapich2-ohpc       (3.1.3 -> 3.1.4)
  * python3-mpi4py-intel-openmpi4-ohpc       (3.1.3 -> 3.1.4)
  * slurm-contribs-ohpc                      (22.05.2 -> 22.05.8)
  * slurm-devel-ohpc                         (22.05.2 -> 22.05.8)
  * slurm-example-configs-ohpc               (22.05.2 -> 22.05.8)
  * slurm-libpmi-ohpc                        (22.05.2 -> 22.05.8)
  * slurm-ohpc                               (22.05.2 -> 22.05.8)
  * slurm-ohpc-slurmrestd                    (22.05.2 -> 22.05.8)
  * slurm-openlava-ohpc                      (22.05.2 -> 22.05.8)
  * slurm-pam_slurm-ohpc                     (22.05.2 -> 22.05.8)
  * slurm-perlapi-ohpc                       (22.05.2 -> 22.05.8)
  * slurm-slurmctld-ohpc                     (22.05.2 -> 22.05.8)
  * slurm-slurmd-ohpc                        (22.05.2 -> 22.05.8)
  * slurm-slurmdbd-ohpc                      (22.05.2 -> 22.05.8)
  * slurm-sview-ohpc                         (22.05.2 -> 22.05.8)
  * slurm-torque-ohpc                        (22.05.2 -> 22.05.8)
  * spack-ohpc                               (0.15.0 -> 0.19.2)
  * spack-ohpc                               (0.18.1 -> 0.19.2)
  * test-suite-ohpc                          (2.6.0 -> 3.0.0)
  * ucx-cma-ohpc                             (1.11.2 -> 1.14.0)
  * ucx-ib-ohpc                              (1.11.2 -> 1.14.0)
  * ucx-ohpc                                 (1.11.2 -> 1.14.0)
  * ucx-rdmacm-ohpc                          (1.11.2 -> 1.14.0)
  * valgrind-ohpc                            (3.19.0 -> 3.20.0)
  * warewulf-cluster-ohpc                    (3.9.0 -> 3.10.0)
  * warewulf-common-ohpc                     (3.9.0 -> 3.10.0)
  * warewulf-common-ohpc-localdb             (3.9.0 -> 3.10.0)
  * warewulf-ipmi-ohpc                       (3.9.0 -> 3.10.0)
  * warewulf-ipmi-ohpc-initramfs-aarch64     (3.9.0 -> 3.10.0)
  * warewulf-ipmi-ohpc-initramfs-x86_64      (3.9.0 -> 3.10.0)
  * warewulf-ohpc                            (4.3.0 -> 4.4.0)
  * warewulf-provision-ohpc                  (3.9.0 -> 3.10.0)
  * warewulf-provision-ohpc-gpl_sources      (3.9.0 -> 3.10.0)
  * warewulf-provision-ohpc-initramfs-aarch64     (3.9.0 -> 3.10.0)
  * warewulf-provision-ohpc-initramfs-x86_64     (3.9.0 -> 3.10.0)
  * warewulf-provision-ohpc-server           (3.9.0 -> 3.10.0)
  * warewulf-provision-ohpc-server-ipxe-aarch64     (3.9.0 -> 3.10.0)
  * warewulf-provision-ohpc-server-ipxe-x86_64     (3.9.0 -> 3.10.0)
  * warewulf-vnfs-ohpc                       (3.9.0 -> 3.10.0)

2.6.1 (02 February 2023)

08 Feb 15:48
Choose a tag to compare

General Updates

  • updated ohpc-runtime meta-packages to address singularity/apptainer dependency resolution

2.6 (16 November 2022)

16 Nov 22:07
Choose a tag to compare

General Updates

  • updated target distro support to EL 8.6 and Leap 15.3
  • new compiler variant (gnu12) introduced with this release
  • SLURM build updated to include optional REST API interface package
  • updated SLURM recipes to include cgroups.conf
  • fix for Leap 15.3 provisioning with Warewulf (#1602)
  • tech preview build of Warewulf 4.x
  • variety of component version updates and other additions highlighted further below

Known Issues

  • Several package builds with the latest Intel classic compiler exhibited problems with the OpenHPC test
    suite. Affected packages are: plasma, TAU, and superlu_dist. Users are advised to stick with the gcc (gnu12)
    compiler variant if using these packages.

  • We have encountered package checksum errors from upstream Rocky Linux when creating Warewulf VNFS images. If you encounter issues installing the tzdata package for a Rocky8 VNFS image (similar to, consider specifying a preferred mirror URL via the YUM_MIRROR_BASE variable and retry the mkchroot command. Available mirrors are listed here. In the US, we have consistent success using the following:

    export YUM_MIRROR_BASE=

Component Additions

      * R-gnu12-ohpc                             (v4.2.1)
      * adios-gnu12-impi-ohpc                    (v1.13.1)
      * adios-gnu12-mpich-ohpc                   (v1.13.1)
      * adios-gnu12-mvapich2-ohpc                (v1.13.1)
      * adios-gnu12-openmpi4-ohpc                (v1.13.1)
      * boost-gnu12-impi-ohpc                    (v1.80.0)
      * boost-gnu12-mpich-ohpc                   (v1.80.0)
      * boost-gnu12-mvapich2-ohpc                (v1.80.0)
      * boost-gnu12-openmpi4-ohpc                (v1.80.0)
      * dimemas-gnu12-impi-ohpc                  (v5.4.2)
      * dimemas-gnu12-mpich-ohpc                 (v5.4.2)
      * dimemas-gnu12-mvapich2-ohpc              (v5.4.2)
      * dimemas-gnu12-openmpi4-ohpc              (v5.4.2)
      * extrae-gnu12-impi-ohpc                   (v3.8.3)
      * extrae-gnu12-mpich-ohpc                  (v3.8.3)
      * extrae-gnu12-mvapich2-ohpc               (v3.8.3)
      * extrae-gnu12-openmpi4-ohpc               (v3.8.3)
      * fftw-gnu12-impi-ohpc                     (v3.3.10)
      * fftw-gnu12-mpich-ohpc                    (v3.3.10)
      * fftw-gnu12-mvapich2-ohpc                 (v3.3.10)
      * fftw-gnu12-openmpi4-ohpc                 (v3.3.10)
      * fftw-intel-impi-ohpc                     (v3.3.10)
      * fftw-intel-mpich-ohpc                    (v3.3.10)
      * fftw-intel-mvapich2-ohpc                 (v3.3.10)
      * fftw-intel-openmpi4-ohpc                 (v3.3.10)
      * geopm-gnu12-impi-ohpc                    (v1.1.0)
      * geopm-gnu12-mpich-ohpc                   (v1.1.0)
      * geopm-gnu12-mvapich2-ohpc                (v1.1.0)
      * geopm-gnu12-openmpi4-ohpc                (v1.1.0)
      * gnu12-compilers-ohpc                     (v12.2.0)
      * gsl-gnu12-ohpc                           (v2.7.1)
      * hdf5-gnu12-ohpc                          (v1.10.8)
      * hypre-gnu12-impi-ohpc                    (v2.18.1)
      * hypre-gnu12-mpich-ohpc                   (v2.18.1)
      * hypre-gnu12-mvapich2-ohpc                (v2.18.1)
      * hypre-gnu12-openmpi4-ohpc                (v2.18.1)
      * imb-gnu12-impi-ohpc                      (v2021.3)
      * imb-gnu12-mpich-ohpc                     (v2021.3)
      * imb-gnu12-mvapich2-ohpc                  (v2021.3)
      * imb-gnu12-openmpi4-ohpc                  (v2021.3)
      * likwid-gnu12-ohpc                        (v5.2.2)
      * lmod-defaults-gnu12-impi-ohpc            (v2.0)
      * lmod-defaults-gnu12-mpich-ofi-ohpc       (v2.0)
      * lmod-defaults-gnu12-mpich-ucx-ohpc       (v2.0)
      * lmod-defaults-gnu12-mvapich2-ohpc        (v2.0)
      * lmod-defaults-gnu12-openmpi4-ohpc        (v2.0)
      * metis-gnu12-ohpc                         (v5.1.0)
      * mfem-gnu12-impi-ohpc                     (v4.4)
      * mfem-gnu12-mpich-ohpc                    (v4.4)
      * mfem-gnu12-mvapich2-ohpc                 (v4.4)
      * mfem-gnu12-openmpi4-ohpc                 (v4.4)
      * mpich-ofi-gnu12-ohpc                     (v3.4.3)
      * mpich-ucx-gnu12-ohpc                     (v3.4.3)
      * mumps-gnu12-impi-ohpc                    (v5.2.1)
      * mumps-gnu12-mpich-ohpc                   (v5.2.1)
      * mumps-gnu12-mvapich2-ohpc                (v5.2.1)
      * mumps-gnu12-openmpi4-ohpc                (v5.2.1)
      * mvapich2-gnu12-ohpc                      (v2.3.7)
      * mvapich2-psm2-gnu12-ohpc                 (v2.3.7)
      * netcdf-cxx-gnu12-impi-ohpc               (v4.3.1)
      * netcdf-cxx-gnu12-mpich-ohpc              (v4.3.1)
      * netcdf-cxx-gnu12-mvapich2-ohpc           (v4.3.1)
      * netcdf-cxx-gnu12-openmpi4-ohpc           (v4.3.1)
      * netcdf-fortran-gnu12-impi-ohpc           (v4.6.0)
      * netcdf-fortran-gnu12-mpich-ohpc          (v4.6.0)
      * netcdf-fortran-gnu12-mvapich2-ohpc       (v4.6.0)
      * netcdf-fortran-gnu12-openmpi4-ohpc       (v4.6.0)
      * netcdf-gnu12-impi-ohpc                   (v4.9.0)
      * netcdf-gnu12-mpich-ohpc                  (v4.9.0)
      * netcdf-gnu12-mvapich2-ohpc               (v4.9.0)
      * netcdf-gnu12-openmpi4-ohpc               (v4.9.0)
      * omb-gnu12-impi-ohpc                      (v6.1)
      * omb-gnu12-mpich-ohpc                     (v6.1)
      * omb-gnu12-mvapich2-ohpc                  (v6.1)
      * omb-gnu12-openmpi4-ohpc                  (v6.1)
      * openblas-gnu12-ohpc                      (v0.3.21)
      * opencoarrays-gnu12-impi-ohpc             (v2.10.0)
      * opencoarrays-gnu12-mpich-ohpc            (v2.10.0)
      * opencoarrays-gnu12-mvapich2-ohpc         (v2.10.0)
      * opencoarrays-gnu12-openmpi4-ohpc         (v2.10.0)
      * openmpi4-gnu12-ohpc                      (v4.1.4)
      * pdtoolkit-gnu12-ohpc                     (v3.25.1)
      * petsc-gnu12-impi-ohpc                    (v3.18.1)
      * petsc-gnu12-mpich-ohpc                   (v3.18.1)
      * petsc-gnu12-mvapich2-ohpc                (v3.18.1)
      * petsc-gnu12-openmpi4-ohpc                (v3.18.1)
      * phdf5-gnu12-impi-ohpc                    (v1.10.8)
      * phdf5-gnu12-mpich-ohpc                   (v1.10.8)
      * phdf5-gnu12-mvapich2-ohpc                (v1.10.8)
      * phdf5-gnu12-openmpi4-ohpc                (v1.10.8)
      * plasma-gnu12-ohpc                        (v21.8.29)
      * pnetcdf-gnu12-impi-ohpc                  (v1.12.3)
      * pnetcdf-gnu12-mpich-ohpc                 (v1.12.3)
      * pnetcdf-gnu12-mvapich2-ohpc              (v1.12.3)
      * pnetcdf-gnu12-openmpi4-ohpc              (v1.12.3)
      * ptscotch-gnu12-impi-ohpc                 (v7.0.1)
      * ptscotch-gnu12-mpich-ohpc                (v7.0.1)
      * ptscotch-gnu12-mvapich2-ohpc             (v7.0.1)
      * ptscotch-gnu12-openmpi4-ohpc             (v7.0.1)
      * python3-mpi4py-gnu12-impi-ohpc           (v3.1.3)
      * python3-mpi4py-gnu12-mpich-ohpc          (v3.1.3)
      * python3-mpi4py-gnu12-mvapich2-ohpc       (v3.1.3)
      * python3-mpi4py-gnu12-openmpi4-ohpc       (v3.1.3)
      * python3-numpy-gnu12-ohpc                 (v1.19.5)
      * python3-scipy-gnu12-mpich-ohpc           (v1.5.4)
      * python3-scipy-gnu12-mvapich2-ohpc        (v1.5.4)
      * python3-scipy-gnu12-openmpi4-ohpc        (v1.5.4)
      * scalapack-gnu12-impi-ohpc                (v2.2.0)
      * scalapack-gnu12-mpich-ohpc               (v2.2.0)
      * scalapack-gnu12-mvapich2-ohpc            (v2.2.0)
      * scalapack-gnu12-openmpi4-ohpc            (v2.2.0)
      * scalasca-gnu12-impi-ohpc                 (v2.5)
      * scalasca-gnu12-mpich-ohpc                (v2.5)
      * scalasca-gnu12-mvapich2-ohpc             (v2.5)
      * scalasca-gnu12-openmpi4-ohpc             (v2.5)
      * scorep-gnu12-impi-ohpc                   (v7.1)
      * scorep-gnu12-mpich-ohpc                  (v7.1)
      * scorep-gnu12-mvapich2-ohpc               (v7.1)
      * scorep-gnu12-openmpi4-ohpc               (v7.1)
      * scotch-gnu12-ohpc                        (v6.0.6)
      * sionlib-gnu12-impi-ohpc                  (v1.7.7)
      * sionlib-gnu12-mpich-ohpc                 (v1.7.7)
      * sionlib-gnu12-mvapich2-ohpc              (v1.7.7)
      * sionlib-gnu12-openmpi4-ohpc              (v1.7.7)
      * slepc-gnu12-impi-ohpc                    (v3.18.0)
      * slepc-gnu12-mpich-ohpc                   (v3.18.0)
      * slepc-gnu12-mvapich2-ohpc                (v3.18.0)
      * slepc-gnu12-openmpi4-ohpc                (v3.18.0)
      * slurm-ohpc-slurmrestd                    (v22.05.2)
      * superlu-gnu12-ohpc                       (v5.2.1)
      * superlu_dist-gnu12-impi-ohpc             (v6.4.0)
      * superlu_dist-gnu12-mpich-ohpc            (v6.4.0)
      * superlu_dist-gnu12-mvapich2-ohpc         (v6.4.0)
      * superlu_dist-gnu12-openmpi4-ohpc         (v6.4.0)
      * tau-gnu12-impi-ohpc                      (v2.31.1)
      * tau-gnu12-mpich-ohpc                     (v2.31.1)
      * tau-gnu12-mvapich2-ohpc                  (v2.31.1)
      * tau-gnu12-openmpi4-ohpc                  (v2.31.1)
      * trilinos-gnu12-impi-ohpc                 (v13.4.0)
      * trilinos-gnu12-mpich-ohpc                (v13.4.0)
      * trilinos-gnu12-mvapich2-ohpc             (v13.4.0)
      * trilinos-gnu12-openmpi4-ohpc             (v13.4.0)
      * warewulf-ohpc                            (v4.3.0)

Component Version Changes

      * EasyBuild-ohpc                           (v4.5.0 -> v4.6.2)
      * boost-intel-impi-ohpc     ...
Read more

2.5 (29 May 2022)

30 May 02:35
Choose a tag to compare

General Updates

Component Version Changes

  * docs-ohpc                                (2.4.0 -> 2.5.0)
  * slurm-contribs-ohpc                      (20.11.8 -> 20.11.9)
  * slurm-devel-ohpc                         (20.11.8 -> 20.11.9)
  * slurm-example-configs-ohpc               (20.11.8 -> 20.11.9)
  * slurm-libpmi-ohpc                        (20.11.8 -> 20.11.9)
  * slurm-ohpc                               (20.11.8 -> 20.11.9)
  * slurm-openlava-ohpc                      (20.11.8 -> 20.11.9)
  * slurm-pam_slurm-ohpc                     (20.11.8 -> 20.11.9)
  * slurm-perlapi-ohpc                       (20.11.8 -> 20.11.9)
  * slurm-slurmctld-ohpc                     (20.11.8 -> 20.11.9)
  * slurm-slurmdbd-ohpc                      (20.11.8 -> 20.11.9)
  * slurm-slurmd-ohpc                        (20.11.8 -> 20.11.9)
  * slurm-sview-ohpc                         (20.11.8 -> 20.11.9)
  * slurm-torque-ohpc                        (20.11.8 -> 20.11.9)

2.4 (16 November 2021)

17 Nov 03:31
Choose a tag to compare

General Updates

  • updated target distro support to EL 8.5 and Leap 15.3
  • packaging update for hwloc - resource managers are now configured to rely directly on ohpc variant
  • updated ohpc compatibility packages and software rebuilds to support Intel oneAPI packaging (#1317)
  • removal of rdma.service usage for EL8 recipes (#1347)
  • added modulecmd wrapper to lmod (#1346)
  • spack packaging updates (#1365)
  • EL8 installation recipes transitioned to Rocky Linux ( - with the announcement that CentOS8 is being discontinued at the end of 2021, the OpenHPC project is migrating example installation recipes and associated testing to use Rocky8. Note that OpenHPC packages builds are performed against RHEL8 packaging and should be usable with any binary compatible clone.
  • variety of component version updates highlighted further below

Known Issues

  • RHEL 8.5: At present, BeeGFS and Lustre-clients are not available for a RHEL 8.5 kernel. If this functionality is desired,
    users are encouraged to stick with a RHEL 8.4 kernel until newer client versions are released upstream.
  • Leap 15.3: BeeGFS and Lustre-clients are not yet available.
  • xCAT recipes are unavailable for Rocky8 - we expect to re-enable xCAT-based recipes in a future release when this
    support is enabled upstream.

Component Version Changes

  * boost-gnu9-impi-ohpc                     (1.75.0 -> 1.76.0)
  * boost-gnu9-mpich-ohpc                    (1.75.0 -> 1.76.0)
  * boost-gnu9-mvapich2-ohpc                 (1.75.0 -> 1.76.0)
  * boost-gnu9-openmpi4-ohpc                 (1.75.0 -> 1.76.0)
  * cmake-ohpc                               (3.19.4 -> 3.21.3)
  * docs-ohpc                                (2.3.0 -> 2.4.0)
  * EasyBuild-ohpc                           (4.3.3 -> 4.5.0)
  * gnu9-compilers-ohpc                      (9.3.0 -> 9.4.0)
  * gsl-gnu9-ohpc                            (2.6 -> 2.7)
  * gsl-intel-ohpc                           (2.6 -> 2.7)
  * hdf5-gnu9-ohpc                           (1.10.6 -> 1.10.8)
  * hdf5-intel-ohpc                          (1.10.6 -> 1.10.8)
  * hwloc-ohpc                               (2.1.0 -> 2.5.0)
  * intel-compilers-devel-ohpc               (2020 -> 2021)
  * intel-mpi-devel-ohpc                     (2020 -> 2021)
  * kmod-lustre-client-ohpc                  (2.12.6 -> 2.12.7)
  * kmod-lustre-client-ohpc-tests            (2.12.6 -> 2.12.7)
  * kmod-msr-safe-ohpc                       (1.4.0 -> 1.6.0)
  * libfabric-ohpc                           (1.11.2 -> 1.13.0)
  * lmod-ohpc                                (8.2.10 -> 8.5.22)
  * lustre-client-ohpc                       (2.12.6 -> 2.12.7)
  * lustre-client-ohpc-tests                 (2.12.6 -> 2.12.7)
  * mfem-gnu9-impi-ohpc                      (4.2 -> 4.3)
  * mfem-gnu9-mpich-ohpc                     (4.2 -> 4.3)
  * mfem-gnu9-mvapich2-ohpc                  (4.2 -> 4.3)
  * mfem-gnu9-openmpi4-ohpc                  (4.2 -> 4.3)
  * mfem-intel-impi-ohpc                     (4.2 -> 4.3)
  * mfem-intel-mpich-ohpc                    (4.2 -> 4.3)
  * mfem-intel-mvapich2-ohpc                 (4.2 -> 4.3)
  * mfem-intel-openmpi4-ohpc                 (4.2 -> 4.3)
  * mpich-ofi-gnu9-ohpc                      (3.3.2 -> 3.4.2)
  * mpich-ofi-intel-ohpc                     (3.3.2 -> 3.4.2)
  * mpich-ucx-gnu9-ohpc                      (3.3.2 -> 3.4.2)
  * mpich-ucx-intel-ohpc                     (3.3.2 -> 3.4.2)
  * msr-safe-ohpc                            (1.4.0 -> 1.6.0)
  * msr-safe-slurm-ohpc                      (1.4.0 -> 1.6.0)
  * mvapich2-gnu9-ohpc                       (2.3.4 -> 2.3.6)
  * mvapich2-intel-ohpc                      (2.3.4 -> 2.3.6)
  * netcdf-fortran-gnu9-impi-ohpc            (4.5.2 -> 4.5.3)
  * netcdf-fortran-gnu9-mpich-ohpc           (4.5.2 -> 4.5.3)
  * netcdf-fortran-gnu9-mvapich2-ohpc        (4.5.2 -> 4.5.3)
  * netcdf-fortran-gnu9-openmpi4-ohpc        (4.5.2 -> 4.5.3)
  * netcdf-fortran-intel-impi-ohpc           (4.5.2 -> 4.5.3)
  * netcdf-fortran-intel-mpich-ohpc          (4.5.2 -> 4.5.3)
  * netcdf-fortran-intel-mvapich2-ohpc       (4.5.2 -> 4.5.3)
  * netcdf-fortran-intel-openmpi4-ohpc       (4.5.2 -> 4.5.3)
  * netcdf-gnu9-impi-ohpc                    (4.7.3 -> 4.7.4)
  * netcdf-gnu9-mpich-ohpc                   (4.7.3 -> 4.7.4)
  * netcdf-gnu9-mvapich2-ohpc                (4.7.3 -> 4.7.4)
  * netcdf-gnu9-openmpi4-ohpc                (4.7.3 -> 4.7.4)
  * netcdf-intel-impi-ohpc                   (4.7.3 -> 4.7.4)
  * netcdf-intel-mpich-ohpc                  (4.7.3 -> 4.7.4)
  * netcdf-intel-mvapich2-ohpc               (4.7.3 -> 4.7.4)
  * netcdf-intel-openmpi4-ohpc               (4.7.3 -> 4.7.4)
  * omb-gnu9-impi-ohpc                       (5.6.2 -> 5.8)
  * omb-gnu9-mpich-ohpc                      (5.6.2 -> 5.8)
  * omb-gnu9-mvapich2-ohpc                   (5.6.2 -> 5.8)
  * omb-gnu9-openmpi4-ohpc                   (5.6.2 -> 5.8)
  * omb-intel-impi-ohpc                      (5.6.2 -> 5.8)
  * omb-intel-mpich-ohpc                     (5.6.2 -> 5.8)
  * omb-intel-mvapich2-ohpc                  (5.6.2 -> 5.8)
  * omb-intel-openmpi4-ohpc                  (5.6.2 -> 5.8)
  * openmpi4-gnu9-ohpc                       (4.0.5 -> 4.1.1)
  * openmpi4-intel-ohpc                      (4.0.5 -> 4.1.1)
  * openpbs-client-ohpc                      (20.0.0 -> 20.0.1)
  * openpbs-devel-ohpc                       (20.0.0 -> 20.0.1)
  * openpbs-execution-ohpc                   (20.0.0 -> 20.0.1)
  * openpbs-server-ohpc                      (20.0.0 -> 20.0.1)
  * petsc-gnu9-impi-ohpc                     (3.14.4 -> 3.16.1)
  * petsc-gnu9-mpich-ohpc                    (3.14.4 -> 3.16.1)
  * petsc-gnu9-mvapich2-ohpc                 (3.14.4 -> 3.16.1)
  * petsc-gnu9-openmpi4-ohpc                 (3.14.4 -> 3.16.1)
  * petsc-intel-impi-ohpc                    (3.14.4 -> 3.16.1)
  * petsc-intel-mpich-ohpc                   (3.14.4 -> 3.16.1)
  * petsc-intel-mvapich2-ohpc                (3.14.4 -> 3.16.1)
  * petsc-intel-openmpi4-ohpc                (3.14.4 -> 3.16.1)
  * phdf5-gnu9-impi-ohpc                     (1.10.6 -> 1.10.8)
  * phdf5-gnu9-mpich-ohpc                    (1.10.6 -> 1.10.8)
  * phdf5-gnu9-mvapich2-ohpc                 (1.10.6 -> 1.10.8)
  * phdf5-gnu9-openmpi4-ohpc                 (1.10.6 -> 1.10.8)
  * phdf5-intel-impi-ohpc                    (1.10.6 -> 1.10.8)
  * phdf5-intel-mpich-ohpc                   (1.10.6 -> 1.10.8)
  * phdf5-intel-mvapich2-ohpc                (1.10.6 -> 1.10.8)
  * phdf5-intel-openmpi4-ohpc                (1.10.6 -> 1.10.8)
  * pnetcdf-gnu9-impi-ohpc                   (1.12.1 -> 1.12.2)
  * pnetcdf-gnu9-mpich-ohpc                  (1.12.1 -> 1.12.2)
  * pnetcdf-gnu9-mvapich2-ohpc               (1.12.1 -> 1.12.2)
  * pnetcdf-gnu9-openmpi4-ohpc               (1.12.1 -> 1.12.2)
  * pnetcdf-intel-impi-ohpc                  (1.12.1 -> 1.12.2)
  * pnetcdf-intel-mpich-ohpc                 (1.12.1 -> 1.12.2)
  * pnetcdf-intel-mvapich2-ohpc              (1.12.1 -> 1.12.2)
  * pnetcdf-intel-openmpi4-ohpc              (1.12.1 -> 1.12.2)
  * prun-ohpc                                (2.1 -> 2.2)
  * python3-numpy-gnu9-ohpc                  (1.19.0 -> 1.19.5)
  * python3-numpy-intel-ohpc                 (1.19.0 -> 1.19.5)
  * R-gnu9-ohpc                              (3.6.3 -> 4.1.2)
  * slepc-gnu9-impi-ohpc                     (3.14.2 -> 3.16.0)
  * slepc-gnu9-mpich-ohpc                    (3.14.2 -> 3.16.0)
  * slepc-gnu9-mvapich2-ohpc                 (3.14.2 -> 3.16.0)
  * slepc-gnu9-openmpi4-ohpc                 (3.14.2 -> 3.16.0)
  * slepc-intel-impi-ohpc                    (3.14.2 -> 3.16.0)
  * slepc-intel-mpich-ohpc                   (3.14.2 -> 3.16.0)
  * slepc-intel-mvapich2-ohpc                (3.14.2 -> 3.16.0)
  * slepc-intel-openmpi4-ohpc                (3.14.2 -> 3.16.0)
  * slurm-contribs-ohpc                      (20.11.3 -> 20.11.8)
  * slurm-devel-ohpc                         (20.11.3 -> 20.11.8)
  * slurm-example-configs-ohpc               (20.11.3 -> 20.11.8)
  * slurm-libpmi-ohpc                        (20.11.3 -> 20.11.8)
  * slurm-ohpc                               (20.11.3 -> 20.11.8)
  * slurm-openlava-ohpc                      (20.11.3 -> 20.11.8)
  * slurm-pam_slurm-ohpc                     (20.11.3 -> 20.11.8)
  * slurm-perlapi-ohpc                       (20.11.3 -> 20.11.8)
  * slurm-slurmctld-ohpc                     (20.11.3 -> 20.11.8)
  * slurm-slurmdbd-ohpc                      (20.11.3 -> 20.11.8)
  * slurm-slurmd-ohpc                        (20.11.3 -> 20.11.8)
  * slurm-sview-ohpc                         (20.11.3 -> 20.11.8)
  * slurm-torque-ohpc                        (20.11.3 -> 20.11.8)
  * superlu_dist-gnu9-impi-ohpc              (6.1.1 -> 6.4.0)
  * superlu_dist-gnu9-mpich-ohpc             (6.1.1 -> 6.4.0)
  * superlu_dist-gnu9-mvapich2-ohpc          (6.1.1 -> 6.4.0)
  * superlu_dist-gnu9-openmpi4-ohpc          (6.1.1 -> 6.4.0)
  * superlu_dist-intel-impi-ohpc             (6.1.1 -> 6.4.0)
  * superlu_dist-intel-mpich-ohpc            (6.1.1 -> 6.4.0)
  * superlu_dist-intel-mvapich2-ohpc         (6.1.1 -> 6.4.0)
  * superlu_dist-intel-openmpi4-ohpc         (6.1.1 -> 6.4.0)
  * test-suite-ohpc                          (2.1.0 -> 2.4.0)
  * trilinos-gnu9-impi-ohpc                  (13.0.0 -> 13.2.0)
  * trilinos-gnu9-mpich-ohpc                 (13.0.0 -> 13.2.0)
  * trilinos-gnu9-mvapich2-ohpc              (13.0.0 -> 13.2.0)
  * trilinos-gnu9-mvapich2-ohpc              (13.0.0 -> 13.2.0)
  * trilinos-intel-impi-ohpc                 (13.0.0 -> 13.2.0)
  * trilinos-intel-mpich-ohpc                (13.0.0 -> 13.2.0)
  * trilinos-in...
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