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This repository houses the assets used to build Open Component Model website.

The sources for some of the documentation are housed in other repositories with the Open Component Model GitHub Organisation. Documentation issues and pull requests should be made against those repositories:

Project GitHub Source
OCM Specification

How to modify this website

Content lives under the content/en directory.

  • ./content/en/spec contains the generated OCM Specification documentation
  • ./content/en/docs/cli-reference contains the generated CLI documentation
  • ./content/en/docs/demos contains the available OCM related demos
  • ./content/en/docs/guides contains articles describing OCM use-cases
  • ./content/en/docs/component-descriptors contains links to OCM JSON schemas in the ocm github repository
  • ./content/en/project contains information about the OCM project & the parties responsible
  • ./content/en/controller-reference contains information about all OCM K8s controllers

New pages can be created using the following command:

npm run create <location>

This will create a page in draft mode. To make the page visible (and let it appear in the side bar) change draft to false in the header section of the page:

title: ...
draft: false

For content generated from external sources (currently only valid for the OCM CLI), a GitHub Action will checkout the latest version of the remote repository, generate the documentation and create a PR against main. This can be be triggered as necessary using a manual dispatch:

gh workflow run

Alternatively, you can trigger the workflow via the menu "Actions -> Update OCM CLI Docs".

Running the site locally

The following tools should be installed prior to running the site locally:

With the tooling in place you can install the node dependencies:

npm install

Then run the site:

npm run dev

Navigate to http://localhost:1313 to see the site running in your browser. Any updates you make to the site will be reflected in the browser immediately.

Publishing the site

The Open Component Model website is published using GitHub Pages. A GitHub Actions workflow will run whenever there is a commit to the main branch. The workflow publishes the compiled assets to the gh-pages branch from which GitHub Pages will serve.


Code contributions, feature requests, bug reports, and help requests are very welcome.

OCM follows the CNCF Code of Conduct.


Copyright 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company and Open Component Model contributors. Please see our LICENSE for copyright and license information. Detailed information including third-party components and their licensing/copyright information is available via the REUSE tool.