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Wraps promises to save resolved data to vuex store.


import PromiseStore from 'vue-vuex-promise-store'

const store = new Vuex.Store({
  plugins: [PromiseStore.plugin({
    moduleName: 'promise'

const uniqueKey = 'unique key is required'

// first time for the unique key
async function initialInvocation() {
  const context = store.getters['promise/init'](uniqueKey, (resolve) => {

    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 0)
    .thenSync((value) => {
      console.log('fourth', value) // 1
      return 'hello'
    .thenSync((value) => {
      console.log('fifth', value) // 'hello'
      return 'world'
    .thenSync((value) => {
      console.log('sixth', value) // 'world'
      return '!'


  // context.promise is a Promise
  const last = await context.promise

  console.log('seventh', last) // '!'

await initialInvocation()

async function secondInvocation() {
  // second time for the unique key
  const context = store.getters['promise/init'](uniqueKey, (resolve => {
    // a result for the `uniqueKey` is already in the store.
    // this promise executor is not invoked,
    // and following thenSync()s are executed synchronously.
    .thenSync((value) => {
      console.log('first', value) // 1
      return 'HELLO'


  const last = await p.promise

  console.log('third', last) // 'HELLO'

Usage (resolve, reject, wrap)

import PromiseStore, { resolve, reject, wrap } from 'vue-vuex-promise-store'

const store = new Vuex.Store({
  plugins: [PromiseStore.plugin()]

let cache = null

function fetchRemoteData (useCache = false, ignoreStore = false) {
  if (useCache && cache) {
    return cache.status ? resolve(cache.value) : reject(cache.value)
  const cb = resolve => resolve(fetch(''))

  if (ignoreStore) return wrap(cb)
  return store.getters['promise/init']('remoteData', cb)
    .thenSync((value) => {
      cache = { value, status: true }
      return value
    }, (reason) => {
      cache = { status: false, value: reason }
      throw reason

fetchRemoteData().thenSync((value) => {
  // ...
}, (reason) => {
  // ...



type OnFulfilledSync<T, U> = (value: T) => U
type OnRejectedSync<T> = (reason: Error) => T

type CatchSync<T> = (onRejected: OnRejectedSync<T>) => Context<T>
type ThenSync<T> = (onFulfilled: OnFulfilled<T>, onRejected?: OnRejected<T>) => Context<T>

type Context<T> = {
  isFulfilled: boolean, // true if or when the promise is fulfilled
  isPending: boolean, // ditto but is nether fulfilled nor rejected
  isRejected: boolean, // ditto but is rejected
  promise: Promise<T> | void,
  reason: Error | void, // the result of the rejected promise
  value: T | void, // the result of the fulfilled promise

  catchSync<U>: CatchSync<U> | void
  thenSync<U>: ThenSync<U> | void

type Resolve<T> = (value: T) => void
type Reject = (reason: Error) => void
type Executor<T> = (resolve: Resolve<T>, reject?: Reject) => void
type PromiseOrExecutor<T> = Promise<T> | Executor<T>

type ContextOptions = {
  refresh?: boolean

type PluginOptions = {
  moduleName?: string

type PluginInstaller = (store: Vuex.Store) => void


  • MODULE_NAME: string
    • is the default module name (is 'promise').
  • VERSION: string
    • is the version number (like '1.0.0').
  • plugin: (options?: PluginOptions) => PluginInstaller
    • returns a plugin installer function with given options.
  • reject: (reason: Error) => Context<void>
  • resolve: (value: T) => Context<T>
  • wrap: (promise: Promise<T>) => Context<T>
    • returns a new Context object without stores.


  • contexts: { [string]: Context }
    • Context objects.
  • disabled: boolean
    • true if store binding is disabled.
    • @see disable() action


  • enable() => Promise<void>
    • enables the store binding.
  • disable() => Promise<void>
    • disables the store binding.
    • After disabling the store binding, Context objects are not stored in state.contexts.
  • finalize() => Promise<void>
    • resolves all Context objects in state.contexts, then set promise catchSync thenSync to undefined.
    • Use this action to serialize state.
  • resolveAll() => Promise<void>
    • resolves all pending Context objects.


  • hasPendingPromises: boolean
    • true if any pending Context objects are in state.contexts.
  • init: (key: string, promiseOrExecutor: PromiseOrExecutor<T>, options?: ContextOptions) => Context<T>
    • is a function creates a new Context object, stores it in state.contexts with a given key if the store binding is not disabled, and finally returns it.
    • If a given key exists in state.contexts then returns it (instead of creating and storing a new object).
  • pendingPromises: Array<Context>
    • is an array of pending Context objects in state.contexts.


Wraps promises to save resolved data to vuex store.







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