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implements new gleak goroutine leak detection experimental package (#538
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- provides goroutine discovery as goroutine.Goroutine
- provides HaveLeaked matcher for reasoning on slices of goroutines for leak detection
- provides set of IgnoringXXX matchers for identifying good (non-leaky) goroutines
- provides unit tests for gleak and gleak/goroutine packages
- updates documentation and adds Gleakiee, the leaky gopher, mascot
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thediveo committed Apr 8, 2022
1 parent 56714a4 commit 85ba7bc
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## `gleak`: Finding Leaked Goroutines


The `gleak` package provides support for goroutine leak detection.

> **Please note:** gleak is an experimental new Gomega package.
### Basics

Calling `Goroutines` returns information about all goroutines of a program at
this moment. `Goroutines` typically gets invoked in the form of
`Eventually(Goroutines).ShouldNot(...)`. Please note the missing `()` after
`Goroutines`, as it must be called by `Eventually` and **not before it** with
its results passed to `Eventually` only once. This does not preclude calling
`Goroutines()`, such as for taking goroutines snapshots.

Leaked goroutines are then detected by using `gleak`'s `HaveLeaked` matcher on
the goroutines information. `HaveLeaked` checks the actual list of goroutines
against a built-in list of well-known runtime and testing framework goroutines,
as well as against any optionally additional goroutines specifications passed to
`HaveLeaked`. Good, and thus "non-leaky", Goroutines can be identified in
multiple ways: such as by the name of a topmost function on a goroutine stack or
a snapshot of goroutine information taken before a test. Non-leaky goroutines
can also be identified using basically any Gomega matcher, with `HaveField` or
`WithTransform` being highly useful in test-specific situations.

The `HaveLeaked` matcher _succeeds_ if it finds any goroutines that are neither
in the integrated list of well-known goroutines nor in the optionally specified
`HaveLeaked` arguments. In consequence, any _success_ of `HaveLeaked` actually
is meant to be a _failure_, because of leaked goroutines. `HaveLeaked` is thus
mostly used in combination with `ShouldNot` and `NotTo`/`ToNot`.

### Testing for Goroutine Leaks

In its most simple form, just run a goroutine discovery with a leak check right
_after_ each test in `AfterEach`:

> **Important:** always use `Goroutines` and not `Goroutines()` in the call to
> `Eventually`. This ensures that the goroutine discovery is correctly done
> repeatedly as needed and not just a single time before calling `Eventually`.
AfterEach(func() {

Using `Eventually` instead of `Ω`/`Expect` has the benefit of retrying the leak
check periodically until there is no leak or until a timeout occurs. This
ensures that goroutines that are (still) in the process of winding down can
correctly terminate without triggering false positives. Please refer to the
[`Eventually`](#eventually) section for details on how to change the timeout
interval (which defaults to 1s) and the polling interval (which defaults to

This form of goroutine leak test can cause false positives in situations where a
test suite or dependency module uses additional goroutines. This simple form
only looks at all goroutines _after_ a test has run and filters out all
_well-known_ "non-leaky" goroutines, such as goroutines from Go's runtime and
the testing frameworks (such as Go's own testing package and Gomega).

### Using Goroutine Snapshots in Leak Testing

Often, it might be sufficient to cover for additional "non-leaky" goroutines by
taking a "snapshot" of goroutines _before_ a test and then _afterwards_ use ths
snapshot to filter out the supposedly "non-leaky" goroutines.

var ignoreGood []goroutine.Goroutine

BeforeEach(func() {
ignoreGood = Goroutines()

AfterEach(func() {

### `HaveLeaked` Matcher

Eventually(ACTUAL).ShouldNot(HaveLeaked(NONLEAKY1, NONLEAKY2, NONLEAKY3, ...))

causes a test to fail if `ACTUAL` after filtering out the well-known "good" (and
non-leaky) goroutines of the Go runtime and test frameworks, as well as
filtering out the additional non-leaky goroutines passed to the matcher, still
results in one or more goroutines. The ordering of the goroutines does not

`HaveLeaked` always takes the built-in list of well-known good goroutines into
consideration and this list can neither be overriden nor disabled. Additional
known non-leaky goroutines `NONLEAKY1`, ... can be passed to `HaveLeaks` either
in form of `GomegaMatcher`s or in shorthand notation:

- `""` is shorthand for `IgnoringTopFunction("")` and filters out
any (non-leaky) goroutine with its topmost function on the backtrace stack
having the exact name ``.

- `""` is shorthand for `IgnoringTopFunction("")` and
filters out any (non-leaky) goroutine with its topmost function on the
backtrace stack beginning with the prefix ``; please notice the
trailing `.` dot.

- `" [chan receive]"` is shorthand for `IgnoringTopFunction("
[chan receive]")` and filters out any (non-leaky) goroutine where its topmost
function on the backtrace stack has the exact name `` _and_ the
goroutine is in a state beginning with `chan receive`.

- `[]goroutine.Goroutine` is shorthand for
`IgnoringGoroutines(<SLICEOFGOROUTINES>)`: it filters out the specified
goroutines, considering them to be non-leaky. The goroutines are identified by
their [goroutine IDs](#goroutine-ids).

- `IgnoringInBacktrace("")` filters out any (non-leaky) goroutine
with `` _anywhere_ in its backtrace.

- additionally, any other `GomegaMatcher` can be passed to `HaveLeaked()`, as
long as this matcher can work on a passed-in actual value of type

### Goroutine Matchers

The `gleak` packages comes with a set of predefined Goroutine matchers, to be
used with `HaveLeaked`. If these matchers succeed (that is, they match on a
certain `Goroutine`), then `HaveLeaked` considers the matched goroutine to be

#### IgnoringTopFunction(topfname string)


In its most basic form, `IgnoringTopFunction` succeeds if `ACTUAL` contains a
goroutine where the name of the topmost function on its call stack (backtrace)
is `TOPFNAME`, causing `HaveLeaked` to filter out the matched goroutine as
non-leaky. Different forms of `TOPFNAME` describe different goroutine matching

- `""` matches only if a goroutine's topmost function has this exact name
(ignoring any function parameters).
- `""` matches if a goroutine's topmost function name starts with the
prefix `""`; it doesn't match `""` though.
- `" [state]"` matches if a goroutine's topmost function has this exact
name and the goroutine's state begins with the specified state string.

`ACTUAL` must be an array or slice of `goroutine.Goroutine`s.

#### IgnoringGoroutines(goroutines []goroutine.Goroutine)


`IgnoringGoroutines` succeeds if `ACTUAL` contains one or more goroutines which
are elements of `GOROUTINES`, causing `HaveLeaked` to filter out the matched
goroutine(s) as non-leaky. `IgnoringGoroutines` compares goroutines by their
`ID`s (see [Goroutine IDs](#gorotuine-ids) for background information).

`ACTUAL` must be an array or slice of `goroutine.Goroutine`s.

#### IgnoringInBacktrace(fname string)


`IgnoringInBacktrace` succeeds if `ACTUAL` contains a groutine where `FNAME` is
contained anywhere within its call stack (backtrace), causing `HaveLeaked` to
filter out the matched goroutine as non-leaky. Please note that
`IgnoringInBacktrace` uses a (somewhat lazy) `strings.Contains` to check for any
occurence of `FNAME` in backtraces.

`ACTUAL` must be an array or slice of `goroutine.Goroutine`s.

#### IgnoringCreator(creatorname string)


In its most basic form, `IgnoringCreator` succeeds if `ACTUAL` contains a
groutine where the name of the function creating the goroutine matches
`CREATORNAME`, causing `HaveLeaked` to filter out the matched goroutine(s) as
non-leaky. `IgnoringCreator` uses `==` for comparing the creator function name.

Different forms of `CREATORNAME` describe different goroutine matching

- `""` matches only if a goroutine's creator function has this exact name
(ignoring any function parameters).
- `""` matches if a goroutine's creator function name starts with the
prefix `""`; it doesn't match `""` though.

### Adjusting Leaky Goroutine Reporting

When `HaveLeaked` finds leaked goroutines, Gomega prints out a description of
(only) the _leaked_ goroutines. This is different from panic output that
contains backtraces of all goroutines.

However, `noleak`'s goroutine dump deliberately is not subject to Gomega's usual
object rendition controls, such as `format.MaxLength` (see also [Adjusting

`noleak` will print leaked goroutine backtraces in a more compact form, with
function calls and locations combined into single lines. Additionally, `noleak`
defaults to reporting only the package plus file name and line number, but not
the full file path. For instance: at foo/bar.go:123

Setting `noleak.ReportFilenameWithPath` to `true` will instead report full
source code file paths: at /home/coolprojects/ohmyleak/mymodule/foo/bar.go:123

### Well-Known Non-Leaky Goroutines

The well-known good (and therefore "non-leaky") goroutines are identified by the
names of the topmost functions on their stacks (backtraces):

- signal handling:
- `os/signal.signal_recv` and `os/signal.loop` (covering
varying state),
- as well as `runtime.ensureSigM`.
- Go's built-in [`testing`]( framework:
- `testing.RunTests [chan receive]`,
- `testing.(*T).Run [chan receive]`,
- and `testing.(*T).Parallel [chan receive]`.
- the [Ginko testing framework](
- `*Suite).runNode` (including anonymous
inner functions),
- the anonymous inner functions of
- and finally
(for v1 support).

Additionally, any goroutines with `runtime.ReadTrace` in their backtrace stack
are also considered to be non-leaky.

### Goroutine IDs

In order to detect goroutine identities, we use what is generally termed
"goroutine IDs". These IDs appear in runtime stack dumps ("backtrace"). But …
are these goroutine IDs even unambiguous? What are their "guarantees", if there
are any at all?

First, Go's runtime code uses the identifier (and thus term) [`goid` for
IDs]( Good to
know in case you need to find your way around Go's runtime code.

Now, based on [Go's `goid` runtime allocation
goroutine IDs never get reused – unless you manage to make the 64bit "master
counter" of the Go runtime scheduler to wrap around. However, not all goroutine
IDs up to the largest one currently seen might ever be used, because as an
optimization goroutine IDs are always assigned to Go's "P" processors for
assignment to newly created "G" goroutines in batches of 16. In consequence,
there may be gaps and later goroutines might have lower goroutine IDs if they
get created from a different P.

Finally, there's [Scott Mansfield's blog post on Goroutine
IDs]( To sum up Scott's
point of view: don't use goroutine IDs. He spells out good reasons for why you
should not use them. Yet, logging, debugging and testing looks like a sane and
solid exemption from his rule, not least `runtime.Stack` includes the `goids`
some reason.

### Credits

The _Leakiee the gopher_ mascot clearly has been inspired by the Go gopher art
work of [Renee French](

The `gleak` package was heavily inspired by Uber's fine
[goleak]( goroutine leak detector package.
While `goleak` can be used with Gomega and Ginkgo in a very specific form, it
unfortunately was never designed to be (optionally) used with a matcher library
to unlock the full potential of reasoning about leaky goroutines. In fact, the
crucial element of discovering goroutines is kept internal in `goleak`. In
consequence, Gomega's `gleak` package uses its own goroutine discovery and is
explicitly designed to perfectly blend in with Gomega (and Ginkgo).

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