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Expanded ONNX Steering Committee Announced!

Prasanth Pulavarthi edited this page Aug 15, 2019 · 5 revisions

Expanded ONNX Steering Committee Announced!

The ONNX community continues to grow with more than 28 companies and dozen's of tools supporting the spec. With the project undergoing significant growth, we are excited to announce that the governance structure is expanding to include additional steering committee members and new leaders for a number of special interest groups (SIGs). This is an important step for the ONNX project to provide a sustainable and open future for the ONNX project.

Additional steering group members

In addition to Facebook, Microsoft and AWS, Intel and NVIDIA will join the steering committee to help guide and direct the ONNX project. The steering committee is made up of a set number of people whose charter it is to define and iterate on the vision, goals, and governance process of the ONNX community. ONNX Steering group members:

SIG Leaders

SIGs are persistent groups that are responsible for specific parts of the project. SIGs must have open and transparent proceedings. Anyone is welcome to participate and contribute provided they follow the Code of Conduct. The purpose of a SIG is to develop a set of goals to be achieved over a set period of time, and then to gather input, drive consensus and closure, implement code contributions, and other related activities to achieve the goal. SIGs are also responsible for ongoing maintenance of the code in their areas. At the time of inception of this organizational structure, the following SIGs will be present:

Architecture/Infrastructure - This SIG is responsible for defining and maintaining the core ONNX format, the build and CI/CD systems for ONNX repositories, publishing release packages for ONNX, the onnx-docker repository, and creating tools to help integrate with and test against the ONNX standard. This SIG is also the defacto owner of files in the main ONNX repository unless explicitly owned by another SIG.

This SIG will be led by Lu Fang (Facebook) and Ke Zhang (Microsoft).

Operators – This SIG is responsible for determining the operators that are part of the ONNX spec (ONNX and ONNX-ML domains), ensuring high quality operator definitions and documentation, establishing criteria for adding new operators, managing ops domains and compliance tiers, and enforcing versioning mechanisms.

This SIG will be led by Michał Karzyński (Intel) and Emad Barsoum (Microsoft).

Converters – This SIG is responsible for developing and maintaining the various converter repositories under ONNX.

This SIG will be led by Chin Huang (IBM) and Guenther Schmuelling (Microsoft).

In addition, we will also be announcing the Model Zoo/Tutorials SIG once we confirm the leaders. Look for something on that front in the near future.

Working Groups

In addition to SIGs, and as called out in the ONNX governance, Working Groups (WGs) are temporary groups formed to address issues that cross SIG boundaries. Working Groups have a have a clear goal measured through specific deliverables and disband after the goal is achieved. Working groups do not own artifacts long term; they create specifications, recommendations, and/or code implementations for submission to the relevant SIGs for approval and acceptance. More information regarding ONNX WGs can be found here.

Current Active Working Groups

Training - Expand ONNX to support training as well as inference

Edge/Mobile - Enable deployment of ONNX models to edge platforms by identifying the ONNX operators that must be supported by mobile and IoT runtimes, defining tool chain requirements, and contributing to ONNX compatibility tests.

Congrats to everyone involved and thank you for your contributions to the ONNX project!


The ONNX Steering Committee