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Add Gradient-2 with bfloat16
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Signed-off-by: Thiago Crepaldi <>
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thiagocrepaldi committed Apr 23, 2024
1 parent 5ecc0a9 commit 79e414d
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Showing 4 changed files with 215 additions and 5 deletions.
15 changes: 14 additions & 1 deletion onnx/defs/operator_sets_preview.h
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@

namespace ONNX_NAMESPACE {

// Declare training operators.
// Declare training operators version 1

Expand All @@ -26,12 +26,25 @@ class OpSet_OnnxPreview_ver1 {

// Declare training operators version 2


// Iterate over schema from version 2
class OpSet_OnnxPreview_ver2 {
static void ForEachSchema(std::function<void(OpSchema&&)> fn) {

// Register preview operators.
inline void RegisterOnnxPreviewOperatorSetSchema() {
// Preview operators should have only one version.
// If changes are needed for a specific preview operator,
// its spec should be modified without increasing its version.

} // namespace ONNX_NAMESPACE
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions onnx/defs/training/
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@

namespace ONNX_NAMESPACE {

static const char* Gradient_ver1_doc = R"DOC(
static const char* Gradient_ver2_doc = R"DOC(
Gradient operator computes the partial derivatives of a specific tensor w.r.t.
some other tensors. This operator is widely used in gradient-based training
algorithms. To illustrate its use, let's consider a computation graph,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -138,9 +138,9 @@ auto-differentiation.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ ONNX_PREVIEW_TRAINING_OPERATOR_SET_SCHEMA(
.TypeConstraint("T1", OpSchema::all_tensor_types(), "Allow outputs to be any kind of tensor.")
{"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
"Allow inputs to be any kind of floating-point tensor."));

static const char* Adagrad_ver1_doc = R"DOC(
Expand Down
196 changes: 196 additions & 0 deletions onnx/defs/training/
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
// /*
// * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// */

#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>

// #include "onnx/defs/function.h"
#include "onnx/defs/schema.h"

namespace ONNX_NAMESPACE {

// static const char* Gradient_ver1_doc = R"DOC(
// Gradient operator computes the partial derivatives of a specific tensor w.r.t.
// some other tensors. This operator is widely used in gradient-based training
// algorithms. To illustrate its use, let's consider a computation graph,

// ```
// X -----.
// |
// v
// W --> Conv --> H --> Gemm --> Y
// ^
// |
// Z
// ```

// , where W and Z are trainable tensors. Note that operators' attributes are
// omitted for the sake of simplicity. Let dY/dW (dY/dZ) be the gradient of
// Y with respect to W (Z). The user can compute gradient by inserting Gradient
// operator to form another graph shown below.

// ```
// W --> Conv --> H --> Gemm --> Y
// | ^ ^
// | | |
// | X Z
// | | |
// | | .----------'
// | | | (W/Z/X is the 1st/2nd/3rd input of Gradient as shown in
// | | | "xs" followed by "zs")
// | v v
// '---> Gradient(xs=["W", "Z"], zs=["X"], y="Y")
// | |
// | '-----------------------------------> dY/dW (1st output of Gradient)
// |
// '---------------------------------------> dY/dZ (2nd output of Gradient)
// ```

// By definition, the tensor "y" is a function of independent variables in "xs"
// and "zs". Since we only compute the gradient of "y" w.r.t. the differentiable
// variables in "xs", this Gradient only outputs dY/dW and dY/dZ. Note that "H"
// cannot appear in "xs" and "zs". The reason is that "H" can be determined by
// tensors "W" and "X" and therefore "H" is not an independent variable.

// All outputs are optional. If needed, for example, user can assign an empty
// string to the 1st output name of that Gradient to skip the generation of dY/dW.
// Note that the concept of optional outputs can also be found in ONNX's RNN, GRU,
// and LSTM.

// Gradient operator can compute derivative against intermediate tensors. For
// example, the gradient of Y with respect to H can be done via

// ```
// W --> Conv --> H --> Gemm --> Y
// ^ | ^
// | | |
// X | Z
// .-------' |
// | .----------'
// | | (H/Z is the 1st/2nd input of Gradient as shown in "xs")
// v v
// Gradient(xs=["H", "Z"], y="Y")
// | |
// | '-----------------------------------> dY/dH (1st output of Gradient)
// |
// '---------------------------------------> dY/dZ (2nd output of Gradient)
// ```

// It is possible to represent high-order differentiation using Gradient operators.
// For example, given the following linear model:

// ```
// W --> Gemm --> Y --> Loss --> O
// ^ ^
// | |
// X L
// ```

// To compute the 2nd order derivative of O with respect to W (denoted by
// d^2O/dW^2), one can do

// ```
// W --> Gemm --> Y --> Loss --> O
// | ^ ^
// | | |
// | X .------------L
// | | | |
// | | | v
// +------+-+> Gradient(xs=["X", "W"], zs=["L"], y="O") ---> dO/dX (1st output of Gradient)
// | | | |
// | | | '---> dO/dW (2nd output of Gradient)
// | v v
// '---> Gradient(xs=["X", "W"], zs=["L"], y="dO/dW") ---> d(dO/dW)dX (1st output of
// | Gradient)
// |
// |
// '---> d^2O/dW^2 (2nd output of Gradient)
// ```

// The tensors named in attributes "xs", "zs", and "y" define the differentiated
// computation graph, and the inputs to Gradient node define the values at
// which the gradient is computed. We can feed different tensors to the identified
// graph. For example, one can compute the gradient of Y with respect to H at
// a specific value of H, H_1, by providing that value as an input to the Gradient
// node.

// ```
// W --> Conv --> H --> Gemm --> Y
// ^ ^
// | |
// X Z

// Z_1 (2nd input of Gradient)
// |
// v
// H_1 --> Gradient(xs=["H", "Z"], y="Y") ---> dY/dH when H = H_1 and Y = Y_1.
// |
// '------------------------------> dY/dZ (2nd output of Gradient)
// ```

// When the inputs of Gradient are the tensors named in "xs" and "zs", the
// computation can be optimized. More specifically, intermediate variables in
// forward pass can be reused if the gradient is computed via reverse-mode
// auto-differentiation.

// )DOC";

// Gradient,
// 1,
// OpSchema()
// .SetDoc(Gradient_ver1_doc)
// .Input(
// 0,
// "Inputs",
// "The values fed into graph identified by the attributes. "
// "The i-th input is the value of the i-th tensor specified in the "
// "concatenated list of the attribute \"xs\" and the attribute "
// " \"zs\". For example, if xs=[\"A\", \"B\"] and zs=[\"C\"], the "
// "first input is used as the value of symbol \"A\" and the 3rd "
// "input is substituted for all the occurrences of \"C\".",
// "T1",
// OpSchema::Variadic,
// false)
// .Output(
// 0,
// "Outputs",
// "The gradient of the tensor specified by the attribute \"y\" "
// "with respect to each of tensors specified in the "
// "attribute \"xs\". The i-th output is the gradient of \"y\" with "
// "respect to the i-th tensor specified in the attribute \"xs\".",
// "T2",
// OpSchema::Variadic,
// false)
// .Attr(
// "xs",
// "Input tensor names of the differentiated sub-graph. It "
// "contains only the necessary differentiated "
// "inputs of a (sub-)graph. Variables (usually called "
// "intermediate variables) that can be generated from inputs "
// "cannot be included in this attribute.",
// AttributeProto::STRINGS)
// .Attr(
// "zs",
// "Input tensor names of the differentiated sub-graph. It "
// "contains only the necessary non-differentiated "
// "inputs of a (sub-)graph. Variables (usually called "
// "intermediate variables) that can be generated from inputs "
// "cannot be included in this attribute.",
// AttributeProto::STRINGS,
// .Attr(
// "y",
// "The targeted tensor. It can be viewed as the output of the "
// "differentiated function. The attribute \"xs\" and attribute "
// "\"zs\" are the minimal independent variable set that determines "
// "the value of \"y\".",
// AttributeProto::STRING)
// .TypeConstraint("T1", OpSchema::all_tensor_types(), "Allow outputs to be any kind of tensor.")
// .TypeConstraint(
// "T2",
// {"tensor(float16)", "tensor(float)", "tensor(double)"},
// "Allow inputs to be any kind of floating-point tensor."));

} // namespace ONNX_NAMESPACE

Check warning on line 196 in onnx/defs/training/

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GitHub Actions / Optional Lint

[cpplint] reported by reviewdog 🐶 At least two spaces is best between code and comments [whitespace/comments] [2] Raw Output: onnx/defs/training/ At least two spaces is best between code and comments [whitespace/comments] [2]
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions onnx/
Expand Up @@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
("1.14.1", 9, 19, 3, 1),
("1.15.0", 9, 20, 4, 1),
("1.16.0", 10, 21, 5, 1),
("1.17.0", 10, 21, 5, 2),

VersionMapType = Dict[Tuple[str, int], int]
Expand Down

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