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Adding an icon

Julius Osokinas edited this page Apr 29, 2021 · 6 revisions

New icons can come from two sources; they can either be Boxicons ones, or custom.

Please note that even not enforced, however recommended is to either add individual icons with separate PRs, or at least group the logical ones. This is because we do auto-generate a CHANGELOG based on commits.


To add a Boxicons icon, all you have to do is add a mapping (list is in alphabetical order) to src/icons.json file.

Usually icons will be regular ones (note the svg/regular directory on Boxicons package), however in case you also add a solid variation, use a -solid suffix on a name.

Sometimes we use different naming, but in rare cases only.

Example PR


To add a custom icon, first get if off Figma (be sure to download the 24x24 pixel SVG file), then add to src/svg directory, and do similar mapping but to a local file instead.

Don't bother about optimizing an SVG file, it will be all done automatically upon commiting to Git.

Example PR

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