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Experiment with PHP+C polyglot snippets and a transpiler written in OCaml

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,cc int $a = 10; printf("%d", $a); // Now I'm curious [Specialized identifiers] Characters other than the underscore _, letters, and digits, that are not part of the basic source
                 character set (such as the dollar sign $, or characters in national character sets) may appear in an identifier (6.4.2).
,cc int \u0024a = 10; // this, on the other hand, is strictly conforming
"Before C++11, C++ didn't allow Unicode escapes with a code point under 0xA0, except for 0x24 ($), 0x40 (@), and 0x60 (`)."
"C still has the same restrictions as C++98."

-w #include <dlfcn.h> void callbyname(const char *name, const char *arg) { ((int (*)(const char *)) dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, name))(arg); } callbyname("puts", "YOLO");

olle: for your c target, probably easiest to say: int *temp = &a->b; *temp = 1
iow the code generator treats lvalues uniformly as pointers


#define \u0024 $
#define \u003C ?
#define \u002F /

#define EMPTY

GOTO here;

gcc polyglot.c -I/usr/include/mysql -I/usr/include/mysql/mysql -lmysqlclient

#include "fcgi_stdio.h"

$a = parse_int($_GET['used_id']);

// TODO: This won't deal with different mem strategies
// BUT: Use _Generic to switch on it? Use same new() with different behaviour - alloca, malloc, Boehm etc.
// BUT: Should be able to use one class with many diff allocation strats, /** @alloc stack */ etc
// NB: new (foo()) is valid in PHP when foo() returns string/class name
#define new(x) x ## __constructor(alloca(sizeof(struct x)))

g_printf vs printf?

g_slice instead of malloc?

  • Class can be struct.
    • Pass around $__self explicitly
  • String can use smart strings from PHP core or GNU libc
  • Array can use same array. ** #define array const Body* but also need to pass length as an argument
  • Hashtable gonna be hard. Must use class for that?
  • GC with Boehm, no long-running scripts? Or glib slice/manual ref count
    • libgc-dev on Ubuntu
  • Need docblock for arrays - no collection class built-in in PHP
    • Fixed-size array (as in C); can't change size (at least not without copy mem; but mess up pointers?)
    • Vector, as array but can change size
    • (Double-linked) list
    • Hashtable


  • Nested assoc arrays
  • Read/write from PHP session
  • Array init in both C and PHP ** BUT: Maybe possible with #__C__ and sed? Or just sed?
  • UTF8


To include PHP which is ignored in C:

// ?> <?php $arr = $arr[0]; ?>


  • Read database config from JSON file
  • Read/write from/to database
  • Curl call somewhere
  • Some mathematical thing (n-body problem?)
  • Export something big to CSV
  • IRC-bot

Open questions

  • String concat
  • Local type inference
  • Assoc array is banned, hash table with string keys is ok


strip binary first

$ time f r a in {1..100}; do php polyglot.php; done
$ time for a in {1..100}; do ./polyglot; done

C version:
real    0m0,532s
user    0m0,266s
sys     0m0,217s

PHP version:
real    0m2,211s
user    0m1,338s
sys     0m0,810s


  • What type information is needed?
function add(int $x, int $t): int {
    return $x + $y;

function add_points(Point $p1, Point $p2) {
    return new Point($x->x



Topic is language design and type-inference.

PHP has a weird "array" type that's basically a hash table that also acts as a list. When transpiling PHP to a more machine-close language, one optimization is to infer the "array" type to a more precise type, e.g. to an actual C-like array, linked list, dynamic vector, or a traditional hash table.

Some example code:

$arr = [1, 2, 3];     // Fixed size integer array
/** @var int[42] */
$arr = [];            // Fixed-size int array with size 42
$arr[] = 4;           // Pushing a new element on top of $arr, so either dynamic vector or linked list
$arr["moo"] = 5;      // Now it's a hash table
$tuple = [1, "moo"];  // This could be a tuple, since it has different types

The challenge is to deal with these different alternatives when only limited information is available.

function foo(array $arr): string {
    return $arr[0];  // Assume a string array, that is, string[]

function foo(int $a, string $b): array {
    return [$a, $b];  // Tuple with size 2

Possible to enforce stack alloc for class? So can't combine with heap alloc classes.

/** @pholyglot stack-only */
class Point


use _ as tuple;

 * @param array<int>  // Fixed or dynamic or list?
function foo(array $arr): void {

$foo = /** @alloc stack */ new Foo();
$foo = /** @alloc pool */ new Foo();

 * @param-pholly vect<int>
 * @return-pholly tuple
function bar(array &$a): array
    $b = $a[0];  // Fixed-size
    return [$b];
 * OK in Psalm
 * @return &array<int>
function &foo(): array
    $a = [1, 2, 3];
    return $a;
[$a, $b, $c] = &foo();
echo $a;
echo $b;
echo $c;

Error. All good if error message is empty (as in Go).

function bar(): array
    //return [128, null];
    return [127, "error message"];
if (([$result, $error] = bar()) === [$result, null]) {
    echo 'all good, we got result ' . $result;
} else {
    echo $error;



Stack alloc vs value types:

 * @return Point@stack
function makePoint() {
    $p = /** @alloc stack */ new Point();
    return $p;           // Break;
    return new Point();  // Works with value types...?

 * @param SplDoublyLinkedList $points
function addPointToList(SplDoublyLinkedList $points) {
    // Pool, Boehm, ref count
    $points->push(new Point());

// Can be done with both pool, boehm, ref count?
// Polymorph on alloc kind?
array_slice($arr, 0, 1);


$foos = /** @mem pool */ [new Foo(), new Foo(), new Foo()];
$slice = array_slice($foos, 0, 1);
return $slice;  // Pool can't escape, same as stack?

Arena is not the same as a pool.

Make long == double == uintptr_t same size

21:46 size_t a = sizeof(long), b = sizeof(double), c = sizeof(uintptr_t); if (a == b && b == c) {}
22:01 static_assert(sizeof(long) == sizeof(double) == sizeof(uintptr_t));

$ gcc -E -dM - < /dev/null | egrep 'UINTPTR_TYPE|SIZEOF_LONG'
#define __SIZEOF_LONG__ 8
#define __SIZEOF_LONG_DOUBLE__ 16
#define __UINTPTR_TYPE__ long unsigned int
#define __SIZEOF_LONG_LONG__ 8
$ x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -E -dM - < /dev/null | egrep 'UINTPTR_TYPE|SIZEOF_LONG'
#define __SIZEOF_LONG__ 4
#define __SIZEOF_LONG_DOUBLE__ 16
#define __UINTPTR_TYPE__ long long unsigned int
#define __SIZEOF_LONG_LONG__ 8

x86_64 tolerates unaligned access but it's slow. Other platforms normally just segfaults.
alignof(max_align_t) is the safest alignment that works for all types.

Single owner as a solution to malloc from mysqli and other external libs?

PHP FFI could be used?


Experiment with PHP+C polyglot snippets and a transpiler written in OCaml






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