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Add unit tests for upsert() query builder method.
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Based off implementation done in laravel/framework#34698 and laravel/framework#34712.
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Ben Thomson committed Oct 20, 2020
1 parent a49a954 commit 4e89741
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"October\\Rain\\Tests\\": "tests/"
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259 changes: 259 additions & 0 deletions tests/Database/QueryBuilderTest.php
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use Illuminate\Database\ConnectionInterface;
use Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars\Grammar;
use Illuminate\Database\Query\Processors\Processor;
use October\Rain\Database\Query\Grammars\MySqlGrammar;
use October\Rain\Database\Query\Grammars\PostgresGrammar;
use October\Rain\Database\Query\Grammars\SQLiteGrammar;
use October\Rain\Database\Query\Grammars\SqlServerGrammar;
use October\Rain\Database\QueryBuilder;

class QueryBuilderTest extends TestCase
public function testSelectConcat()
// MySQL
$query = $this->getMySqlBuilder()
->selectConcat(['field', ' ', 'cast'], 'full_cast')
->selectConcat(['field2', ' ', 'cast2'], 'full_cast2');

'select `id`, concat(`field`, \' \', `cast`) as `full_cast`, concat(`field2`, \' \', `cast2`) as `full_cast2`',

$query = $this->getMySqlBuilder()
->selectConcat(['"field"', ' ', 'cast'], 'full_cast');

'select `id`, concat(\'field\', \' \', `cast`) as `full_cast`',

// SQLite
$query = $this->getSQLiteBuilder()
->selectConcat(['field', ' ', 'cast'], 'full_cast')
->selectConcat(['field2', ' ', 'cast2'], 'full_cast2');

'select "id", "field" || \' \' || "cast" as "full_cast", "field2" || \' \' || "cast2" as "full_cast2"',

$query = $this->getSQLiteBuilder()
->selectConcat(['"field"', ' ', 'cast'], 'full_cast');

'select "id", \'field\' || \' \' || "cast" as "full_cast"',

// PostgreSQL
$query = $this->getPostgresBuilder()
->selectConcat(['field', ' ', 'cast'], 'full_cast')
->selectConcat(['field2', ' ', 'cast2'], 'full_cast2');

'select "id", concat("field", \' \', "cast") as "full_cast", concat("field2", \' \', "cast2") as "full_cast2"',

$query = $this->getPostgresBuilder()
->selectConcat(['"field"', ' ', 'cast'], 'full_cast');

'select "id", concat(\'field\', \' \', "cast") as "full_cast"',

// SQL Server
$query = $this->getSqlServerBuilder()
->selectConcat(['field', ' ', 'cast'], 'full_cast')
->selectConcat(['field2', ' ', 'cast2'], 'full_cast2');

'select [id], concat([field], \' \', [cast]) as [full_cast], concat([field2], \' \', [cast2]) as [full_cast2]',

$query = $this->getSqlServerBuilder()
->selectConcat(['"field"', ' ', 'cast'], 'full_cast');

'select [id], concat(\'field\', \' \', [cast]) as [full_cast]',

public function testUpsert()
// MySQL
$builder = $this->getMySqlBuilder();
->with('insert into `users` (`email`, `name`) values (?, ?), (?, ?) on duplicate key update `email` = values(`email`), `name` = values(`name`)', ['foo', 'bar', 'foo2', 'bar2'])
$result = $builder->from('users')->upsert([['email' => 'foo', 'name' => 'bar'], ['name' => 'bar2', 'email' => 'foo2']], 'email');
$this->assertEquals(2, $result);

// PostgreSQL
$builder = $this->getPostgresBuilder();
->with('insert into "users" ("email", "name") values (?, ?), (?, ?) on conflict ("email") do update set "email" = "excluded"."email", "name" = "excluded"."name"', ['foo', 'bar', 'foo2', 'bar2'])
$result = $builder->from('users')->upsert([['email' => 'foo', 'name' => 'bar'], ['name' => 'bar2', 'email' => 'foo2']], 'email');
$this->assertEquals(2, $result);

// SQLite
$builder = $this->getSQLiteBuilder();
->with('insert into "users" ("email", "name") values (?, ?), (?, ?) on conflict ("email") do update set "email" = "excluded"."email", "name" = "excluded"."name"', ['foo', 'bar', 'foo2', 'bar2'])
$result = $builder->from('users')->upsert([['email' => 'foo', 'name' => 'bar'], ['name' => 'bar2', 'email' => 'foo2']], 'email');
$this->assertEquals(2, $result);

// SQL Server
$builder = $this->getSqlServerBuilder();
->with('merge [users] using (values (?, ?), (?, ?)) [laravel_source] ([email], [name]) on [laravel_source].[email] = [users].[email] when matched then update set [email] = [laravel_source].[email], [name] = [laravel_source].[name] when not matched then insert ([email], [name]) values ([email], [name])', ['foo', 'bar', 'foo2', 'bar2'])
$result = $builder->from('users')->upsert([['email' => 'foo', 'name' => 'bar'], ['name' => 'bar2', 'email' => 'foo2']], 'email');
$this->assertEquals(2, $result);

public function testUpsertWithUpdateColumns()
// MySQL
$builder = $this->getMySqlBuilder();
->with('insert into `users` (`email`, `name`) values (?, ?), (?, ?) on duplicate key update `name` = values(`name`)', ['foo', 'bar', 'foo2', 'bar2'])
$result = $builder->from('users')->upsert([['email' => 'foo', 'name' => 'bar'], ['name' => 'bar2', 'email' => 'foo2']], 'email', ['name']);
$this->assertEquals(2, $result);

// PostgreSQL
$builder = $this->getPostgresBuilder();
->with('insert into "users" ("email", "name") values (?, ?), (?, ?) on conflict ("email") do update set "name" = "excluded"."name"', ['foo', 'bar', 'foo2', 'bar2'])
$result = $builder->from('users')->upsert([['email' => 'foo', 'name' => 'bar'], ['name' => 'bar2', 'email' => 'foo2']], 'email', ['name']);
$this->assertEquals(2, $result);

// SQLite
$builder = $this->getSQLiteBuilder();
->with('insert into "users" ("email", "name") values (?, ?), (?, ?) on conflict ("email") do update set "name" = "excluded"."name"', ['foo', 'bar', 'foo2', 'bar2'])
$result = $builder->from('users')->upsert([['email' => 'foo', 'name' => 'bar'], ['name' => 'bar2', 'email' => 'foo2']], 'email', ['name']);
$this->assertEquals(2, $result);

// SQL Server
$builder = $this->getSqlServerBuilder();
->with('merge [users] using (values (?, ?), (?, ?)) [laravel_source] ([email], [name]) on [laravel_source].[email] = [users].[email] when matched then update set [name] = [laravel_source].[name] when not matched then insert ([email], [name]) values ([email], [name])', ['foo', 'bar', 'foo2', 'bar2'])
$result = $builder->from('users')->upsert([['email' => 'foo', 'name' => 'bar'], ['name' => 'bar2', 'email' => 'foo2']], 'email', ['name']);
$this->assertEquals(2, $result);

protected function getConnection()
$connection = $this->getMockBuilder(ConnectionInterface::class)


return $connection;

protected function getBuilder()
$grammar = new Grammar;
$processor = $this->createMock(Processor::class);

return new QueryBuilder($this->getConnection(), $grammar, $processor);

protected function getMySqlBuilder()
$grammar = new MySqlGrammar;
$processor = $this->createMock(Processor::class);

return new QueryBuilder($this->getConnection(), $grammar, $processor);

protected function getPostgresBuilder()
$grammar = new PostgresGrammar;
$processor = $this->createMock(Processor::class);

return new QueryBuilder($this->getConnection(), $grammar, $processor);

protected function getSQLiteBuilder()
$grammar = new SQLiteGrammar;
$processor = $this->createMock(Processor::class);

return new QueryBuilder($this->getConnection(), $grammar, $processor);

protected function getSqlServerBuilder()
$grammar = new SqlServerGrammar;
$processor = $this->createMock(Processor::class);

return new QueryBuilder($this->getConnection(), $grammar, $processor);

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