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Pull requests: nunit/nunit3-vs-adapter

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Pull requests list

Bump TestCentric.Metadata from 2.0.0 to 3.0.1 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file .NET Pull requests that update .net code
#1150 opened Dec 29, 2023 by dependabot bot Loading…
Bump StyleCop.Analyzers from 1.2.0-beta.507 to 1.2.0-beta.556 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file .NET Pull requests that update .net code
#1149 opened Dec 21, 2023 by dependabot bot Loading…
Bump actions/setup-dotnet from 2 to 4 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file github_actions Pull requests that update Github_actions code
#1143 opened Dec 4, 2023 by dependabot bot Loading…
Bump NUnit.Analyzers from 3.8.0 to 3.10.0 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file .NET Pull requests that update .net code
#1140 opened Nov 28, 2023 by dependabot bot Loading…
Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.7.2 to 17.8.0 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file .NET Pull requests that update .net code
#1136 opened Nov 8, 2023 by dependabot bot Loading…
Bump NUnit from 3.13.3 to 3.14.0 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file .NET Pull requests that update .net code
#1135 opened Nov 6, 2023 by dependabot bot Loading…
WIP: Issue 1052
#1108 opened Jul 4, 2023 by OsirisTerje Loading…
Bump actions/setup-java from 1 to 3.5.1 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file github_actions Pull requests that update Github_actions code
#1010 opened Sep 26, 2022 by dependabot bot Loading…
WIP Dependencies
#809 opened Dec 13, 2020 by OsirisTerje Loading…
ProTip! Type g p on any issue or pull request to go back to the pull request listing page.