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Janosch Gräf edited this page Nov 15, 2019 · 1 revision

When is the reward distributed

Block rewards are summed up over an epoch and distributed after the next epoch is finalized. The rationale of waiting an epoch is to give time for valdiators to include fork proofs into a micro block.

How is the reward calculated


  • Block reward for micro and macro blocks
  • Transaction fees for micro blocks


  • The total reward for the epoch is split between all eligible slots equally.
  • That means that stakes with more slots will receive a bigger portion of the reward.
  • A slot is eligible if they weren't slashed, i.e. they weren't view changed and there wasn't any fork proof for their block number and view number in the epoch or next epoch.
  • If a reward address can't accept the reward inherent, that individual amount is put into the remainder.
  • The reward is equally split between all well-behaving stakes, such that there is no incentive to view change a block only to include the transactions yourself.


  • If the reward can't be split exactly, it is put into the remainder
  • Also reward addresses that can't receive a reward inherent are added to the remainder
  • The remainder is first again split between all accepting slots.
  • All Luna left in the remainder (must be less policy::SLOTS) is then distributed randomly over the accepting slots.